Chapter 32 : Never Ending Love

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Here is the last chapter. It's not that interesting but i tried my best to end it. I never love an end, that's why it is hard for me to write an ending :'( ... i hope you guys will enjoy this update. :)



"When is the last time you eat a proper meal?" Jimin ask me and I can sense the curiosity from his voice.

"Umm... I don't remember. Maybe... last week?" I answered him but it sounded more like a question because I can't quite remember when it is. I finished the food in no time because I have missed his cooks the most and I can't live without eating his food even for a day.

"So that's why...WHAT?!" I know it's unbelievable. Even I can't believe that I am still alive. I didn't even realize a week has pass since that day. The day that Jimin decided to give me time because of my stupid trust issue.

Now that he is here, I won't let him go again. I love him too much to lose him.

"Jungkook, you haven't been eating for the whole week and you dare to come down for a meal?" He asked me angrily.

"Let's get you to bath and you need to sleep. You look like a Zombie." I saw his mouth moving and I would love it if I could kiss it. He is so cute when he is angry that it make me stare at him with adoration.

When he didn't get any reply from me, he started to drag me from the stool and it make me stumble a little. I lost balance because I didn't realize that he told me to get up before dragging my hand.

"Jungkook, are you okay? Can you stand by your own?" I know that he is worried just by hearing his voice and when I looked up at his face, I know that I really make him worried.

"I am okay." I said and give him the brightest smile that I can form in my current condition.

"Here, put your hand on my shoulder." Jimin said and I put it willingly because I want to touch him so bad. I want to feel his warm so bad that even a little touch make me happy that I can't keep myself from smiling like an idiot I am.

"You stumble on your feet but you still can smile like you are the happiest person in the world. I don't get you." Jimin said while shaking his head and I can see a small smile form on his lips.

"How can I not be happy when I got to be in your arm, baby? Heck, I would love to stumble every second if I could be in your arm forever." I said and smile at him again. I know he is blushing even if I only can see his face from his side cheek.

When we arrived at the bedroom, he put me on the bed and want me to lay down while he prepared the bath for me.

I don't know when it is but darkness come upon me and I fall asleep in no time.

"Kookie?" I hear a small voice calling my name. "Baby?" I hear the voice again and it sounds familiar. I open my eyes slowly and I saw my Jimin looking at me with those adorable eyes and it make me smile just by looking at him.

"Jungkook, I already prepared your bath. Come here, let me help you." He said and start helping me unbuttoning my shirt and removing my pants. He seems so cute when he is focusing on his job that he didn't realize that I am staring at him.

He only realize that I am only in my boxer when he finished stripping me out of my clothes and it make him blush even more. I can see that he want to get out of the room and it make me want to tease him even more and I did just that.

"Can you help me to the bathroom? I don't think I can stand on my own." I said and wink at him while flashing him my puppy eyes. I know he can't resist my puppy eyes but he seems to know me well and he know that I am just teasing him.

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