Chapter 5 : First Impression

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Author POV

Jimin woke up a little bit late since he does not have work in the morning. He just went down and found his mom laying in the living room probably waiting for him to wake up before going to rest because she always do that when Jihoon got school.

Jimin when beside his mom and try to wake her up and urge her to rest in her room instead of the living room. His mother wake up and move to her bedroom to take some rest but not before telling Jimin to eat his breakfast in the kitchen before going out finding job. Thats just what Jimin is about to do. Because he will not be able to concentrate without eating first.

Jimin POV

After finishing my breakfast, I was about to get to my bedroom to dress up for the day, and my phone is ringing. There is an unknown number calling. I pickep it up immediately hoping it is from one of the company I applied for job. "Hello." "Hello. May I speak with Mr Park Jimin?." Its a female voice. "Yes. Park Jimin's speaking." I told her.

"Mr Park, I am Kim Anna from JK Corporation. You are applying for a PA position in our company. You are required to come for an interview tomorrow morning at 8.00 am sharp." She told me in details. I felt so excited. "Yes." Without realizing, the words came out of my mouth because of my excitement. I heard chuckling from her side. "I..I am sorry. Its kind of slip out". I told her embarrased with my action.

"I will take that as a yes from you Mr Park." She told me in a usual tone again. "Yes Ms Kim. I will be there tomorrow morning." I told her. She hung up after telling me to dress in work attire for the interview. I am so excited because finally I got an interview. Thats when it crossed my mind that I dont have any clothes that suitables for this kind of work.

I decided to call Tae because he might have it and I can borrowed it from him. And I will buy some for myself if I got the job. Luckily he has one that might fit me which is from his high school since he is taller than me. After I picked it from Tae house, I prepare myself for the interview.

Interview Day (still Jimin POV)

I got inside the company and it amazed me because it is so big and it looks amazing. I felt a little insecure but since I always love to try something new, I put my fear behind and walk to the receptionist. "May I help you sir?" the receptionist asked me politely. "Ms Kim Anna asked me to come for an interview." I told her Ms Kim name since she told me to do that. "You can head to the 7th floor and the elevator is in the left sir." She told me politely.

I walk to the elevator and bump into a man which is taller than me and his aura is quite scary. I cursed my clumsiness in my head. "I..I am sorry sir." He just give me a glared and ignored me completely before going into the elevator. I really dont want to mess up with this type of person. I followed behind him because its already 7.45 am and I dont want to be late for my interview. I'm just hoping that the one who will interview me did not arrived yet. I am felling quite nervous since this is my first time for an interview in a huge company.

Aftet it reached 7th floor, both of us get out of the elevator. The man just walked straight to an office. I guess it is his office. Then, I saw a woman approaching me and I think that she is Ms Kim since she seems to know me from my face. "Mr Park. Please follow me and have a seat. Your turn will come later." I just followed her since I am so nervous and just patiently wait for my turn to come.

"Mr Park, its your turn." I just nodded and followed her to the office and it shocked me because it is the same office that the scary man just walk in just now. I told myself in mind that he is not the one who will interview me. "Sir Jungkook, Mr Park is here." She told the person in the office. "Let him in." The man told her back. The moment I walked in and I saw him I knew that this would not be good. I stood there not moving until he told me to sit on the chair in front of him.

Author POV

Jungkook was shocked to see the one who bump into him step into his office for the interview. 'So, thats why I have a feeling that I have never saw him before.' He thought to himself. After He saw that the person was not moving, he told him to take a sit and the person just quickly walk and take a sit on the chair. It amused Jungkook a bit with his cute behaviour.

"Mr Park Jimin." Jungkook called his name. "Y..Yes sir." He answer Jungkook as if thats a question for him to answer. "I have already gone throught your resume. So, may I know why you are applying for this job with your qualifications and why should I hired you when there are many others who are more qualified than you for this position." Jungkook told him in a cold tone.

Jimin was never been in an interview for job before because the job he got so far does not required any interview. So, he does not know how to react to such question. Instead, he just blurted out what his mind was thinking about. "I know I am not qualified for this position but isn't there stated that there is no qualification needed as long as you are above 18 years old and a male. I am quite sure that I am a male and I am already 21 years old. So, I dont see any reason why I could not applied for this job." Jimin explain what was in his mind without stuttering for once.

They could hear a laugh at the back where Hoseok was behind Jungkook laughing out loud. "He got your ass buddy." Hoseok told Jungkook still chuckling to himself. Jimin was shocked. He thought that Jungkook was the only one in there with him. Jimin was scared to death when he saw Jungkook eyes that full of anger and coldness. There is only one thing that he can think of to do in that moment.

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