Chapter 22 : Trust and Love

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There might be many error in this chapter but I am quite busy with my studies and doesn't have much time to reread it. So, forgive me for my mistake. Hope you enjoy it.


Its weekend already and Jimin have been thinking about what Daniel had said to him for the past three days. After Jungkook going out with Daniel on that day, Jungkook come to see Jimin and he seems to want to tell Jimin something but he didn't said anything.

Jimin on the other hand had kept himself busy all the time because that was the only way that he could forget about what Daniel had said. By losing himself in his work world. But today he doesn't any work to do and he can't stop thinking about Jungkook.

Why am I thinking about him. He can do whatever he want with his life. He is big enough to know what was wrong and what was right. But why? Why was my heart felt like it was shattered into pieces. Is it because he is my husband? No, it can't be because of that.

Jimin was thinking a lot and he didn't saw Jungkook the whole day. It's night already and Jungkook still wasn't at home. Jimin was worried and decided to call Jungkook but there was no answer. Jimin wait for Jungkook until he felt asleep on the couch.

On the other hand, Jungkook was in his own world after he saw Nayeon on his way back to the office after meeting with Daniel.


Jungkook walked out of the restaurant and he was stopped by a girl who stood in front of him. He looked at the girl in disbelief. He didn't know whether he was angry or confused.

Before this, he always pushed the girl away in anger and never in his mind he would felt nothing when he finally meet her again after 5 years.

"Jungkook. I miss you." Nayeon said and proceed to hug Jungkook. Jungkook was shocked with her action and move back a little.

"What do you want from me?" Jungkook asked after a few moments of silence between them.

"I miss you Jungkook." Nayeon said once again. Jungkook just stay still and wait for Nayeon to continue her word. "I am sorry for everything I had done to you. But please listen to me. I have my reason." Nayeon continued.

"I dont want to hear any more words from you. For me, you are dead already." Jungkook said in a harsh word and Nayeon stood back a bit because of Jungkook tone.

"Please Jungkook. I have my reason and I love you. I never stopped loving you." Nayeon said with teary eyes, pleading for Jungkook to hear her out.

"You have five minutes." Jungkook said and looked uninterested.

"I need money for my mother surgery. I don't have any other way. I tried working but the pay was never enough." Nayeon said and started sobbing.

"I can't lose my mother. She is the only one I have." Nayeon said again.

Jungkook pitied Nayeon for what happened but only for a while. His cold facade came back and he said in cold voice, "I am rich as fuck Nayeon. What make you think that I wouldn't help you if you had asked for my help back then?".

Nayeon jolted a little by Jungkook voice. "I don't want to be seemed as a gold digger, Jungkook. I love you for who you are. Not for your money. I can't just asked for your money like that." Nayeon said crying harder than before.

"I thought that you know me better than that, Nayeon." Jungkook said and was about to left but stopped by Nayeon.

"I know its my fault. I am sorry. Please forgive me Jungkook. I miss you and I love you. I regretted what I had done. I can't live without you." Nayeon said again.

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