Chapter 17 : Hate and Sadness

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Author POV

There is a warm feeling from beside Jimin's body and he felt at peace. He doesn't have a bad dream for the first time in a long time. He felt like he want to sleep forever and not get up from the bed. There is only one things that make Jimin confused, why does his bed felt a little hard than usual and there is a minty smell coming from the bed.

Then it came into Jimin mind about what happened when he decided to open his eyes and saw Jungkook beside him, putting his hand around Jimin waist. Now Jimin felt sore all over his body but the only things he want to do now was getting away from Jungkook.

Jimin walked out of the bed slowly, not wanting to wake Jungkook up. He can't stand the boy anymore. He walked to his own room and took a long bath. He want to forget everything that happened but his tears keep flowing down nonstop. After a long shower, he wore a large sweatshirt and jean and head to his bed. He want to sleep and forget everything.

Jungkook woke up a few hours later and immediately headed to the bathroom for a shower. After openning the shower, he then realized what he has done towards Jimin. He immediately burst out of the bathroom and panic when he saw Jimin wasn't on his bed. Where did he go? Jungkook thought. Wait. Why am I worried. He deserved this. Jungkook then continued his shower and headed to his closet to find some clothes to wear.

His cellphone was ringing and it was Yoongi who called for him.

"Hello." Jungkook said.

"Hello boss. I already had the information you need." Yoongi said. Jungkook was confused. "Where should I put it boss?" Yoongi asked when there is no reply.

"Just put it on my table in my study room. I will look at it when I get home." Jungkook answer even thought he doesn't know what kind of information that Yoongi get. But whatever it is, Yoongi always give him what he needs.

"Are you okay boss? You sound different." Yoongi said since Jungkook sound so distant.

"I am fine. I will meet you later." Jungkook said and immediately hang up. He can't think straight and he need some rest.

He headed to his bed, but there is something that caught his attention. There is a red stain on his bed. Then he realized that it was Jimin's and not his. He must have hurt Jimin badly. He felt guilty and walked towards Jimin's room. He opened the door carefully not to disturb Jimin. Jimin was sleeping on his bed like a baby.

Jungkook know that Jimin was in pain and it is because of him but he is still angry at Jimin. Jungkook sat at the end of Jimin bed and look at Jimin longingly. He brought the strings of hair from Jimin forehead to the back of his ear. His gaze fall towards Jimin's plum lips. He had an urge to kiss the lips and slowly bringing his face closer to Jimin's.

But he was stopped by a ringing that came from Jimin's phone. Jungkook immediately stood still beside the bed not making any sound.

Jimin slowly turn to the other side and took his phone. He answer without moving from his stance. Jimin didn't realized that Jungkook was seeing his every action because Jungkook was behind him.

"Hello?" Jimin answer with a husky voice.

"Hello Jimin."

Jimin move his phone from his ear and look at the caller id which is unknown. "Who is this?" Jimin asked still not realizing Jungkook behind his back trying to hear his conversation.

"Guess who?"

"Well 'Guess Who', I am tired." Jimin said hoping the conversation would end. He want to rest some more.

"Wait. It's me. Namjoon." Namjoon said hoping Jimin doesn't hang up.

"Namjoon-shi?" Jimin asked shocked and immediately sit up. "Urghh.." He felt pain on his lower part and it make him remember the night again. He slowly rub his waist to east the pain.

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