Chapter 27 : Fear of Losing

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All of you might thought that it already ended, but it wasn't the end. There gonna be a few more chapters before it ended but I assure you that it would not be long, so please be patient with me.

The next day, Jimin woke up feeling warm through his body and it make him felt save. Jimin slowly opened his eyes and saw Jungkook staring at him with love written all over his face. Jimin then started rubbing his eyes with his small palm and it makes Jungkook awes at how cute Jimin is.

Jimin can't believe that Jungkook is beside him on the same bed, that's why he is rubbing his eyes to make sure that he wasn't dreaming.

Jungkook smile while staring at Jimin's face which make Jimin blushed harder and Jimin also started to form a smile on his face following Jungkook. 'Jungkook's smile is officially infectious.'

"Morning baby." Jungkook said huskily and it make Jimin's heart fluttered. Jimin then tried to hide his face in his small palm but Jungkook stopped him. "Don't hide your face from me, baby." It make Jimin become more shy but he didn't hide his face anymore because Jungkook's word is like a command that move his body on its own.

From that day onward, their relationship becomes closer and they started to live as a happy family.




"Morning Baby." Jimin heard Jungkook voice greeting him. Usually, Jimin would woke up before Jungkook, but Jimin got too tired and sleep longer and it was all because of Jungkook. Their night was amazing but Jungkook especially hard on him last night.

For the past few months, their life was like a wave where they often fight and at the end of the day they always make up with each other. It was only a misunderstanding in the first place. That's why it only took a day to be solve.

But Jungkook was behaving strangely for the past few days. They didn't argue with each other, but Jungkook seems to become more distance from Jimin and Jungkook spend longer time in his office than usual.

Jimin decided to shrugged his uneasiness away and trust Jungkook wholeheartedly because he love Jungkook so much that he doesn't want to lost those love.

It is weekend but Jungkook isn't at home. He got something to do at the office. Sometimes Jimin wonder what Jungkook was doing at his office because Jimin is his personal assistant but he didn't get any note that say Jungkook have some work to be done urgently.

Jimin decided to bring lunch for Jungkook because he start to miss Jungkook. It always happened nowadays and Jimin himself didn't know why he got attached to Jungkook until this extend.

Jimin wear his usual clothes and drive to the office. Yup, Jungkook force Jimin to take license and bought Jimin a car because he know that he would not always be with Jimin. Jimin protested at first but he can't say no when Jungkook showed him those puppy eyes.

There is nobody at the office except the guards. It is understandable since it is weekend. Jimin then went into Jungkook office without knocking and shocked to found that there is a girl on Jungkook's lap. The lunch box fall to the floor and it make both Jungkook and the girl look at him.

Jimin stood still as he saw how Jungkook's eyes turned into a panic one. Jimin can't move even if he want to. It's like there is a glue that hold him still in place.

Jungkook pushed the girl out of his lap and tried to reach for Jimin's hand but once Jimin saw Jungkook started to stand up, he immediately run outside before Jungkook could grab his hand. Jimin's tears didn't stop flowing as his phone keep ringing. Jimin then turned his phone off and started driving, not knowing where he is heading towards. What he know is that he need to get away as far as he can.

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