Chapter 28 : Broken Heart

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Hello.. Here's an update for all my beloved readers. Happy Mother's Day to all mothers in the world. I miss my mum. Two weeks more before I go home and I can't wait to meet my mum. I miss her so damn much.
To those that never separated from their mother, please appreciate them because once you are living far away from them, you will miss them damn much.
I love you Mum..


Jimin was glad that Jungkook wasn't in sight or else he would have not let Jungkook go from his hold because he can't bear to saw the fear in Jungkook eyes for any seconds longer. That's the main reason why he left after what he said the night before.

Jimin went to the office as usual but Jungkook is nowhere to be found. Jimin thought that Jungkook is in the office since he is not at home but Jungkook wasn't in the office either. Jimin started to panic and called Jungkook's home but they also do not know where Jungkook is.

He love me. He would not leave me just like that. That's what Jimin's heart is telling him and Jimin want to trust his heart. Jimin called everyone that he can reach, but he can't get hold of Jungkook where about. Jimin called Jungkook nonstop but there is no answer. It went straight to mailbox and Jimin's tear started to fall down.

It's been a week and Jimin still can't get hold of Jungkook. Jimin started to lose appetite and he just stay at home waiting for Jungkook to come back. Jimin regretted everything that he had said the night before Jungkook leave him. If only he had not said the things that he said, Jungkook would not have leave him alone.

Two weeks already passed and there is still no news about Jungkook and it affects Jimin much more than others thought. Jimin become skinnier and it make his mother in law worried about Jimin. Jungkook's mother visited Jimin almost every day after she found out that Jimin wasn't eating since Jungkook is missing.

"Minnie. Mommy make breakfast for you." Jungkook mother's walked inside her son's room and carefully woke Jimin up. She already thought Jimin as her son because since Jimin come into their life, she started to see the changes in Jungkook.

Jimin slowly open his eyes and smile to his mommy. "I am not hungry." That's the only things that Jimin has been saying for the last week and it make Jungkook's mother more worried.

"I will force you to eat later since someone want to meet you. He wait downstairs." Jungkook's mother said and Jimin slowly stand up and walk to the bathroom. At least he need to be presentable for the guest.

Jimin walk downstairs ad greeted the guest with a smile that didn't reach his eyes anymore. He just can't seem to smile like he use to anymore since Jungkook left him.

"Mr. Park Jimin?" The guest asked Jimin once they shake hands. Once the man in front of him called him Mr. Park instead of Mr. Jeon, Jimin know something wasn't right and he started to become panic. Jungkook's mother saw him and immediately sit beside Jimin and tried to sooth Jimin by telling him that everything will be okay.

"Yes. I am Park Jimin." Jimin answered after he felt calm and convince himself that everything gonna be okay.

"I am Thomas Smith. Mr. Jeon's lawyer. Mr. Jeon asked me to give this to you." Thomas said while giving Jimin an envelope. Jimin could not bring himself to take the envelope and it fall to the floor.

Instead of Jimin, Jungkook's mother is the one who pick it up and open the envelope and she can't believe what she is seeing. She can't believe that her son is capable of doing this towards Jimin. She can't bring herself to give the envelope to Jimin but Jimin took it and run into his room and lock it.

Jimin might not be a clever person but he know that the envelope may consist something bad based on Jungkook's mother reaction just now. Jimin ignored Jungkook's mother voices calling for him to open the door and he open the envelope slowly, taking out a piece of paper.

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