Chapter 4 : Great Idea

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Hello guys. Jiminie just released a new song. Check it out in youtube now. The title is "promise" and I love the song. I hope you love it too.

Author POV

Jungkook went to the office without eating the breakfast make by his mother. His mother seem sad but Jungkook was too angry to realize it and he just go to work without even spending a glance towards his mother. After he reached the office, he went to the elevator and wait for it to reach his office floor. He walked to his secretary, Anna and told her to make sure that Hoseok would be in his office after he finished his meeting.

Anna was terrified because she was never scolded that badly before and she almost cried because of it. "O..Okay sir." Thats the only thing she managed to replied. Few minutes later, Hoseok arrived on his floor and went to the secretary to ask for Jungkook. "Does Jungkook already in there?" He asked the secretary who seemed a little bit scared.

"N..Not yet sir. But he want you to be there after he finished his meeting." Anna tell him what Jungkook told her. "And may I know when his meeting gonna end?" Hoseok ask her when she became calmer than before. "He will finish in fifteen minutes, sir." She inform him back. "Okay sweatheart. I will wait for him inside. I'm not gonna eat you. So dont be scared." Hoseok said to her while winking and she blushed a bit embarrased.

Jungkook POV

The meeting finish earlier than it supposed to be because everybody seemed to want to finish it earlier. So I decided to dismissed the meeting earlier than usual.

(They are scared of you Jungkookie.. hehehe)

I went to my secretary asking if Hoseok already in my office and she said that he is already in there while stuttering. At least I know that she is afraid of me and would not do anything that I dont like. I went to my office and found Hoseok gigling to himself looking at his phone. I know he is weird, but I never thought that he is crazy. What am I thinking about. I removed it from my mind.

He came to me smiling and hug me. "Did you miss me buddy? Asking me to come here early in the morning?" He ask while hugging me. And I push him back because I am starting to feel irritate remembering the reason why I want him to meet me. Then I told him what happen between my mother and I and he does not seem shock even a bit. "Well, I think that Mrs. Jeon was right. You really need to settle down and be your real self." He tell me with a serious face. It make me mad.

I know that I am not like this before, but this is who I am now. What should I change about me. My thought does not make it better. "But, I dont want to get married. Especially with a woman. You know me the best Hoseok. Thats why I ask for your help and opinion." I told him sincerely because I really trust him with my issue. "Then dont get married to a woman." He said to me. "What do you mean?" I asked him curiously. "You can get married to a boy. Nobody stopping you and it is legal." He told me calmly.

An idea pop up in my mind. "Hoseok, you are really brilliant." I move closer to him and hug him while patting his back. He stand still, shocked with my action. And then he said "Jungkook, you know that I would never be your bride even thought I am a man, right?" He is taken aback by my action and push me from him. "Now its my turned getting push huh." I told him while chuckling. "Of course I know. Even if you are the last person exist in this world, I would rather be single till death than married to you." I said to him with a playful tone.

"I know why you wont get married to me even if I am the last person exist in this world." He told me also chuckling a bit. I know he is kidding. "And why is it?" I asked him pretending that I am curious. "Because.. You are not in this world anymore. I am the only one exist." And we both burst into a laughing mess. He always know how to cheer up the mood.

After we stopped laughing and Hoseok got out because he got a meeting in 30 minutes, I called my secretary into my office room because I need her to do something for me. I hear a knock on my door and I ask her to come in. "Y..You called for me sir?" She asked. "I want you to post a vacancy for Personal Assistant position and make sure that there is no requirement needed and only male allowed to apply for it. Understand?" I told her ignoring her question.

"Y..Yes sir. But may I know why, because you never need a personal assistant before." She ask still with her stuttering and it started to irritate me. "If you dont want to get fired then I suggest that you mind your own business and just do your job." I told her angrily because her curiousity started to annoy me. "I am sorry sir. I will take my leave." She said getting out of my office. Now I have to prepare a contract for this marriage. And my parents would never ask me to get married anymore. This plan seems to work well for now.

Next Day (still Jungkook POV)

I called Anna to my room for the list name of the applicants of the job vacancy. She rushly brought it to me. After I scrolled the list name, I found three person who seems to be okay as my bride based on their background and appearance.

So I decide to interview them first before I choose one of them since he will be married to me for a year and I dont want any problem in my life for that whole year. I called Anna throught the intercom once again informing her to call the selected person and ask them to come tomorrow for an interview session.

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