Chapter 31 : I Love You

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Two more paper before my final exam ended and I can't wait for my semester break where I can spend more time on writing stories. And please listen to the song above. It's a great song and I am starting to get addicted to this song where I played the song everytime I turned on my laptop. The title is 'Senorita' by Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello. Enjoyed.


Jimin POV

It's been a week since I met Jungkook and my decision is tearing me apart. I miss him so much but I want to give him time to think about us. But I want to see him so bad that I'm crying alone and I'm too afraid to go home.

After thinking for a while, I decided to call my mom and I tell her everything that happened the whole week and from her silence I know that I pissed her off and I am too afraid to hear her next words that tears started pouring down my eyes.

"Minnie, you know that I'm always here for you right?" my mom said.

"Yes mom. I know. I'm just scared.... I'm scared to know that I've made a wrong decision for me and him." There is a paused between me and my mom before she started talking again.

"Minnie. You aren't making a wrong decision. You decide it at that moment because you thought that it was the best." My mom told me and it make my heart swell. Mom always know what comfort me the most.

"I miss him mom. I miss him so much." By now, I am a crying mess.

"Then Minnie, for now what do you think the best things that you can do to save your relationship?" Mom's question make me confused because I'm not sure myself.

"I don't know mom. The only thing that I know is that I miss him so much. I want to see him so damn much." I said truthfully.

"No cursing with me honey." Mom said before continuing. "And do it dear. Go and meet him. You can make new decision, nobody's stopping you." Then something clicked in my mind where I know that I can meet him and that's the only thing that I want to know.

"Thank you mom. I love you so so so sooo muchhhhh."

"I love you too honey. Now, go. Go and bring him home." Mom said before hanging up on me.

I then quickly get ready and took a cab to Jungkook's mansion. I mean our mansion. I can't wait to meet him that I can't stop smiling and shivering at the same time. The mansion seems different. It felt like there's nobody at home but Jungkook's car is in the garage.

I then knocked on the door and I am glad that Yoongi hyung is the one who open the door which means that I'm at the right place.

"Hello, hyung." I said which I only got a hug as a respon.

"I'm glad you are here." Yoongi hyung said slowly but I still could hear his words clearly.

"Did something happened, hyung?" I asked but he doesn't answer my question but instead, he just bring me to Jungkook's study room.

"He's been in there for the whole week and I'm thinking about dragging him out one of this day. But I am glad that you are here now. I would not have to waste my energy on him anymore." Yoongi hyung said before leaving me in front of the room.

I knocked on the door and open it when there is no respond from the inside. I thought that Jungkook is sleeping but he is sitting on the chair back facing me.

"I told you not to come in if there is nothing important, hyung." Hearing his voice that's so weak make my heart hurt.

"We don't have time hyung. I don't want to lose him." He said again when there is no respond from me. I can see from behind that he haven't been looking after himself for the past week. He seems so weak that even his voice is weak.

"J-Jungkook." I didn't know why but my voice is breaking because of the hurt that my heart felt just by looking at him. He seems so fragile. This is not Jungkook that I know. I tried hard to stop my tears from flowing down. I need to be strong for him.

Hearing my voice make him turn his chair quickly. "J-Jimin?" He stared at me with that disbelieved eyes. "Is it really you, baby?" He questioned me. I know he might thought that he is dreaming but he isn't. I walked towards him when I saw he started to get up because he seems so fragile right now that even a step might brought him down.

"Yes Jungkook. It's me. It's really me, your Jiminie." I told him. He put his hand on my face, feeling every part of me. I can feel the warm through his touch and it make me realise how I miss his touch against my skin.

"I-I..." He lost for words and his tears speaks for him. That moment I know that he missed me just as much as I miss him too.

"I miss you too, baby." I said as I plant a small kiss on his lips. But before I could pull back, he kissed me back hungrily and he hold me as tight as he can as if I would be gone if he let me go. I can felt his tears keep flowing down and it make mines pour out just as much as his.

We finally pulled back after a moment as both of us need to catch a breath. We put both of our forehead against each other and I don't want to move from this. After I few minutes of silence, he finally pulled back and stare at me.

"Please don't leave me again." He said and kissed my neck over and over again that moans escaped my mouth. Oh, how I have missed this.

I held his face gently and make him stare into my eyes before I speak, "I won't leave you ever again. I can't live without you. I love you so much." I said truthfully.

He look at me confusedly. "" I cut him off before he could say more. "I know what I said before make you confused, but I just can't live without you. I don't think I could stand be apart from you for another day. I might go crazy." I said and look into his eyes.

"Thank you. Thank you so much love." He said and kissed me on my face nonstop. "So, are you ready to spill out your secret to me?" I asked and look at him intensely. I can felt that he become tense once I said those words and it make me giggled a little.

"I am just joking. Don't take it seriously." I said and tried to get up from his embrace but he pulled me back on his lap and make me look up to him.

"I am ready now." He said and kissed my neck but I got up again and I pulled him with me.

"First of all, you need to eat something. You have lost weight." I said and bring him to the kitchen. I make him sit while I started cooking for him. It's been a long time since I cooked something for him that it make me kinda nervous that I forgot to wear the apron.

Jungkook slowly came towards me and put the apron around my waist. His closeness make me hold my breath. He then obediently wait for me to finish my cooking and once I put it on the dining table, he started eating as if he hadn't been eating for a long time.

Seeing he is eating deliciously make a smile form on my face. Then Yoongi's word clicked in my mind, "He's been in there for the whole week".

"Jungkook." I called when he didn't even glance at me since he started eating his food.

"Yeah?" he finally look at me for a second but he go back to eat his food.

"When is the last time you eat a proper meal?" I ask curiously because Yoongi's word keep on playing in my mind and it make me worried.

"Umm... I don't remember. Maybe... last week?"

I am sorry that it is a short chapter. But I promised that I will update the next chapter as soon as I can. BTW, the next chapter might be the last so please be patient with me. And thank you for those who keep supporting me till this day. I love you guys a lotttttttt... :)

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