Chapter 14 : Reality Hurts

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Jimin POV

It's been two weeks and I am going for my honeymoon tomorrow. Well, Jungkook said to assumed it as a vacation so I guess I'm gonna be enjoying my time alone there. He would not care about me anyway. Just like how we ignore each other all this time. I just hope that I would have fun there. I have never been to Florida so it makes me a little excited. It have been my dreamed to travel all around the world but I just forgot about it when dad leave us because I have a family to take care of.

Now, it is my chance to travel and I hope one day I have enough money to bring my family together with me.

I heard a click of the door. It must be Jungkook. I peek outside my door just in case it was someone else and I know it was Jungkook when I saw him going inside his room which is in front of mine.

I am actually bothered with his action and I am desperated to solve this uneasiness that I felt. I just don't want to ruin this vacation with us not talking with each other. Right now, I am debating with myself whether to go ask him directly or just text him and then I decided to ask him directly.

I knock his door but there is no answer so I decided to walk inside. I know he doesn't like it when I am in his room but I just need to talk to him before we are off to US.

"Urmm.. Mr. Jeon? Are you there?" I started asking and I saw Jungkook standing in front of his bathroom with only a towel on his waist. I am shocked so I turn around immediately. He must have just finished his bath.

"W-We need to talk." I said still not turned around to look at him because I can heard his footsteps. He must be getting to his closet because the is ruffling sound behind me.

"You can turned around now." He told me after a few minutes of silence. Thank god. I thought that he gonna shove me out of his room but he didn't and I let out a sigh of relieved.

I turned around and saw him with only a boxer and he is trying to put on his shirt. I can't stop myself from staring at his abs and I didn't even realized it until he put his shirt on and hide his abs but I still can still saw it behind those white shirt.

"Like what you see?" He said and a smirk formed on his mouth after a few minutes of silence between us. I just ignored his word and started talking about what have been on my mind these past days.

"Look. I am sorry for behaving like a brat these past days. But it is not entirely my fault. You also made me mad so you have to apologize to me too." I said looking straight in his eyes but I regretted saying those words. His warm brown eyes earlier turned into a dark one and I can see that there is anger in them.

He walked closer to me and I walked backward trying to distant myself from him but I was stopped with a wall behind me. "Shit." I mumbled to myself. He trapped me between his hand and we are standing closed to each other and I felt like I can't breath with his closeness.

"I would never apologize to you. Mark my word Jimin. Never!" He said in a slow yet cold voice. He stare into my eyes and I move my gaze towards another places because I can't stand his stare. It make me breathless. Who am i kidding with. Of course Mr. Devil would never apologize. At least not in this life time. I ignored my thought.

"Its okay Mr. Jeon. I already forgave you." I said with a little bit of sarcasm in my word and I know he can felt it when he move his body closer and trapped me between his hard chest and the wall. He move his hand to my waist and grab me closer to him.

"Who do you think you are to forgive me? I don't need your forgiveness." He said full of rage and tighten his hold on my waist.

"Y-You are h-hurting me." I managed to let out my voice and he finally released me from his hold. I felt a little bit calmer than before when he released me from his hold.

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