Chapter 8 : The Devil

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Author POV

After Jihoon went home and his mother already fall asleep, Jimin decided to call Jungkook to asked him to meet and discuss about the marriage. Its already 11.45 pm that he arrived at home after making sure that his mom was alright at the hospital alone. He started dialing Jungkook number and called him.

Jimin POV

The phone was picked up immediately after one ring. "Hello" Jungkook voice sound sleepy on the other side.

"Hello. This is Park Jimin. I am calling you because of the marriage."

"So, I'm assuming that you agree with my offer?"

"Yes I agree. But, I want to meet and discuss about the contract with you. Because there is something other than money that I want. When are you free?" I told him all at a time because he sounded tired.

"Let's meet tomorrow morning at NJ Coffee Shop, 7.30 am sharp." He said in a rush and hung up on me.

Now I am angry. Can't he at least ask me if I am available or not. I dont have anything to do tomorrow but at least asked, 'you stupid jerk'. At least now I have a nickname for him.

I reached at the restaurant 15 minutes ealier because I ended up waking up early to prepare breakfast for my brother before he went to school. Jungkook came 5 minutes later. 'He is also early' I thought to myself.

"I can see that you are early Mr Park" he told me with a smirk on his face. I hate that smirking face because I am starting to fall for his smirk.

"I am agree to marry you but I want something other than money from you" I told him straight to the point ignoring his smirk. "What is it? Money isnt enough for you now huh" his tone starting to sound like he is talking to someone who only saw his money and nothing else. This is starting to irritate me more than it should be.

"I want a job that could pay me more than my previous job" I am trying to calm myself and stopping my hand from becoming a fist. "Why would you be needing a job when you will be marrying me? A billionaire who can get anything you want without you lifting any finger." Am I a whore or something. He is starting to get on my nerve.

"Well Mr Jeon, I am gonna be married to you for A YEAR not FOREVER. Your money wont last for eternity. I need a job, so I can take care of my family after the contract end" I told him with anger and I can feel my voice rising.

"Then you can just work after we got a divorce. Not now." There he goes again. Showing his stupidity. Urghh. I can feel my face heat up because of anger.

"If I start working after the contract end, I wont have a single money with me. My brother will have to wait for another year to further his study, you stupid jerk" I told him in anger because he really is getting on my nerves. I am rarely felt this angry at anyone.

"What.Did.You.Just.Called.Me?" He asked. I can felt anger in his voice. Then I remembered what I said. This wont be good.

"U-um-m... I-I-I just said t-that I need to s-s-save mone-e-eeey?" Its more like a question and I give him the most adorable smile I could come up with.

"Did.You.Just.Called.Me.Stupid.Jerk" his eyes and face turned darker. I can feel my stomach dropped. He stand up and lift my shirt up, making me stand on my foot. "I cant believe this" I heard him mumbling before he dragged me out of the coffee shop and told me to get into his car. I can feel my body shaking from just hearing his voice. I went into his car and sit quietly. After the car started to move. I glance at his face amd he is facing the road but his face does not change. It is full of anger.

"I-I-I am s-sorr-ry. I-I didnt mean to..." before I could finish my word, he cut me off. "JUST SHUT UP" he screamed at me. The ride was silent and it make me more nervous. What have I gotten myself into.

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