Chapter 12 : The Secret

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Author POV:

Jimin wake up early as usual. He went to prepare breakfast for the day. He started cooking bacon and eggs. That's the simplest breakfast, he can cooks with his condition. But it still tooks him a longer time to prepare breakfast since he can only use one hand.

Before Jimin finished preparing breakfast, Jungkook wallked down the stairs and went to the kitchen. He is angry because Jimin is cooking instead of resting. "What are you doing?" Jungkook asked furiously.

Jimin was shocked and almost drop the plate contains the bacons and eggs. Jungkook walked towards Jimin and hold the plate and place it on the table. "I-I am preparing your breakfast?" Jimin answered

Jungkook then ignored Jimin words and proceed to eat the breakfast. He is determined to make sure that his plan succeed. After finishing his breakfast and cleaned the dishes, he went to work. That's how Jungkook's busy day started.

Meanwhile, Jimin doesn't know what to do at home alone since he used to be working all the time. He started watching movie, playing games and also clean the house. But there are still so many free time and it almost make him go nuts. He miss his family but he knew if he called them, he will want to go home so he restrain himself from calling. After a few minutes of thinking, he decided to call Tae. So he can found out about the conflict between Jungkook and Taehyung.

"Hello Tae. What are you doing?" Jimin asked happily. He can't denied that he miss Taehyung.

"Hello Chim!" Tae answered excitedly because he also miss Jimin so much. "I am at home. There is no more classes for today. Wanna hang out?" Taehyung asked Jimin to hang out because he miss Jimin and he also want to know the real reason behind Jimin's marriage.

"I dont know Tae. Jungkook might not like it." Jimin declined the offer even though he is bored because he know that Jungkook doesn't like Taehyung and Jimin doesn't want Jungkook to get mad. Jimin want Jungkook to trust him so Jungkook will become more comfortable around him.

"But, we can talked on the phone? Wanna have a video call?" Jimin asked since Taehyung fall silent on the other side.

"Sure! I really miss you Chim." Taehyung replied excitedly. At least Taehyung can see Jimin although there is no physical contact. He just want to at least see Jimin and make sure that Jimin is okay.

After a few minutes of video calling, well actually they are talking for almost an hour about how Tae bring his pet to the class because there is no body who care about him beside Jimin and he need a friend. They can't stop laughing at each other. Telling stupid joke and many more. Until Tae started asking Jimin about Jimin's life. It started to become awkward from that point.

"Jimin. How is your life? Are you okay?" Tae asked after a long paused.

"I-I am happy Tae. Never been so good." Jimin give a fake smile to Taehyung. He lied again. He lied about his injury too by telling Tae that he fall and Jungkook take good care of him by giving him a leave and also make sure that he took his medicine. Well, at least he is not fully lying. Jungkook did care about him a little.

Taehyung know it id a fake smile but he doesn't want to pressure Jimin so he decided to let go. After a few minutes of silent. Jimin decided to broke the silence by asking Tae about Jungkook.

"Tae" Jimin called. "Yes my dear little friend?" Tae answered, trying to lighten the mood.

"Can I asked you a question?" Jimin asked. He doesn't want Tae to get mad at him.

"You already are asking me Chim." Tae said while gigling a little. Jimin also started gigling. It make Jimin more confident to asked Tae about Jungkook.

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