Chapter 29 : Wait For Me, Baby

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Here's an update guys. Thank you for those who are still supporting my story until now. Love you guys a lot. Please enjoy the chapter :) .


"Is it settle?" Jungkook asked Yoongi when he saw Yoongi entering his office with blood still fresh on his cloth.

"Yes boss." Yoongi answered and went out to take a bath.

Finally Jungkook's job is done and he can go home. He can't wait to go home and meet with his love one. The last time Jimin called him, he know that something wasn't right but he can't risk his love life to be in danger. Hence, he decide to cut all communication before his enemy could track Jimin's location.

And now that everything has been settled, he can finally meet Jimin again. Jungkook told Yoongi to prepare his jet after everything settled and they will be leaving in an hour.

Jungkook can't stop smiling while remembering his time with Jimin and he love seeing Jimin happy in his embraced.

Before going home, Jungkook went to his office first because he need to sign an important document that he left there.

When he entered his office, his phone started ringing. It's only his first day home and the phone already started ringing nonstop and Jungkook pick it up lazily.

"Hello Mr. Jeon. It's me Thomas Smith." Jungkook heard the other side of the phone talking to him but he can't seems to remember who Thomas is.

"Thomas Smith?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes sir. I am your lawyer and I have been trying to contact you for a week but I can't reach you." Thomas said nervously.

"And may I know why you are trying to call me?" Jungkook asked curiously because it is weird for Thomas to call him because Thomas scope of work didn't involve his company at all.

"It's regarding your divorce with Mr. Park Jimin and he already sign the paper." Thomas said, proud of himself because he can finish his work in time.

Jungkook was lost. He doesn't know what divorce that his lawyer is talking about.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asked confusedly.

"You asked me to send Mr. Park Jimin a divorce paper when your marriage contract ended which is in a year time, sir."

"And it already reach a year since last week, sir." Thomas continue when he didn't heard any respond from Jungkook.

"Come to my office. Now." Jungkook said and hung up the phone. He can't believe what he heard and he want to see the proof. Jimin can't possibly just sign the paper without asking him first.

Jungkook then tried to call Jimin but there is no respond. His coming home was supposed to be a surprised for Jimin, but instead he is the one who got a surprised.

When Thomas enter the office, he saw a furious looking Jungkook standing beside his desk and glaring hard at him. It make his knees feel weak.

Thomas decided to get in and explain everything to Jungkook and also handed the envelope that Jimin had trusted to him. Thomas then get out of the office but not before he get a threat from Jungkook.

Jungkook is beyond furious because he had asked Thomas to send it a year ago for God sake and he can't believe that it would turned out like this. And, to top it all, Jimin just sign it without asking him first.

Jungkook slowly open the envelope and saw a letter and a ring in it. Jungkook took the ring and stare at it. Without realizing, tears started to flow out of his eyes.

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