And she will too!

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A/N-Small mentions of rape. Just a small warning.

Normal POV~

"I can feel their power, guys, it's just far away, how did they manage to get that far in just these few days?" Seth questioned, back to his normal size.

"Well, when it takes you that long to do a spell, this happens," Marik said grinning.

"Shut up, Marik, you know very well you took our time away by eating," Akefia said, crossing his arms.

"I was bored while waiting! For me to stop being bored..." Marik said, Malik, sighed.

"I'm wondering why I fell in love with you," Malik said, placing a hand on his forehead.

"Because you love me, and I love you," Marik said, kissing the younger boy's cheek.

"Guys, you're slowing down the group," Bakura said, smiling as they all speed up.

"Hey! Wait up!"


"Are you ok, Yami?" Atem asked, watching Yami being carefully thrown in, but after he was kissed on the forehead by Owen. Yami carefully crawled into Atem's arms and cuddled him.

"I'm just tired..." Yami said, slightly closing his eyes, spotting a small bruise on Atem's arm.

"Are you ok?" Yami asked, bringing a tired arm to the bruise. Atem hissed slightly, making Yami retrieve his hand.

"I'm sorry..." Yami whispered, his tired legs throbbing inside.

"It's alright Yami, I'm alright, if I had my magic I would be ok. Don't apologize, it wasn't your fault, it was Anzu's," Atem reassured, stroking Yami's hair, knowing how tired he must be. He had heard Yami's screams of orgasm, after all, he was brought back to the basement cell early, too early in fact.

"What did she do?" Yami questioned, looking at the bruise. A thing he didn't like on Atem, not one bit.

"She just bruised me with a paddle, it wasn't that big of a deal, I just wished I hadn't screamed when it hit my rib cage, making her be satisfied. Other than that, she didn't do anything more, just continued to hit me with her little toys." Atem explained, frowning at Yami's little shudder, was he cold? Atem gently brought Yami closer, and let his body heat warm the boy under him.

Yami cuddled impossible closer to Atem, allowing himself to forget what happened with Owen in the cell close here. Owen went eight rounds with him, staring a new one when Yami came. Yami didn't even know how he could still feel his legs, they felt numb and weak after standing him in the bed for who knows how much minutes or hours.

"Do you think the others will find us? From where we are it seems like we're not on land, but we are." Yami asked, feeling Atem nod.

"I'm sure they will, even though we don't have the magic in us, they will probably feel the power in the shards," Atem said, looking at the glowing shards in the top shelf, glowing mockingly at him.

"Is it actua-" Yami began, but was stopped by Atem, carefully rubbing Yami's back.

"Don't talk anymore, beloved, you need sleep and you're pretty tired. I'll wake you when the food is here in the afternoon." Atem said, lightly kissing Yami's temple. Yami nodded and said no more, he closed his eyes and let sleep consume him.


"Aye guys, do you feel that?" Akefia questioned, everyone stopped and looked at him.

"Can we feel what?" Bakura asked, cocking his head to the side in confusion.

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