Chapter 7 : The Decision

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Author POV

Jimin went home almost at 10.00 am after waiting for the bus. 'Why does I feel uneasy all of a sudden'. He thought to himself. He heard a voice from his mom bedroom. He rush there and found his mom laying on the floor trying to wake up but she seems so helpless.

He help his mom and decided to bring his mom to the hospital. His mom declined at first, but he convince his mom and said that he already got a job and they can spend more for her. He know thats a lie 'but it wont be a lie if he accept Jungkook offer' his mind keep telling him the same thing over and over again.

The doctor suggest that his mom had to stay in the hospital for her treatment so that the cancer wont become more worse. And there will be more people who can look after his mom if she stay there. His mom refused to stay but Jimin force her to stay and promised to find money for them. Then, she had to agreed because Jimin is scary when he mad.

At Jimin's House

Jihoon come home around 5 pm after school and found nobody at home. Even his mom. So, he decided to call his brother. "Hello hyung, where are you? Mom's not at home." He sounds quite worried. "I am at the hospital. I found mom this morning laying on the floor, so I decide to bring her here immediately. Mom had to stay here for a while." Jimin explain to his brother. "Okay hyung. I will be there in a few minutes" Jihoon said rushly. "Okay" then the call ended.

Back to the Hospital
Jimin POV

"Hyung, hows mom?" I saw Jihoon at the door. Moms already went to sleep. She seems to sleep a lot nowadays. "Shes okay for now. You must have not eaten yet right?" I asked him because sometimes he tend to ignore his well being when he is worried and taking care of others. Well, that does not sound different than me. "Ahh. I forgot to eat. Sorry hyung." He apologize because he promised me to not skip meal no matter what happen. "Its okay. Lets go and grab some food. Lets give some space for mom to rest." I invite him. "Okay hyung."

The walk to the restaurant feel long since there is so much to think and Jihoon is not the type to talk much since our dad left us. Before, he was a cheerful person. I cant blame him for becoming more protective and actually I am glad since he make me feel save around him.

Seeing him so quite, I hug him from the side and he flinch a little. "Its been a long day wasnt it. Dont you miss me, Hoon-ah." My head only reach his shoulder. Yes, he is taller than me. Thats why sometime I feel like I am the one who was taken care by him. "What are you doing hyung. Its embarrasing" he said trying to push me away. "Cant I hug you for awhile, I might not be able to hug you again for along time after this. I know I will miss you and mom a lot later." I told him sincerely tightening my hug.

When he push me harder, I then realize that I have mouth out something that I should not have done and I blamed my idiotness for that. 'Stupid mouth' I thought to myself. "What are you talking about hyung? Where would you go?" He asked me clenching his hand on my shoulder. "Its hurt Hoon-ah" he let me go. "Lets eat over there. It seems delicious" I continued my words. Trying to change the topic. "It wont work hyung. You have to tell me while we are eating. You know how I am hyung. Nothing gonna change my mind" he told me seriously and it make me flinch a little.

We sit on the table for two and start ordering food for our lunch. "Start talking hyung. What happened?" He start to asked me. Its rare for him to start any conversation. "Its complicated" I told him. "No matter how complicated it is. Tell me. I need to know. I dont want to lose you too hyung. Its hard enough with that. So not you too. Please.." he almost cried. He hasnt cried even once since our father death. Thats the last time I saw him crying.

"Its stated in the contract that I am not supposed to tell anyone anything related to the contract. I just cant or the contract will be null and I wont get the money for mom treatment." I told him sincerely. "Hyung, nobody gonna know about it if we both doesnt tell anybody. You know you can trust me. And I dont like the idea that you do something that I dont know for money" he said with a tears rolling down from his eyes. I dont want to see he cry. Lets me be the only one crying. Because I know how hard it is cying for the one you love.

I stand up and hug him from the side letting him finish crying in my arms. "Dont cry Hoon-ah. Its hard for me if you are crying. I will tell you everything. I promise. So dont cry. I love you" I told him, soothing him. "After a while, he stop crying. I know people are looking at us but I dont care. My brother is the the only one that I care for right now.

After we finished our food, I started telling him the truth and I have predicted, he was shocked. "I dont like that idea hyung. It will hurt you" he told me. "Its better than mom leaving us. I want mom to be healthy and stay with us. She need the money Hoon-ah" I told him. I know its not a great idea because at the end I will be hurting if I fall in love but I have to do this.

"Mom also will stop you if she know" he told me. "Dont tell mom. She cant know. I am doing this for us. Please understand me" I try to convince him. "Okay. But if anything happened, I wont leave that guy alone. He will be dead by my hand" he warn me angrily. I know he isnt kidding since there is someone who almost dead because of him when I was bullied before. He also learned karate so that he would be able to take care of our family. I am proud of him. "I will be okay, placing a kiss on his forehead before we head out from the restaurant.

We head to the hospital again with me holding his hand. I love holding him because he make me safe. He seems to not mad at me. It might be because he know I need him at my side for now. Now I have to call that jerk CEO and meet with him. I wont be his bride just for money. I also need job to pay back the money. Little did I know that someone was looking at me intenesely since I enter the restaurant until I left.

I may not be able to update for 3 days because I have two paper in the 4th and 5th January. But I will try to update immediately after the paper. Once again, Wish me luck.

Much Love from me|miss N

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