Chapter 19 : Revealation

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"I-I .. " Jin was cutted of by Namjoon when he hugged Jin tightly as if he doesn't want to let go.

"Where have you been. I have been searching for you for three years. But I can't get any trace of you. I was worried." Namjoon said.

Jin just stood still and didn't move. Oh, how he missed Namjoon scent. Jin thought.

"J?" Namjoon called when Jin didn't respond to him.

"I-I have to go." Jin said and turn to take the pendrive but Namjoon beat him to it.

"What are you doing." Jin said in a harsh word.

"That should be my line sweatheart." Namjoon said. A smirk was plastered on his face.

"I have to go now. Give it to me." Jin said.

"Oh. No Sweatheart. You would not go anywhere. Not before you told me everything." Namjoon said, stood straight in front of Jin.

Jin have to think fast. For now he have to get away. Since he already saw the cctv, he could report it to his boss first and come for the prove later.

Jin strangled Namjoon and said "I am sorry. I have to go." Jin stormed outside of the room but he was caught by Namjoon's men. Jin fought at first but stopped by Namjoon himself.

Namjoon was Jin only weaknesses. He can't hurt Namjoon. He love Namjoon for God sake. Instead of fighting, Jin tried to move from Namjoon hold but Namjoon was stronger than him.

Namjoon knocked Jin out and brought Jin to his room. Namjoon just want to know the reason for Jin leaving. There must be a good reason. Namjoon know Jin. He was a good person. Jin couldn't kill even an ant.

Jin just knocked his men out by punching at the right places.

Namjoon sit on the bed, beside Jin and stared at Jin face. The angel who stole his heart away. Jin didn't change a bit even thought it's been three years.

Namjoon then proceed to check on the pendrive that he took from Jin. Namjoon know that every group of mafia was trying to destroy. But he doesn't want to believe that Jin was also one of the spies that he used to kill for entering his territories.

If Jin was a spy, why did he went to the control room instead of going at him straightly.

What Namjoon saw was only the cctv recording of him and Jimin at the park. Why was Jin looking for this. Is he aiming for Jimin. I need to hear it from Jin himself. He would never lied to me. Namjoon thought and drift of to sleep beside Jin after he changed his clothes.

Oh. How I missed this scent near me everyday. Namjoon thought and darkness started to consume him.

Jin woked up feeling like bricks was on top of him. He tried to push it aside only to be hold tighter. Jin quickly opened his eyes and and saw Namjoon was staring at him straight in his eyes.

"Morning babe. I miss you." Namjoon said and kissed Jin on his forehead. Jin heart was fluttering.

"I need to go." That's the only thing that came out of Jin mouth. Namjoon was starting to get irritate with Jin so he stood up and said "come downstairs for breakfast after shower. I will tell the maid to prepare your clcothes." Namjoon said and walked outside of the room.

Jin know that voice. Namjoon was angry at him and Namjoon wouldn't let him go and stay with him 24/7.

It's gonna be hard to left this house. What should I do. Jin thought and went for shower. He then proceed downstairs for his breakfast.

Namjoon asked Jin the reason for him leaving but Jin never gave an answer and it's been almost a week. Until Jin saw a woman on top of Namjoon on the couch after he finished his shower.

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