Chapter 26 : Make Love

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BTS "Boy With Luv"  music video was released on 12 April. It is amazing and I can't stop watching and listening to it until now. You guys should watch it too. Just click on the video above to watch it. It reached 78 M views in 24 hours and I still can't stop streaming. Let's support our boys.
There is a little mature content in this chapter but it is at the end and I assured you that it is only a little and I will put a warning for it. Please enjoy this new chapter.


Then where is he? The thought keep on playing in Jungkook's mind. Jungkook then decided to call Yoongi to find Jimin for him. He was afraid of losing Jimin.

It took a while before Yoongi answered his phone and Jungkook is already in his room and about to sit on his bed. That is when Jungkook saw someone is on his bed holding his shirt and sleeping soundly. It is Jimin, his Jimin.

"Hello, boss?" Yoongi sound from the other side of the phone making Jungkook realized that he had called Yoongi to find Jimin when Jimin is in his bedroom. To top it all, Jimin is holding his shirt and it make his heart swell a little. Well maybe not a little but a lot and he already forgot about Yoongi until Yoongi had to call louder for him.

"Ahhh.. Yes. I am here" Jungkook answer after hearing Yoongi shouting from the other side of the phone.

"Is there something wrong boss? You sound distracted." Yoongi asked worriedly.

"No. Everything is fine. Perfectly fine." Jungkook answered with a grin on his face. He remember how he was panicking to find Jimin when Jimin was instead in his bedroom. How stupid of him.

"Okay boss. Call me if something happen okay?" Yoongi said still worried about Jungkook.

"Okay. Got to go. Bye". "Bye"

Jungkook then put his phone on the side table and sit on his bed beside Jimin. Jimin's eyes is a little swollen. It must have been because of the crying. Jungkook then touch Jimin eyes slowly not to wake Jimin up.

Then his stare move into Jimin's lip. How he want to kiss those lips senseless and move his tongue wildly inside Jimin's mouth.

Jungkook then lean towards Jimin's lip to give a little peck on Jimin's lip but his lip touch Jimins plump one, he can stop himself. Then Jungkook felt that Jimin also started to kiss him back and that was it. He started kissing Jimin senseless and released Jimin to breath and he rest his forehead on Jimins.

After regaining a normal breath, Jungkook realized that Jimin kissed him back and he opened his eyes only to saw Jimin's eyes staring deep into his. Jungkook didn't realized that his kissed has woken Jimin up from his sleep.

Jungkook then sit straight and released Jimin from his hold.

"Sorry." That's all that Jungkook can think of to say and Jungkook saw that Jimin was about to cry again. So Jungkook went and hug Jimin tightly, letting Jimin cry on his shoulder.

After a few minutes, Jimin finally calm down and moved himself from Jungkook's hold. Jungkook already missed the warm of Jimin's body against his.

"Sorry. I got your shirt drenched with my tears." Jimin started apologizing for crying in Jungkook's embraced.

"It's okay. I prefer you cry on mine instead of on others." Jungkook said and he saw Jimin blushed because of his word and he swear it was the cutest ever. "What are you doing in my room?" Jungkook asked since that has been in his mind since he saw Jimin holding his shirt tightly and Jimin still holding it still in his hand.

"I-I want to apologize, but you were not in your room. So, I just came inside to wait for you. But I fall asleep instead of waiting. Sorry." Jimin explained and put his head down because he feel embarrassed for sleeping on Jungkook's bed.

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