Chapter 30 : I'll be Waiting

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Here is an update. I am sorry for being late and thank you for your patience. Today is the 8th of Eid and I want to wish a happy Eid for those who celebrate it. Please enjoy the chapter :)


'Wait for me baby. I am coming for you. For us.' - Jungkook
After a long rest because of the flight, Jimin decided to go out and get some fresh air because he need to calm his mind. For the past week the only things that crossed his mind is about Jungkook and it make him become depressed as day passed by.

So, Jimin decided to go to the only place that he had ever travel too, which is Florida. It's been a long time since he had been there and it bring back memory. The memory of when he and Jungkook was still in a stranger mood.

Remembering those time make Jimin quite sad because Jimin had thought about forgetting Jungkook by remembering only the bad things, which is the reason of why he is in Florida. But instead of that, it make Jimin missed jungkook more and more that he didn't realized that tears started to slowly fall on his cheeks.

"Jimin-ssi?" Jimin heard a voice calling for his name and he wipe the tears immediately. "Yes?" Jimin answered, unsure because he doesn't know the person in front of him.

"You might not know me, but I know you." The guy said and it make Jimin furrows his brow because he really has no idea who the person is. "How do you know me?" Jimin asked curiously because he had not make any friend in Florida except for Namjoon.

"Actually, I am the one who put you in the basement for saving my boss, Kim Namjoon." Then Jimin remember that he had seen the guy at the park and also at Namjoon's mansion. "Ahh.. I remember you now." Jimin said and smile happily for remembering what had happened at that night.

"I am sorry about what happened before." The guy said and it make Jimin chuckled a little.

"Nah, you don't know me at that time, so it's okay." Jimin said and give the brightest smile that he can. It make the guy's heart swell a bit, seeing those pretty smile.

Jimin hold out his hand to the guy, "The name is Park Jimin." The guy shakes Jimin hand, "I am Sean, Sean Edward."

Then silence come as Jimin's mind started to rewind everything that happened after he met Namjoon and it make him sad again.

"Jimin-ssi?" Once again, Sean voice brought Jimin back to reality. "Ah, sorry. What was it again?" Jimin asked guiltily for not listening to what Sean has been talking about.

"Jimin-ssi, you seems sad. What happened?" Sean asked instead of answering because Jimin seems lost in thought and a little sad.

"It's nothing. I just miss home." Jimin answered and give a sad smile to Sean. Sean can see that something was not right.

"Want to visit the mansion again? Boss would not mind if it is you." Sean asked and look towards Jimin.

"Sure. I would love too. It's been a long time." Jimin said excitedly and grab Sean hand to stand up. He can't wait to meet Namjoon again.

But before they can stand up, they stumble back and Sean fall directly on top of Jimin. Jimin started laughing out loud until his eyes teared up. Jimin's laugh make Sean also burst out laughing.

But their laugh was interrupted when Sean suddenly been pulled away from Jimin by someone and Jimin can't believe his eyes because the person that pulled Sean away is none other than Jungkook, the love of his life.

"What are you doing, sir?" Sean asked looking at Jungkook angrily.

"I am the one who supposed to ask you that question. What are you doing with my wife?" Jungkook asked without moving his gaze from Jimin eyes. How he missed those eyes looking at him.

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