Chapter 13 : Mixed Feelings

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Author POV

"He can't even leave an unknown puppy beside the road alone. So how can he...betrayed his friend who he have known for his whole life." - Jimin

The words keep repeating in Jungkook head. He can't stop that word from repeating in his mind because he know that there is truth in Jimin's words. He knows Taehyung since they are born so he knows who is Taehyung. He might be weird but he is not someone who stab his friends from the back.

Jungkook decided to call his right hand man to find out the truth. He never been this curious before but now he is curious and he want to find out the truth.

After a few ring, the person on the other sode pick up the phone. "Hello?"

"Hello, Yoongi. I want you to find out about what happen between Taehyung and Nayeon five years ago. I want every detail regarding the matter." Jungkook told Yoongi.

"Okay boss. Anything else you need?" Yoongi asked in case there is something else that Jungkook want him to investigate.

"When can I get the information?" Jungkook asked back because if he can, he want it immediately.

"I am currently at US to solve some problem so it might take longer. But I assure you that it would not be longer than a month." Yoongi told Jungkook.

"Okay. I want it on my desk in a month." Jungkook said. "And I want one of your man to follow Jimin when he is not with me. And make sure they report to me every movement of Jimin." Jungkook continued his word.

"Okay boss. He will be starting tomorrow." Yoongi said.

"Okay. You can continue your work. And remember to take care of yourself." Jungkook said again. Yoongi is his right hand man but Yoongi is also the one who help him through his time at US when he is heartbroken and lost. And Yoongi is also the person who make his life turn 360 degree and it is for the better.

"Don't worry. I am having fun here." Yoongi said again and hang up.

Jungkook know that Yoongi is having fun because he can hear someone screaming on the other side while they are talking. Yoongi love to sleep but he also love it when he can hurt his enemy. But he never hurt innocent people. That's why Jungkook admirer Yoongi a lot.

Now I just have to wait for a month and the truth gonna be reveal. Jungkook mind trying to calm himself. 'Jimin, I don't know why I am believing you. I hope I am not doing a mistake by trusting you so much.' Jungkook thought to himself.

Jimin woke up and doing his routine as usual but the only thing change was that he is not talking to Jungkook and trying to avoid any contact with Jungkook. He finished preparing breakfast earlier than usual and went straight to his room.

Jungkook woke up because of his alarm and went for breakfast. Jimin usually wait for him to go for breakfast but today Jimin is nowhere to be found. Jungkook finished his breakfast and went to work but he can't focus on his work. He got mad at everything and he can't get his job done.

On top of it, Jimin is on leave and not at office so it make Jungkook angrier. He doesn't know why but without Jimin beside him, he can't think straight because his mind is full of Jimin. What is happening to me. Jungkook thought to himself.

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