Chapter 10 : Unexpected

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Jimin POV

It's smell delicious. The smell woke me up from my sleep. I head downstairs without bathing or change my pyjama. When I reached the kitchen, there is a woman preparing breakfast. Who is she? As if knowing my presence, she turned to me and there is a shocked expression evident on her face.

"Hi, may I know who are you young man?" She asked me first. That is supposed to be my question.

"Ermm.. I am Park Jimin." I saw she looked at me from head to toes. Is there something wrong with me? So, I also looked at myself. Shit! I didn't change my clothes yet. It felt so awkward.

"I am sorry, I will go and change first." I told her and rush to my room without looking back. This is so embarrasing. Before changing my clothes, I wake Jungkook up first. I knock his door but he never open it. So I decide to walk inside and blow in his ear again. Well, it works but..

"What are you doing! Stop blowing in my ear you pumpkin." Did he just called me a pumpkin? This stupid jerk. I got caught this time.

I shrugged it off and told him that there is a woman in the kitchen. He must know that woman since he only nodded his head. I then left him and head to my room to have a quick bath and get change.

After a few minutes, I went downstairs and Jungkook and the woman seems to be talking at the dining table. When I reached there, they stopped talking. Are they talking about me?

"Come here Jiminie. Have a sit." The woman said to me. I just followed her instruction and sit beside her. She seems kind. I can see Jungkook is giving her a glare. But why?

"Why are you glaring at me Jungkook? I know he is your future husband, but that also means that he is my future son's in law. Can't I have him for a moment." She told Jungkook. If I am gonna be her future son's in law, thats mean she is Jungkook's mother. But she seems so kind. Not like Jungkook. I like his mother.

"Mommy, you can get to know him during lunch along with Daddy." Jungkook told her. He must be afraid that I might spit out anything about the contract. I got an idea. I can felt a smirk is forming on my face. I walked to Jungkook side and gave him a peck on his cheeks.

"Jungkook, you never told me that your mother is so kind. I am nervous for nothing." I am starting to love this game. I love messing with him. "I can spend some time with your mother, can't I?" I asked him while pouting. He just sit still. He must be shocked with my action. He seems confused but he just nodded his head. Well, whatever. As long as I can get away from him. His mothers seems to be happy.

"Jiminie. Let's go shopping. My lovely son here doesn't even tell me that you are going to get married tomorrow." His mother told me. Really? "Ahh.. I am sorry Mrs Jeon, he must be busy all weeks." I told her. I give Jungkook a glare and he just ignore it. Ignoring me again huh. I thought, pouting to myself and looking away from him. Jungkook stood up from his chair and went towards me. Am I doing something wrong again. I felt nervous. I dont want his mother to think badly about me.

But, he just stood in front of me while my pouting already gone because of the nervousness I felt towards his closeness with me. I closed my eyes when his face is only inch away from mine. I can felt his breath on my face. My eyes burst open when he kissed me on my lips. It's just a little peck but it is my first kiss. I just stood still dumbfounded with his action.

"Awww.." I heard his mother voice at the side. I blushed hard. We are in front of his mother and he kiss me. This is embarrasing. I can see a smirk forming on his face. He then lean closer to my ears and whisper "you can go with my mother but don't do anything stupid sweatheart." He stopped for a moment and breath on my neck before he went to my ears again. His whisper sending chill to my body. I can felt my body shivering from his deep voice.

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