To the Palace

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Normal POV~

"So we're back to the past, and we have no way out?" Akefia questioned to Atem and Yami. After being able to wake them up, they talked about the possible ways of how they got there. However, Seth and Seto weren't with them.

"Precisely," Atem responded, looking at the palace ahead of him, watching guards walk towards them.

"Akefia! Quick hide! They'll execute you when they see who you are!" Atem explained quickly, Akefia nodded and grabbed Bakura's hand, taking him to the hiding spot. Bakura looked at him confused when they crouched down

"They will think you are me," Akefia whispered to him, watching the guards walk up to Atem worriedly.

"There you are prince, when your father realized that you weren't in the palace, he sent people to search for you. You need to head back now." The guard said, noticing Yami a minute after.

"And who are you? Do you belong here?" The guard asked Yami, looking at Yami's pale skin and weird clothes oddly. Yami thought for a moment.

"I uh." Yami stuttered out, but luckily Atem saved him from the thinking.

"I've found this boy alone walking around in the desert while I was... walking around.. I decided to give the boy a room in the palace and new clothes since the clothes aren't really proper here," Atem said for him, Yami gave a quiet sigh of relief, the story sounded believable.

"Very well then, propose this to your father. I don't give out the decisions here." The guard said, looking over at Marik and Malik.

"You two should head back home as well," The guard said, before looking at Atem. Atem nodded and stood up, helping Yami up as well. Before walking with the guard to the palace.

'Tell Akefia to go home with Bakura, we'll meet up later' Atem mouthed to Marik, Marik nodded and went to Akefia.

It wasn't a long, long walk to the palace. Though it was a bit far, they got there within eight minutes. They entered the palace and went to the throne room where his father definitely was. Walking into the throne room with Yami next to him, his father looked at him with relaxation.

"There you are my son, would you care to tell me where you were the past four hours?" Pharaoh Aknamkanon asked, Atem's eyes widened a bit. Either they were asleep for four hours, or the transporting took four hours.

"Forgive me for not giving word to anyone father, I went out for a walk around the village. While doing so, I spotted this boy walking alone on the desert close here. I offered him a room in the palace and a new set of clothes, seeing as the clothes he's wearing right now aren't that appropriate here." Atem explained again, talking more politely. Yami understood this, he was talking to his father, not to mention Pharaoh, and had to talk with respect. The Pharaoh looked at Yami

"What's your name, young man?" He asked, Yami looked at him.

"My name's Yami, my Pharaoh," Yami answered with a slight bow.

"Where do you come from?" The Pharaoh asked once again, Yami thought again for a moment, before responding.

"I don't know, my lord. I've been walking everywhere in search of a home or relative since my father and mother died. I barely recall anything about my childhood or where I lived." Yami replied. His answer was pretty true, though he would never talk about it much. His mother and father died, leaving him to live alone in his apartment. Teaching himself how to do things and getting a job at a young age to pay for the apartment and his food. But that is a topic for another day. 

"Very well, you may stay here with a room and service, but in one condition," Aknamkanon said, Yami nodded, allowing him to tell him the condition

"You must get a job in the palace, and I'll let Atem choose that for you," He said, dismissing them with one hand. Indicating that they were ok to go. However, the Pharaoh himself didn't know what kind of attire Yami was wearing.

"Follow me Yami, so you can get set up," Atem said. Yami nodded and followed him to one of the servants.

"Could you do me a favor?" Atem asked them, it was common for him to ask the servants other than ordering them right away.

"What could we do for you, prince?" They answered respectfully, Atem smiled.

"Could you clean and recondition a room closest to mine? It would be wonderful if you could." Atem said, the servant lady's nodded.

"Of course we will," The lady's said, before walking to a room they knew was the closest to Atem's own.

"Now that that's out of the way, we can get started on your clothes," Atem told Yami, before leading him to his bedroom. The moment they arrived, Yami gasped silently. The room was beautiful, though it would not seem that beautiful to anyone in the future's eyes, it was beautiful In Yami's. He could see the garden from the window, the furniture was neatly organized and everything was.... perfect.

"I hope I still have my older tunics, those will certainly fit you," Atem said, Yami chuckled.

"How old?" Yami asked

"Maybe my sixteen-year-old clothes, or fifteen. Whichever one fits you." Atem said, chuckling shortly after.

"Or maybe my fourteen," Atem said, Yami pouted. Though Atem couldn't see due to his back facing him.

"I'm not the size of a child anymore," Yami whined, letting Atem walk to him, smirking.

"Oh really? Let's see and figure out." Atem said, removing Yami's shirt and pants at record time. Leaving Yami with only his boxers on, leaving the tunics behind. Atem kissed Yami passionately, Yami kissed back and let Atem's hands explore his body again. Letting out moans into the kiss, Yami remembered that they couldn't right now. Anyone could come in and see them, he knew very well back in this era, it was forbidden that both people the same sex were in a relationship. When the kiss broke, Yami had to catch some air before talking.

"Not now Até, someone could come in and see us," Yami said, Atem groaned as he remembered. Now they had to keep their relationship a secret.

"Alright, but we need to get you dressed up and a duty," Atem said, before gently pushing Yami off his lap. How did he get there anyway? Before getting back to the tunics and picking one for Yami.

"Try this one on, if it doesn't fit. I'll give you another." Atem said, Yami nodded and grabbed the tunic gently before putting it on. It fit perfectly, the tunic went down to his knees and was a whitish color with a design on the top. It combined well with his pale skin and he liked it, it was also comfortable.

"How old were you when you put this one on?" Yami asked him, smoothing it out a bit.

"Fifteen," Atem responded, letting his eyes trail up and down Yami figure. He was cute in the tunic and irresistible, he could just devour him if they were not here right now.

"You look breathtaking," Atem said, making Yami blush a shade of pink. Atem smirked as he saw Yami turn his head to the window, looking at the garden. Putting away the tunics, he thought of the perfect duty for Yami.

"Yami, would you like to work in my garden?"

To Be Continued~


Yes, I know that homosexuality didn't really exist back then and most people didn't really care, but this my story plot! My plot, my rules, my life! Stawp coming at me! Anyhoo, how's your day? My day was great, all I know is that I'm going to wake up so tired in the morning, but anyway we're in the palace.

Let me leave this question to you guys, where do you think Seth and Seto are? That's for you to guess, *Chuckles*. I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I'm not sure if this is longer than the last one, or shorter. I don't know... However next chapter, "Settling in". Well, we have Atem and Yami settled in, but not fully. But I can't tell too much. Nonetheless...

See you in the next chapter bye!

Saiyan Duelist

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