Chapter 16 : Jealousy

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A/N: There will be a little smut in this chapter. Just a little. But I put a warning sign '⚠️' on top of it. So you can skip it if you doens't like it. This is just a short chapter but I hope you enjoy it. ***

Author POV

Jungkook didn't get any sleep. He was worried about Jimin. He went back to the club but Jimin wasn't there. He even asked his men to search all the streets in Florida, but there is no sign of Jimin. He was frustrated. It was his fault.

Until Kim Namjoon came to his house. He was shocked. As far as he remembered, he doesn't have anything to discussed with Namjoon. He wore his casual shirt and walked downstairs, putting his business face up front.

What Jungkook didn't expect was to see Jimin besides Namjoon in front of his house at the same time. Jungkook was furious. He was looking for Jimin for the whole night but Jimin looks just fine with Namjoon in front of his house. Jungkook tried his best to control his anger and walked downstairs, waiting for both of them to come inside.

Jimin was scared, seeing Jungkook furious eyes on him. "What business do you have here Mr. Kim?" Jungkook started talking not moving his gaze from Jimin. His eyes was dark full of anger. Jungkook's stare giving shiver all over Jimin's body.

"Mr. Jeon. How are you?" Namjoon asked Jungkook, trying to light up the tense air around them, ignoring Jungkook's question.

"I believe that is not the reason for you to be my house.Mr. Kim." Jungkook said finally moving his gaze towards Namjoon. Jimin stood silently besides Namjoon not moving even an inches.

If looks could kill, Namjoon would be dead by now. But that was what Jimin thought. Jimin can't stand the silence. "M-Mr. Jeon. Namjoon-shi was here t-to se..." before Jimin could finish his word, Jungkook interupted.

"Since when?" Jungkook asked Jimin.

"S-Since when, w-what?" Jimin asked confused with Jungkook question.

"Since when do you know him?" Jungkook asked Jimin with a hard voice, controlling himself.

"L-Last n-night?" Jimin said, unsure with his answer.

"WOW" Jungkook said in a harder voice, staring into Jimin eyes with his furious one. Jimin can sense the changes in Jungkook voice. He doesn't want to drag Namjoon into his problem.

"Namjoon-shi I think you should go home." Jimin said to Namjoon, not moving his gaze from Jungkook. He doesn't want anymore innocent people caught in Jungkook anger.

Namjoon know that there is something wrong with their relationship and he doesn't want to leave Jimin alone with Jungkook. "But I.." he started talking but stopped by Jimin words.

"Please go home." Jimin said in a low voice still not moving his gaze.

"Okay." Namjoon walked outside but he will call Jimin later to check on him. Before the day ended, he know he will got all information about Jimin.

"Why are you sending him home, huh?" Jungkook asked in a harsh voice.

"I-I doesn't w-wa.." Jimin stuttered because he was scared of Jungkook. Jungkook always mad at him but he never saw Jungkook this furious.

"Why? Doesn't want your little secret getting exposed, huh?" Jungkook said, starting walking around Jimin. "Doesn't want him to know what a slut you are?" Jungkook continued.

"What are you talking about?" Jimin asked in a higher voice. He was starting to get irritate with Jungkook. Always downgrading him. Jimin know his place but he cannot accept when he was accused to be something he wasn't.

"Going around finding another man knowing you are married to me. Isn't that who you are? A f*cking Slut!" Jungkook said harsher this time.

"Whose fault is that. You are the one who leave me f*cking alone knowing that I have never been here before." Jimin argue against Jungkook. He was starting to get angry.

"That doesn't mean that you have to go around finding another man to please you." Jungkook said.

"I didn't go.." Jimin didn't finish his word. He was interupted by Jungkook once again.

"Didn't what?" Jungkook asked getting more furious. "Out of all man in Florida, you have to choose that Beast. 'The Great and Mighty' Kim Namjoon" Jungkook continued his words. There is a hint of annoyance in Jungkook words.

"Stop it!" Jimin screamed once he can't handle Jungkook anymore. Jimin was shocked with his own action. Jungkook stop talking and look at Jimin.

"I can accept anything you said to me. But I can't tolerate it when you are saying bad thing towards others." Jimin said catching his breath. He need to finish his word before Jungkook cut him again.

"At least he lent me a place to sleep and a pair of clothes to wear." Jimin continued. "Not like you." Jimin said pointing towards Jungkook. Jimin was about to walk away after he finished talking but he was yank back by Jungkook hand holding his waist tightly.

"So now you are defending him, huh." Jungkook said. Their faces was only inches away from each other. "You only met him last night and now you are defending him." Jungkook voice becoming higher. "I will show you where your place." Jungkook continued his word while dragging Jimin towards his room.

"W-What are y-you going t-to d-do?" Jimin asked scared of Jungkook next action.


"You are mine. I can do anything I want with you." Jungkook said slaming Jimin down on his bed.

"J-Jungkook. S-Stop. Y-You will r-regrer this l-later." Jimin said stuttering.

Jimin's word doesn't reach Jungkook anymore. Jungkook was totally becoming his other self. A mafia who doesn't have any feeling. Who doesn't let his prey gone from his watch. Who wouldn't give any second thought when he has make a decision.

Jimin doesn't know this Jungkook. Jungkook eyes change into a black one with a dark aura surrounding him. In a second, Jungkook was on top of Jimin, trapping Jimin under his naked body. Jimin tried to push Jungkook away but Jungkook doesn't move even an inches.

All clothes was tore off of Jimin's body. Jimin was scared, knowing what will happen next. Jungkook turned Jimin around and plunge himself inside Jimin.

It was Jimin's first time. Jimin was screaming in pain but Jungkook ignore it. He was too mad to care about Jimin.

"J-Jungkoo-k. H-Hur-ts." Tears flowing down Jimin's cheeks. He was in pain and his heart ache like hell. Jungkook keep thrusting deep inside Jimin ignoring Jimin tears.

"This is where you belong. You slut." Jungkook said not stopping his action. The pain slowly subside and replace with pleasure but the tears doesn't stop. Jimin doesn't know how many time they fuck until he lost conscious from all the pain and pleasure he felt.

I am sorry for the late update. There is some program that I need to handle and it took me a while. I hope you enjoy this short update. I will update again as soon as I can.

Happy Valentine's Day

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