A reward for being good

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A/N- This chapter will contain a Lemon, if you don't want to read it, I recommend you skip the portion. If you want to read the Lemon, then enjoy it. I'm still working on writing Lemons, so don't be cringed out if the Lemon is cringe. This is my fourth? Lemon, bear with me okay? With that being said, on with the story!

Normal POV~

"Yami, where are you?" Atem called out, walking into the garden. Yami should be here, Yami did work there as if right now.

"My Pharaoh, could I help you on something?" Brandon politely asked, Atem smiled.

"You could actually, do you know where Yami could be?" Atem asked, Brandon, nodded.

"Yes, I know where he is. He is picking some fruits from the trees right over there, I think Jeramiah might be with him." Brandon said, Atem thanked him and walked over there. He saw lots of baskets on the floor filled with apples, pears, peaches, oranges, and much more. But he didn't see Yami with the baskets.

"Yami?" He called out once more, and just below the tree popped out a smiling Yami.

"Hey Atem," Yami said, walking up to him. He had some ripe pears in his arms, he carefully placed them on the basket with the other pears.

"What is it?" Yami asked cocking his head to the side, Atem was looking at him strangely, slightly dazed. What Atem was seeing was leaves sticking to Yami's hair, maybe from moving a lot in the trees, some dirt was in his face, and a tiny splash of cherry was on the side of his lip, of course from eating one.

"Oh nothing, I was just looking at how dirty you are," Atem said, chuckling when Yami gasped.

"Are you saying I look horrible?" Yami said, feigning being offended, pouting cutely.

"Yes, very horrible, and I need you to follow me. We need to get you cleaned, and we have to talk." Atem said, Yami laughed and nodded.

"Hold on, I need to tell my partner I leaving for a while," Yami said, he then turned and looked at the tree.

"Jeramiah! I'll be right back! Can you hang on without me for a while?" Yami yelled, Jeramiah responded,

"Alright! I can handle that!" Jeramiah said, Yami laughed at his friend then turned once again to walk with Atem. They walked the castle halls as they began talking.

"What do we need to talk about?" Yami questioned, taking out the last of the leaves from his hair and wiping the dirt from his face.

"Well, you have been really good this week, and I think you deserve a reward." Atem whispered in his ear, Yami blushed. They then continued walking to where Atem wanted to go to, the twosome were now on the hallway where their rooms were. Did you need to know that? I think you did.

Lemon start

Not even one minute in the room and Atem already pinned Yami to the wall, he gave him a smirk before kissing him. Yami kissed back and allowed Atem's tongue to enter his mouth, quietly moaning when Atem licked his tongue. Yami jumped and wrapped his legs around Atem's waist when Atem pulled him up, he tangled his fingers in Atem's hair and gently tugged on it as their tongues danced and played with each other. Atem kept Yami pinned on the wall for a while, but then walked to the bed, not separating from the kiss

The two broke the kiss when air became a problem, a string of saliva connecting them. Atem initiated a second kiss when he caught his breath. He slipped his tongue in Yami's mouth again and laid him down on the mattress. He pinned Yami's arms above his head with one hand and let his other roam around Yami's clothed body, he tasted various fruits inside Yami's warm cavern, later allowing Yami to explore his own mouth.

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