Chapter 23 : Brotherly Love

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Jimin love him. Am I dreaming? Or am I misunderstanding something. Is he really in love with me. A lot of thought was playing in Jungkook mind, but he want to believe that Jimin was in love with him.

Jungkook hugged Jimin tightly. He felt like Jimin will go away if he let go. Jungkook felt calm and at peace in Jimin's embrace.

Jungkook then slowly let go of Jimin when he felt calmer than before.

"Jimin." Jungkook started his word. Jimin just stare into Jungkook eyes. Waiting for whatever insult Jungkook would told him for breaking their contract. Jimin know it was his fault for falling in love.

But he can't stop it. His heart was longing for Jungkook to love him back. Jimin know it was impossible. His eyes started to glittered with tears again but Jungkook stopped it and stare deep into Jimin eyes. As if Jungkook was trying to reach his soul.

"I don't know if I like you or love you, want you or need you." Jungkook started talking. "All I know is I love the feeling when I am with you." Jungkook continued his words and it make Jimin's heart fluttered.

Those words was enough for Jimin. At least for now. Jimin know he might crave for more from Jungkook later but he will leave before it happened because Jimin know, Jungkook was straight and Jimin doesn't want to force Jungkook to love him if he doesn't love him in the first place. 

From that moment onwards, they started to get closer. Jungkook started to go to the office with Jimin besides him. Jungkook doesn't know why, but since he already expressed what he felt towards Jimin, he felt like a burden was being lifted from his shoulder. Their relationship started to get better, but they still argue sometimes. And it could be because of a small matter and at the end of the day, they would laugh again together just by remembering why they argue in the first place.

Everyday, Jimin found a new side of Jungkook which make him falling harder for Jungkook. Jungkook might seems cool and distant from the outside, but he also could be clingy and cute when he didn't even realized himself. 

"Jimin, let's go." Jungkook came into Jimin room at the office for their lunch. Starting from the day that Jimin confessed his love for Jungkook, Jungkook always want to be with him. Whether it is for work or personal issue. Jimin found it kinda cute for someone like Jungkook. But, there is sometimes that Jungkook left the house without telling Jimin and it make Jimin kinda sad because Jimin know that Jungkook didn't love him just like how he love Jungkook.

They went to the restaurant right across of their office because Jungkook have a meeting to attend to after lunch and he can't be late because it is an important meeting.

"Jimin?" Jimin didn't know that he was lost in his own thought until Jungkook called for him. "Ahh. Yes?" jimin answered only to caught the confused look on Jungkook face.

"What are you thinking about? You seems lost since we left the office." Jungkook said and Jimin was fighting himself from telling Jungkook that he was thinking about Jungkook the whole time.

"It's nothing. Just about work." Jimin said.

"You know you can't lie right Jimin? You can share it with me if you want." Jungkook said again. Being with Jimin for almost a year make Jungkook familiar with Jimin behaviour and Jungkook can sense it when Jimin is lying. Jimin is really bad at lying.

"I just..." Jimin words was stopped when he heard the waiter voice which is so familiar and he had missed to hear the voice. The waiter asked for their order and Jimin can't stop staring at the waiter. Why? Because it is his little brother. Both of them are staring at each other as if they can tell what each of them was feeling at the moment. Jimin can see how his brother had missed him just like how he missed his brother.

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