Chapter 6 : So Cute

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* *Jimin was scared to death when he saw Jungkook eyes that full of anger and coldness. There is only one thing that he could think of to do in that time. * *

Jimin POV

'I hope this will work'. I thought to myself. "I am sorry sir." I told him while blinking my eyes repeatly and pouting my mouth a little to make him became pity of me. I really need the job. He look at me in disbelieved. Then I continued my words. "I have never been to an interview for a job before, so I just blurted out what crossed my mind. I am really sorry sir." I told him while still doing my cute pose. Well, it work with Tae when he upset with me.

His eyes seems to glow a bit and I cant described what he is feeling right now. But what I know is that it was not anger anymore and I am glad. So I stop my cute face and return to my usual face. There is a changes of emotion in his face again. He is weird. I mean how could a person change their emotion in a minutes. I am starting to like him. Well, dont blame me. I like uniqueness. Its my nature.

He then sit at the edge of the desk. "So, may I know why I should hire you after what you said to me earlier." Damn. I thought he forgot about it already. "I am a hardworking person and I can catch up easily if you give me a chance sir." I answer him without stuttering since I am becoming more comfortable with him.

"Why do you want this job Mr Park? I can see here that you already have a few job. And I think it is enough for you to continue living." He asked me again after nodding to my answer be. "I need a job that pay me more since I have to take care of my mother who need money for her treatment and my brother who is attending high school." I answer truthfully. I am not a person who easilly told others about my life but I need the job.

"Where is your father?." He asked me seems curious. "He was dead." Thats the only answer that I could give him. He seems taken aback. "If you need money, I can give you any amount you want. But you have to do one thing for me." He told me with a smirked on his face. "What should I do? If its illegal, I would declined." I asked him curiously because I wont do anything illegal. For God sake, I have a family to take care of. I really need money but I am not that desperate for it. I can find another job.

"I want you to married me for a year." He told me in a serious tone. I am lost for words. 'Its not illegal, but why does he want to marry me? Is he gay or something?' I shaked my head erasing the thought from my mind. "Why? I am a male as you can see and I dont think that we have know each other long enough to get married." I told him seriously because he became weirder every seconds.

"Gender does not matter anymore Mr Park. Here is the contract for the marriage." He gave me a piece of paper that I believed a contract for me to read. "You just have to marry me for a year and follow the contract." He told me. I read the contract carefully because I dont want to have any problem later. At least I know that I cant treat a contract like a game.
A Contract For A Year Marriage
. . .
- Falling in love with another party is prohibited.
- Cannot interfere with another party's business.
- Must cooperate in showing a loving relationship towards both family and public.
. . .
- Never reveal this contract to any third party unless agreed by both parties.

And bla bla bla. There is so many condition. I hate reading the most. After finish reading the contract I told him my answer. "I dont think I can accept your offer. I know that there must be a reason behind this contract but it will become ugly if this come out to the public you. You might loss respect from others and it will effect your company."

"I will give you any amount of money that you want if you accept this marriage." He told me once again. "But..." He cut my word before i could continue. "I will give you one day to think about this. Here is my number." He give me his card. "Call me when you change your mind. You have time until tomrrow morning the same time as today interview." He continue his word.

I walk out of the office with so much thought in my mind and it started to make me dizzy.

Jungkook POV

"I dont think its a great idea Jungkook." Hoseok came and told me about it. "Dont worry Hoseok it will be just fine." I assured him because I know he just worried about me. "If you say so." He then walked out of my office.

I hope he will change his mind because he is the only person who could make me amazed with just looking at him and it will make my world become a little fun. Jimin cute face came to my mind again. 'Is he really a boy because he cant be a boy when he is that cute...' "What am I thinking about." I mumbled to myself and start doing my work.

Ps : I dont know if male and male marriage was legal or not there. Its just based on my imagination. I hope nobody feel offended with my story.

Its 1st January 2019| 2.40 am
Im studying statistic for my paper this 4th January. Wish me luck.
Much love from me|littleChimny . . .

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