Chapter 3 : Bestfriend

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Jimin POV

My phone ringing and I picked up immediately hoping that it is from one of the company that I applied for job. "Hello." "Hello. Chim, is that you?" I pulled down the phone from my ear to see the contact name since there is only one person who called me Chim. And its really him, Taetae, my bestfriend. Well his name is Taehyung, but since he insisted I gave him a nickname because he gave me one, I decided to call him Taetae and he said he like it.

"Hello? Are you there?" He asked woke me up from my thought. "Yes Tae, its me Jimin." Well i only called him Taetae in certain ocassion. Not always. "Chim! I miss you so so sooooo much. Where have you been. You have not contacted me since you drop out from college. Did something happened to you. Are you okay Chim. I miss you." Well, I already expected all this question from him since he is a little bit protective towards me and I didnt even tell him about my dropout. Now I felt guilty towards him.

"Tae, I am sorry for not telling you about my dropout and I miss you too. Dont worry Tae, I am okay. Its just that I have been applying for work here and there. Thats why I am not able to call you and tell you until now. I am really really reaaally sorry Tae." I explained to him. "Its okay Chim, I know how hard its been for you. I am just glad that you are okay. So, have you got any job?" He asked me sounded a little concerned. Yes, he know almost everything about me since he is my bestfriend.

"I have not got any job yet Tae. And today I will apply for a few more job." I told him sincerely. "Chim, I just open the job website just now and there is a vacancy in JK Corporation. It does not required any qualification. You can try applied there." He told me in a rush. 'He must have been late to class.' I thought to myself. "Really? What position is it?" I asked him excitedly. I heard him chuckled a little bit before he speak, "Its as a Personal Assistant and they want to hire a male only. You might have a chance since you are very hardworking and always catch up easily." He explained to me.

"But I have never work in that field before this. I dont think I am capable of it." Its true that I have never work in that field since the only job that I always got is either as a cashier or a waiter. "Chim, dont degraded yourself. I know you can do it Chim. You always work hard in any job you do. Where is my Chim who always said to me to not give up and always move forward. I need him now Chim." He tried to cheer me up.

'Yes, where is me who never give up and love to try new things. I need my real self now.' I told to myself. "You are right Tae. I am not a person who give up easily. So I'm gonna try this out. I hope I got the job this time. Thank you for being there for me Tae." I am really grateful to him for always be beside me, helping me with anything he can. "Thats my Chim. I'm gonna send you the link, but only if you called me Taetae. I miss to hear you call me Taetae." He told me quite demanding.

Its not that I dont want to call him Taetae, I'm just embarrased because the last time I called him Taetae, he give me a kiss on my cheeks. "Tae, its embarrasing." I tell him truthfully. "Nope. No Taetae, no link Chim. The choice is yours." I know he is smirking on the other side. I hate it when his weirdness got to me. "Alright. Alright. Just send the link to me after this okay?" I just have to agreed to his weird demand for now.

"I will. You know I never back out from my word. And please say that you miss me with Taetae in it." Now his demand become more weird. But there is nothing I can do about it. "Alright, no more demand okay. Here I go." I took a breath before I said it. "I miss you so so so much Taetae. Come visit me when you are free." Its true that I really miss him. A lot actually.

"Aww, so cute my Chim. I wish I am there beside you right now." Here he goes again. "Stop it Tae. Its embarrasing." I know my cheeks starting to turn pink and I heard him laugh on the other side. "I miss you too Chim. I'm gonna come when I have some free time. Wait for me okay." He tell me. "Okay. Dont forget to send me the link. I need the job." I remind him one last time before he bid me goodbye because the lecturer is starting to look his way. He is always so carefree like that.

"Wait. So, he is in the class." I told myself shocked about it. But it is Tae, so nothing is impossible for him. After a few minutes, I got his message and quickly applied for the job. Well, a PA does not sound that bad. Then, I message him back telling him to concentrate in class. He is always unbelievable. And thats why I have him as my bestfriend. I love something unique. After that I got ready for another job hunting and I hope the luck will be with me.

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