Chapter 2 : Not Again

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Jungkook POV

"Argh. My head hurt. Where am I?" I mumbled to myself. I grab the medicine and water on the side table and took it. After a while, the headache started to go down and I realized that I am in my own room. 'I really should not drink that much' I thought to myself. Then I realized there is a girl beside me on my bed and she is naked under the blanket. She seems to start waking up and I give her a cold glare as if commanding her to get away from me.

As if she know what i mean that she was not needed beside me anymore, she started to wake up and get dressed to get out of my room. Seeing her getting dressed in my room make me remembered why I am in this state. Getting drunk which is not really like me. It's been a week now.


I wake up from sleep and saw a girl beside me. When I saw that she has no mean to wake up from sleep, I yelled "Hey! Wake up and get out of my house!". I saw she started to wake up from sleep and look at me in disbelief. Yes, I always use harsh word when talking with outsider especially woman because I don't want history to repeat itself. And it effect my family too because I became a cold person. But they accept me for who I am and I am really glad for that.

When that girl started to get dressed, my mother came to my room. Its became habits for her to come to my house early during the weekend. I guess she is hoping that there will be a day when there is no girl in my house when she came. Usually she doesnt came to my room until the girl went out of my house. Shocked was evident in her eyes. Well, it is not the first time that she saw me with a girl and on top of that a different girl every morning. But she always seems shocked and there is also hurt and pain in her eyes.

I dont want her to feel like that but I just cannot change my self. Not after what happen with... . Remembering about it make me sick. After the girl get outside, she came beside me and started talking. "What happen to you Jungkook. What happen to my lovely son." I know its still hard for her but this is my decision. Its hard for me too. "Mommy, you know I am still Jungkook. Your son. Even thought my character is different, I am still your son. And I love you mommy."

After hearing that, she smile sadly at me, as if thinking that what she would say next will hurt me. "Jungkook, I want you to start settling down and get married." And it really hurt me. "Mommy, you know that I dont believe in love and marriage anymore. Not after what happened. You know it. So why do you want me to get married?" I told her a little bit angry with her word. "Yes, I know it. But at least, if you get married I would felt at ease because there is somebody who will take care of you. And I would not have to see different girl in your room every morning."

I saw pain in her eyes when she mention about the girl that I have brought home with me. "Cant you do this one thing for me? You know I love you and want the best for you." I know what she said is right, but I am not ready to get married. "But I am not ready mommy." I told her truthfully. "Just think about it. Okay. I know marriage is the best for you." She then walked out and leave me.

Present Time

My mother want me to get married. When the girl was about to leave, I saw the last person I want to see at my door step, which is my mother. 'Now she would not stop pestering me about getting marriage.' I thought to myself. Little did I know that it would be worse than that. She came to my bed and told me the last thing I want to hear, "I want you to get married Jungkook. I will give you two month. If you dont have anyone in two month, you have to get married with my choice. And you would not like it if it is my choice dont you. So, get yourself a bride in two month." My eyes widen hearing her words.

"Mommy. You know I dont want to get married and now you give me two month to find myself a bride? How can I find myself a bride when I dont want to get married. You cant force me mommy." I know she is my mother, but she went overboard. I would not get married. "Yes I can Jungkook. Either you get married or lost the company. Choose." She said calmly. "Mommy, you cant take my company away. I build it on my own and it is my company for God sake." I told her angrily.

"Oh no Jungkook. I can because your father is my husband and he can take the company from you anytime if I asked him too. And you know he would listen to me, dont you." My mother said with smirked on her face. I lost for word. I dont know what to say. The company is mine but due to some circumstances, I have to merged the company with my father's company. And now it back stabbed me. Knowing that I dont have any excuses, she left me alone in the room, lost in my own thought.

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