Back into the present

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Normal POV~

"What!?" The young ones screamed, looking at the elder's backs in fear. What did they mean by, "sacrificing ourselves"?

"You dare to say that? That's suicide! I mean, it will be a waste of time anyway, I'll survive." The monster exclaimed. Yami and his friends agreed with the monster on the first half of the sentence, couldn't there be another way to kill it? By not killing yourself?

"You will not if we take you down with us!" Marik yelled. Oh, how we would have loved discovering more of his sear powers, he only just found out four months ago. He wondered if he could see the future while not sleeping, it would've come in handy.

"Foolish thoughts! How dare you underestimate my power?" The monster growled.

"How dare you underestimate our power! You might have seen our full power! But you haven't seen our way of surpassing it!" Akefia exclaimed, the Brobdingnag laughed.

"Fine, try me, I'll give you time to kill yourself with me. It won't work, it's just suicide." The behemoth said, yawning behind his hand. But what he didn't know, was this will be the last time he ever talked, seen an actual being, or even yawn behind his enormous hand.

"It will!" Atem growled, he knew it would work, a hundred percent sure. Why else would they just commit suicide? But also, this was the only way to save Yami. Like he once said, he would kneel in defeat in front of the person that was his enemy, or who the most hated. He would give up immortality somehow to save Yami, he would die for him. Anything.


"Atem!" Yami shouted, standing from his sitting position and running towards his lover. Atem quickly turned around, knowing his beloved was too weak to stand up, not to mention run. But there he was, Yami was running to him.

"Yami, sit back down! You're far too weak!" Atem objected, taking hold of two pale hands, ones that were smaller than his. Yami was upset, he was fragile, his heart was breaking by the second that went by. Atem couldn't be leaving him! He wouldn't do this! But why would Atem joke about a thing like this? Yami cried as he looked into warm rose-red orbs. Those rose-red orbs were staring back at Yami's crimson-amethyst spheres, he didn't like seeing Yami like this, he shouldn't cry. Yami crying made Atem want to cry as well, but he stood strong and didn't. But maybe he should.

"I don't care, Atem! You can't be leaving me! You can't do this!" Yami cried, his voice cracking. Atem's face softened, he knew it would be awful leaving his beloved Yami, but what choice did he have? Yami was disappearing fast, he would die if he didn't do this, he would disappear from the world, from existence. Atem couldn't let that happen. He'd rather himself dying than Yami, and he was going to do just that.

"Yami, I understand that you don't want me to leave you. However, it's the only way to keep you alive. Being my boyfriend, it is my duty to protect you." Atem said as gently as he could, his voice was as sweet as honey to calm Yami down, Yami's slight sobbing ceased a bit, but he couldn't deny the truth.

"I don't want you to leave." Yami sobbed, closing his eyes. He could no longer stare at Atem's eyes. He was ashamed he would be the cause of his departure with him, Atem was too perfect for him, he was too kind. He wasn't the bad boy he once knew, the bad boy who frightened him ever since eighth grade, where Atem hardly took a glance at him. He wasn't scary, frightening, intimidating, nothing in that sort of subject. He was kind-hearted, brave, loveable, nice, caring. He was more, and Yami could write a million things about it.

But he couldn't.

Suddenly, he felt soft lips being pressed against his cheeks, it was Atem. He was kissing away his tears. How did he even find someone like Atem? How could Atem even love him? How?

"I don't want to leave either, but I told you Yami. It's the only way." Atem explained, gentle as before. He, unfortunately, let go of Yami's hands to begin softly rubbing Yami's back, a way to sooth Yami he had learned from a long time ago. Yami was too perfect for him. How did he find someone like Yami? How could Yami love him? How?

Yami out of the blue hugged Atem, he had to hug him, he needed his strong arms wrapped around him, just to make him feel better. Atem hugged Yami back as he continued rubbing his back.

"I love you, Atem," Yami said, his voice slightly muffled by his head pressed onto Atem's chest. Atem lovingly smiled and lifted Yami's head with his finger. Forcing Yami to look at him in the eyes.

"I love you too, Yami," Atem said, leaning his head down and capturing Yami's lips into a sweet kiss. Yami eagerly kissed back and wrapped his arms around Atem's neck. Atem's arms wrapped around Yami's waist and pulled him closer. Atem broke the kiss shortly after, he knew there wasn't much time, Yami was fading fast. It was now time to say goodbye.

"I'll love you forever, Yami, take care. Goodbye, my love." Atem said, sadly unwrapping his arms from Yami's slim waist. Yami and Atem were sad that this will be the last time they'll see each other, the last time they'll share a kiss. Atem watched as his companions slowly walked with him, towards the monster, that had been waiting 'patiently' for them to 'kill' him. Fools.

Yami glanced at his friends, they were crying just like him. Looking at them as their lovers were about to sacrifice themselves. For them...

An aura surrounded the Darks, they began to float, their eyes glowed their color, they were now at eye level with the monster. All of them were glaring at the monster, and the monster was glaring at them. The smaller men, compared to the monster, started to shout a spell. Something the young ones couldn't translate. The young ones saw white after.



The young ones woke up in the room they last seen from the present, their lovers weren't there. So it wasn't a dream... They had their clothes back, no tunics or anything. In a way, they missed the tunics, but they also missed their clothes.

"I want to be alone," Seto said, turning his back towards them as he stared at his bedroom door, waiting for them to leave.

"We understand, Seto. Good luck." Yami said. The others nodded and they walked out, feeling somewhat lonely without their lovers by their side. Each one of them dropped each other off at their dorms, wishing each other luck and comfort, Yami was the last to be home. He grabbed the key from his pant pocket and opened the door. Where he found Oreo waiting for him. Oreo meowed as he saw his owner, but cocked his head when he saw his owners eyes slightly puffy and red, was he crying.

Yami went to the couch and sat down, Oreo followed him and sat by him. He nuzzled his side to comfort him, Yami petted his head and gulped, feeling tears in his eyes. Oreo was a stuffed animal cat brought to life by Atem. It was a gift. He would take care of his cat, really good. Even though he would live as long as he did.

Oreo gently crawled upon his lap and tried to comfort his owner as he began crying. Oreo realized that the person who created him wasn't here. Did he leave his owner?

"Atem... Atem..." Yami whimpered as he cried, Oreo just nuzzled him. Thinking it would calm his sad, upset, owner down.

-The End-


Why hello. That was a depressing ending, huh? I am legit crying, I hope no one questions me. But, what did you think of this ending? Do you have anything to say? I'm sorry, I'm sensitive. Where's my ice cream!? I think Tony took it, *Sigh*, he doesn't understand me. Anyhoo, if you're wondering. Yes, of course, there will be another book! I can't just leave it off on a depressing ending!

Book name: Reunited [Book three]

Releasing when?: On the second day of May

Adding a ship?: Of course

Still the same shipping's of this book?: Obviously

Time?: Afternoon, or at night.

Where?: This account

Thank you reader for reading this book and book one, I hope I'll see you in book three. I'll be back soon. I'm going to now work on the other book that I need to finish.

Until then, see you in book three!

Saiyan Duelist

Back into the past [Book two]Where stories live. Discover now