Chapter 24 : Busted

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Jimin was so happy during the week because he can spend time with his brother. Jimin want to visit his mother, but it was to far since his mother is still in the hospital.

He can't risk for Jungkook to find out or Jungkook might stop him from seeing his family. At least that was what in Jimin mind the whole time he was with Jungkook.

In the end, Jimin end up spending his time with his brother during those week. Ingoring Jungkook the whole week and making Jungkook feeling insecure. Jimin always have lunch without him for the whole week and he is starting to get suspicious.

"Hey. What are you thinking about?" Daniel asked when he saw that Jungkook wasn't giving him any attention.

"It's Jimin. He's been leaving me alone for lunch for almost a week." Jungkook said while pouting his mouth. Jungkook was definitely starting to felt neglected by Jimin.

"I've never saw you like this. You are totally whipped, Jungkook." Daniel said in teasing. But, Jungkook took it as a complement. Yup, Jungkook know he is totally whipped by Jimin. Jungkook was getting to attached towards Jimin that he can't even stand the thought of been far from Jimin.

Having those thought in his mind made Jungkook smile to himself. Daniel can't help but to smile along with Jungkook.

"Let's go." Daniel said suddenly.

"Where to?" Jungkook asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"To find out why he left you alone during lunch." Daniel said again as if it was the only thing that they are supposed to do.

Jungkook immediately stood up and followed Daniel. They went near Jimin's office and peak inside. Jimin was just about to get out for lunch since it's almost lunch hour.

They followed Jimin until they reached the restaurant that they went to before. Where Daniel got soaked by a young man working there. Daniel was feeling excited because he can meet the boy who catch his eyes once again.

Daniel got to know Jihoon, the one who worked there when they accidently meet again and they come to acknowledge each other. Daniel know he wasn't supposed to be close to the boy but he was still drawn towards the boy. As if there is a magnet that pulled him closer and he can't seem to distance himself either.

They saw Jimin walked to the end of the store where there is a table for two and sit there. Jungkook and Daniel followed Jimin and also sit at the table for two but not too close so that they would not be busted.

Instead of looking at Jimin, Daniel's eyes is searching for someone else and when his eyes catch the boy that he was searching for, he can't stop himself from staring. Meanwhile, Jungkook was staring at Jimin longingly. He remember the moment where he usually have his lunch with Jimin besides him, laughing together.

Oh God. How he had missed those moments the whole week. Jungkook thought and keep smiling towards Jimin direction.

Meanwhile, Daniel was wondering why Jihoon was walking straight towards Jimin. Daniel was actually about to call Jihoon, but when he saw Jihoon immediately went  towards Jimin when he saw Jimin at the table, he decided not to call Jihoon but instead watch them intensely. Jungkook also started to get tensed when he saw Jihoon went and kiss Jimin on his forhead. And Jimin returned it with a kiss on the cheek. 

Jungkook wasn't the only one that was furious at the moment, but Daniel too. Daniel didn't know why he was furious, but what he know was that he doesn't want anyone else to touch Jihoon except him. Daniel definitely wasn't into boys, but Jihoon seems to be a special case for him but Daniel doesn't want to admit it.

Jungkook was about to get up and went straight to Jimin, but he was stopped by Daniel. "Wait. Don't make a scene. Let's just wait for a moment and see what they are doing together." Daniel said, trying to calm Jungkook down.

Instead of a calm Jungkook, Daniel got a more furious Jungkook and he know that he can't stop Jungkook anymore, so he decided to let Jungkook go and did whatever he wanted to do.

Jungkook walked furiously towards Jimin direction and yanked Jimin up from his sit. To say that Jimin was shocked was an understatement. Jimin was totally dumbfounded.

"Ju-Jungkook. W-What.." Before Jimin could finish his word, Jungkook started telling his brother to stay away from him coldly.

"Stay away from my husband." Jungkook said and glare towards Jihoon as if he want to shred Jihoon into pieces if he could.

"Jungkook, what are you saying?" Jimin asked Jungkook, starting to get irritated with Jungkook's tone of voice. "He is my..." Once again Jimin was stopped but not by Jungkook. Instead it was by his own brother.

"What if I say I don't want to stay away. What can you do?" JIhoon said and give a smirk towards Jungkook. It makes Jungkook inside boiled with anger.

"Hoonnie. Stop it." Jimin said while gritting his teeth. He doesn't want Jungkook to misunderstood about his relationship with Jihoon. Jimin know sooner or later, he gonna have to tell Jungkook about his family, but he didn't expect that it would turn out this way.

Jimin turned towards Jungkook but he only got a glared back and Jimin gulp in his throat. Jungkook only got like that when he was really angry, and Jimin doesn't want Jihoon first impression towards Jungkook to end up like this. So, he decided to pull Jungkook out of the restaurant.

Jungkook followed Jimin willingly and drive home. "You have an explanation to do." That was the only words that Jungkook said to Jimin the whole way home. "I know I do. I am sorry." Jimin said almost can't be heard by Jungkook. But Jungkook being the person he is, he heard Jimin's word and he feel calmer just by hearing Jimin's voice.

When they reached home, Jungkook went straight inside the house ignoring Jimin who was still in the car. Jungkook wait on the couch in the living room. When Jimin got inside of the house, Jungkook immediately called for Jimin to come and sit in front of him.

Jimin went and sit obediently. Jimin learned to never disobeyed Jungkook when he was in a bad mood because the outcome would not be good.

"Anything to say?" Jungkook asked and stare at Jimin. He saw how Jimin didn't even look at him but he know that Jimin heard him.

"I am sorry. I want to tell you. I didn't know that it would turned out to be like this." Jimin said still looking and playing with his own hand.

"What are you going to say, huh? You are going to say that 'I am sorry Jungkook. I cheated on you.' Something like that?" Jungkook said furiously and didn't realized that he had raised his voice a little that make Jimin flinched on his sit.

"I didn't..."

"Didn't what?" Jungkook asked abruptly when he saw Jimin was about to talk again.

"I didn't cheated on you," Jimin said and finally looking away from his own hadn and bring his face up to look at Jungkook.

"Then what are you doing? You are kissing another person who isn't your husband. If that wasn't cheating, then what?" Jungkook asked furiously. Jungkook was at his limit. He is controlling his anger because he love Jimin, but he was about to explode when Jimin denied that he was cheating on him.

Jeng Jeng Jeng
Actually, I didn't expect to upload this new chapter yet because I thought that it wasn't even a week yet since I uploaded the previous chapter. But, when I checked back, it turned out that I am already late and it is way past a week.
I am sorry for this late update especially towards user50347065 . Thank you for reminding me.

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