Chapter 21 : Falling for him

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After their vacation, Jimin and Jungkook become closer. Althought Jungkook like it when Jimin calls him by his name, he also respect Jimin's decision to be professional and separate their private life from their work life.

It's been three month and a lot had happened in those month. Jungkook already read the report about Taehyung and he already apologized but they aren't as close as they used to be.

Jungkook and Jimin has become best friend along the way. And Jungkook started telling about his life including about Taehyung. Jimin was proud of Jungkook for admitting his fault and apologized first.

It's been three month without any problem or arguement between Jimin and Jungkook. Day by day, Jimin become more attracted towards Jungkook's charms.

Everytime Jungkook come close to him, his heartbeat would become uncontrollable. So, for the past few days, Jimin tried his best to stay away from Jungkook.

Jimin know that their marriage wouldn't last forever, so Jimin doesn't want to put any hope. Becoming friends is better than fall in love. At least, friends can still be together after the divorce. That's what Jimin thought.

Little did Jimin know that Jungkook was also started to get attached to him. Little did Jimin know that Jungkook was craving to always be close to him. Jungkook didn't know what was he feeling towards Jimin, but he know that he doesn't want to be separated from Jimin. He want to be with Jimin forever.

Jungkook was away for his meeting, leaving Jimin doing his work alone at the office. Until someone came into view and greet Jimin with a smile.

"How may I help you sir ... ?" Jimin returned the smile and asked the man in front of his desk. The man was quite attractive. He might have the same figure as Jungkook but he is taller than Jungkook.

"Its Daniel. Kang Daniel." Daniel said.

"I am sorry Mr. Kang. How may I help you?" Jimin asked again after knowing the man's name.

"Just call me Daniel." He said while winking at Jimin. Jimin was taken aback a little bit. He might seems like Jungkook at the outside, but he seems different on the inside. It make Jimin become curious.

"Then, you can call me Jimin." Jimin said while flashing his angel smile towards Daniel. It makes Daniel laugh as hard as he can. Jimin laugh along with him.

"So, back to the main topic. How may I help you sir?" Jimin asked after they stopped laughing.

"Oh, I forgot about that. Is Jungkook inside?" Daniel asked.

"I am sorry sir. But, Mr. Jeon is meeting with a client right now." Jimins said while looking at Jungkook schedule for today.

"He will be here in half an hour if you are willing to wait." Jimin continued. "I can send him your message if yo..." Jimin was stopped by Daniel.

"Wait. Wait. Have anyone told you that you talk a lot." Daniel asked in all seriousness.

"Ermm.. not really. More like, I am chirping a lot." Jimin said and laugh again when Daniel started to laugh.

"That was funny." Daniel said, looking at Jimin. Jimin started to feel mor ecomfortable with Daniel cheerful personality. It's like Jimin was having a conversation with his friends that he had known for a long time.

"I will wait. Besides, I don't have anything to do since Jungkook haven't come out playing with me for the past five month." Daniel said and make himself comfortable on the sit in front of Jimin desk.

Daniel told Jimin about how he and Jungkook always argue with each other because Jungkook doesn't like to play around but Jungkook changed after he move away.

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