Chapter 9 : Little Peach

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Jimin POV

I woke up with the same dream since one year ago. I am used to it by now. After preparing myself for my first day at work, I decided to prepare some breakfast. I just cooks some bacons and eggs.

I wonder how Jungkook usually have his breakfast. I need to buy some groceries after work. I thought to myself.

After finished eating my breakfast and platting the dishes on the table for Jungkook, I heard footsteps from the stairs. It must be Jungkook. Jungkook walked down fully dressed for works.

"Come and have breakfast." I saw he walked towards the table and took a sit to eat his breakfast. I served him bacons and eggs. "Then, I will take my leave now" I told him while walking past the table.

"Where are you going?" I can see that he is confused with my actions.

"I am going to the office. I have to be there before you, remember?" I explained to him.

"I will take you there and you can be there at the same time as me. But just for today" he told me in a serious tone while making me sit in front of him again. "Eat breakfast first."

"I already ate my breakfast. I will wait for you outside" I can see that he tried to eat quickly because I said I will wait outside. "Take your time Jungkook. You might get chocked eating like that. I will wait for you. I wont go by myself. Its my first day. Its more comfortable if there is someone I know at work on my first day" I told him while smiling. I can see he become calmer and eat comfortably. I then walked outside and wait for him.

I am so nervous. So this is how everybody felt on their first day at work. I wonder why I never felt like this before. Maybe because, I am used to the commoner job and this is a new experience for me. Working in a big company. I am a little scared but I will try my best.

"Lets go" I saw Jungkook walked tgrought the front door and I followed him to his car. It is so akward to go to work with my boss and it is so silent. I cant stand the silent anymore and start to talk. "I am a little scared" I hope he heard me and will give me some courage but instead of courage, he said something I never expected to hear from him today since he seems to be in a good mood.

"You are supposed to be scared. You dont even have the qualifications but you will be working at my company. I just hope you would not be a dissapointment to my company" I can feel that he is sincere.

But it is true that I dont have the qualifications. I bet everybody who work at his company have a high qualifications. I am also hoping that I can do my work correctly. I just hope my clumsiness wont ruined my job.

"I-I know. I-I will do my best." I dont know why I am stuttering. Maybe because I am nervous. He looks at me for a few seconds before looking back at the road. He seems guilty. But why? Am I dissapointing him already. I shaked my head and ignored my thought. I need to be happy. This is what I want. A better job. I need to do my best.

It does not take long for us to reach the company. I followed Jungkook until we reached to his floor. Jungkook started telling something to his secretary and I just stood behind him not moving an inches. After that, I saw his secretary came towards me.

"Hi there, I am Mr Jeon secretary. You can call me Anna" she said to me. She is so cute and polite. Unlike her boss.

"Hi, I am Park Jimin. You can call me Jimin. Mr Jeon told me that you will be the one who teach me about my work. Thank you in advance" I told her sincerely while shaking her hand.

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