Not me

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"Wonderful to see you, Yami..."

Normal POV~

Yami tried to not faint, he was looking at Bakura directly. His best friend Bakura who would never do this. He paid not much attention to the people who were running away screaming, just trying to know what the bloody hell is happening to his best friend. Yami finally said something, after staying silent for a second.

"What are you doing! Why are you killing people! What have they done to you!" Yami yelled to Bakura, who just laughed.

"It's my job, my work. I don't kill for a reason, I kill to get what I want. I don't care who stands in my way." Bakura said. Yami didn't know if Bakura was brainwashed, or if he even knew what he was saying.

"You wouldn't care if I stood- No. You wouldn't care if Malik or I stood in your way... Would you just kill us...?" Yami asked, surprisingly no one was in their way. Just running to get outside from the other killer. Whom Yami knew was Akefia.

Bakura thought for a moment, before smiling... oddly.

"No." Bakura simply said, then charging at Yami. Pushing them down to the floor. Yami tried to not get stabbed as Bakura tried to bring the dagger to him.

"Bakura stop! You don't know what you're doing! You don't know whom you're trying to kill!" Yami screamed, almost letting go.

"I know who I'm about to kill! I'm about to kill the person who brought us here! Because of you, we got here! With no possible way out! Do you know how much times we had to run!? Me and Akefia! Just to not get killed because I look like him! We're here trying to not get killed! While you're here maybe enjoying life! Gods know what Malik is going through!" Bakura yelled, Yami blinked back his tears. He could see the pain and fear in Bakura's eyes, but also some sort of control.

"..." Yami stayed silent, earning a huff from Bakura.

"Now that your Atem is Pharaoh, he'll get what Akefia's father always wanted. Hurting him..." Bakura began, stabbing Yami's shoulder. Causing him to scream in pain.

"...And killing you will do the trick." Bakura finished, taking out the dagger from Yami's shoulder. The blood staining the tunic.

"See you in the other world! When I get there..." Bakura said, running to go back to Akefia. Yami's vision blurred, the pain in his shoulder was unbearable. He knew he would die from blood loss, or him not being able to handle this. Before closing his eyes, he could hear faint callings. Callings that screamed his name.


Atem saw everything, he heard everything, he saw the two yelling to each other, he saw Bakura charging at him with the dagger, he saw Bakura yelling at Yami with fear and hate, he saw Bakura stab Yami with the dagger. Hearing him scream in pain, Atem tried to get out of the guards who trapped him in a circle, trying to protect him. Atem yelled out to Yami, trying to get him not to die. Atem had no escape, so he used his magic to transport to Yami. Once there, he picked him up and ran to the guards.

"Try to stop them and bring them to the cells that are resistant! Just don't harm them!" Atem yelled out to them. He then ran to his room, running as fast as he could. Trying to stop the blood with a piece of cloth he tore from his tunic.

Once in the room, Atem laid Yami on the bed and was about to use his magic to cure him. However, Yami's aura appeared and tried to heal the wound, sadly not working, causing the aura to disappear. Atem softly chuckled and healed Yami's wound with just a few words. Maybe he should've taught Yami more in the past two weeks. But healing a simple wound is too advanced for Yami. Though the aura was becoming slightly bigger and bigger each time they practiced magic. Which Atem was glad about. Letting Yami sleep, he shut the door and placed a seal on it. Just to make sure no one could harm or come in, only he can come in.

After that, he came down running. Thinking of a solution to why the bloody hell Akefia and Bakura were doing this. The guards tried to stop them as Atem asked, but they just ended up dead. Poor them. Atem teleported to Akefia, holding his arm before he could shoot.

"Don't you two dare kill another person Akefia, or you'll be dealing with me." Atem threatened, Akefia smirked.

"You can't stop me, Pharaoh," Akefia said, about to shoot the arrow. However, Atem broke the arrows and bow. Akefia growled.

"You fool! Do you know how much time it took to almost make that so powerful!?" Akefia asked, Atem frowned

"I don't care if it took you a trillion years to make this, I'll destroy it if it causes harm to my people. And never, and I mean never, call me a fool ever again. Because the real fool here is you. Take a good look at what you two have done, you two have killed innocent people. You almost killed Yami!" Atem stated, pointing at Bakura at the end. Bakura grinned.

"He deserved it. It's not like he's important to me. Anymore at least." Bakura said, placing his hands on his hips.

"You don't sound like Bakura at all, you both don't sound like each other. What happened that made you guys gang up on me and Yami?" Atem asked, gently. Some of the guards eyed them strangely while they took the remaining people outside. Why would their Pharaoh be talking to the thief kings son and a look alike?

"Yami already figured it out, I saw it on his eyes..." Bakura said, his voice suddenly changing into a slightly deeper voice

"...And it looks like you have to as well..." Akefia said, his voice like Bakura's.

"...We are not us, we are not anyone else but us all..." They both said, their voice mixed together sounded like hundreds of voices. The millennium ring then appeared around Akefia's neck.

"Oh no... Mahado..." Atem whispered, Akefia has killed Mahado already... What about Mana...? Is she still alive like last time? Or did these two kill her too?

"What do you guys want!?" Atem asked, out of rage.

"What we want? We want to make you suffer, for what your father has done to us!" They said in Bakura and Akefia's voices. What was happening?

"Where are Akefia's and Bakura's souls!?" Atem questioned, making the duo laugh.

"You really want to know?" They asked, Atem nodded, he needed to know where their souls are, so he can take their souls to their body's.

"They're in the shadow realm, they didn't want to go against you two. They were so resistant, Akefia's father as well. We had to kill him, however, we kept the other two alive. Take a look for yourself." The unknown voices said, then opening a small mirror, showing Atem what's inside of it. Inside were Akefia and Bakura, their souls to be exact. Running around, maybe trying to get out.

"How about this Pharaoh, beat us in a challenge and you'll get their souls back, but if you don't we'll take your soul into the shadow realm. Bring your lover as well, he might know this game. He might be really good at it. After all, in the future from Bakura's memories. This game is called Duel Monsters..."

To Be Continued~


Finally, I added something that is Yu-Gi-Oh! related in this book. We finally have a Duel Monsters duel! Which I'm not going to maybe write because I'm too lazy *Smiles innocently*. Anyway next chapter, "Duel for your life, literately..". You all already know what this next chapter us, you don't need me to tell you twice. But regardless...

See you in the next chapter bye!

Saiyan Duelist

Back into the past [Book two]Where stories live. Discover now