Chapter 15 : The Encounter

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I am sorry for this update but I really really want to changes the character of mafia leader into Namjoon. It's been on my mind since I upload this chapter, something came and I haven't got any chances to change it and when I am able to get back to wattpad, many of you have already read this chapter. So I decided to just continued the story.

But when I start to write a new chapter, which is chapter 18, I realized that I can't continued with the character anymore and it make me stuck. I can't continue writing the chapter, so I am back here to make the changes. There will only be a change of name. I am just informing you, in case you would be confused when I upload chapter 18.


*Jimin was shivering, but the touch make him felt warm. He slowly opened his eyes and meet with a cold and furious one and he know that it was Jungkook's eyes.*

Author POV

Jungkook dragged Jimin outside of the club harshly. Jimin just followed Jungkook because he was scared. Scared of what will happen. Scared of what Jungkook will say to him. They stopped only when they are near their car at the parking lot. Jimin just stood still and the silence between them, bring shiver down his spaine.

"I told you to stand still didn't I. And what did you do. Slutting around!" Jungkook said full of rage. He was so mad and he doesn't know why. Is it because Jimin doesn't heard any of his words or because Jimin was with another man besides him. All he know was he was mad and furious for everything that happened.

Jimin was stunned. He doesn't know what to say. He was afraid to say the truth. What if Jungkook doesn't believed him. "I-I .." Jimin was trying to find courage to speak buat he was cutted by Jungkook.

"I what?" Jungkook asked louder than before. He was starting to pissed off with Jimin for not answering him.

It make Jimin totally went silent. Jimin was fighting his tears from falling down. He doesn't want to be weak in front of Jungkook. He just look at his shoes as if it was the most interesting things at the moment.

Jungkook was getting more furious because of the silence and immediately walked to his car amd drove away, leaving Jimin alone there. Jimin tried calling for Jungkook but Jungkook just ignored him and vanished from Jimin sight.

Jimin was lost in his thought. He was in a stranger place and doesn't know where to go. He doesn't want to go inside the club again so he decided to just walked along the road until he found a park and he decided to went there for the time being.

Jungkook arrived at his mansion and immediately went inside. He was really pissed off with Jimin and he forgot everything else.

"Welcome home Mr. Jeon." Kyle said and try to find Jimin behind Jungkook but he wasn't there.

Jungkook just walked away and ignored Kyle words.

Jungkook reached his bedroom in no time. He immediately went to shower because he need to calm himself, he hated that Jimin was effecting him this much. After showering, he called for Kyle.

"Yes sir" Kyle speak on the other side.

"Has Jimin came home?" Jungkook asked. He might be angry at Jimin but he can't stop the worried feeling that he felt so he decided to ask.

"Not yet sir." Kyle answered.

It make Jungkook become more worried. Now he remembered that Jimin was never been to Florida and he must not know the way to come home. And his stupid ass just have to leave Jimin alone at the club where Jimin was almost get harassed by a stranger. 'Shit'. Jungkook curse in his mind.

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