To hell he goes!

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A/N- This chapter contains rape, meaning to skip that portion if you do not want to read that sort of stuff. So... yeah. On with the story!

Normal POV~

"Owen. What. Do. You. Think. You're. Doing!?" Atem roared, suddenly transporting to Yami and grabbing him, pulling him away from the demon.

"Give him back right now!" Owen exclaimed, his tail smacking the bed.

"I told you we should've locked them up, but you didn't want to!" Anzu yelled, getting in the room.

"I guess you should've resisted him more!"

As the two argued, Atem looked at Yami.

"Are you ok?" Atem gently asked Yami, he heard Yami whimper and that answered his question. Atem carefully lifted Yami's legs and looked at Yami's entrance. It was bleeding, but it wasn't that severe, Atem frowned at that and he glared at the two arguing.

"You'll be alright." Atem cooed in Yami's ear, Yami nodded and whimpered again.

"Fine! We'll do that!" Atem looked at them coldly.

"Now!" Owen said. Complete darkness.

When the two finally saw light again. They saw each other, and their eyes widened. Yami was chained to the wall, had a gag on, dressed in leather, tight leather, but the leather exposed him more than Atem would've wanted, Yami was practically naked if the leather didn't surround him. Atem was... uhh... in chains... laid on the floor, nude, the only difference was that he didn't have a gag.

"You guys have finally woken up, we were getting so bored," Anzu said, yawning in her hand. Owen placed down on a table a purple shard and a white shard, later walking next to Anzu. Atem on instinct tried to use his magic, but found out he didn't have any. Was his magic in that purple shard? Was Yami's in the white one? Yami tried to speak, but it came out mumbled, so Owen gladly got rid of the gag with his magic.

"What do you plan to do with us?" Yami asked, watching Owen walk to him.

"Nothing severe, darling, we just want what is right for you. We want you guys to be with the right person you're supposed to be with," Owen said, grabbing Yami's chin and kissing him passionately. Atem growled, not liking those dirty lips on his lover's own.

"Now, should we start the fun," Anzu said, discarding of her under clothes.

"Each time one of you refuse something that we want to do with you, one of you will get a certain punishment."

"And each time you accept, one of your chains will be gone." Seeing Anzu snap her fingers, they had blindfolds on.

"Game start."

"I believe I need to begin, it was my idea," Owen said, Yami heard his footsteps retrieving, but that breathing returned to his neck a second later.

"Tell me, Yami, do you like bondage?" Owen asked him, Yami blushed and didn't answer. He never tried bondage with Atem.

"I see you can't answer that, after all, you've never tried it. Your blush explains lots of things," Owen said, nibbling on the ear lobe.

"Say, who were your parents? Who'd you get this curvy body from?" Owen asked, Yami suddenly got triggered at the mention of his parents.

"I never knew their names, but I know my father was a scientist, and I know my mother was a librarian. Say, isn't it rude to ask such a question like that? Who'd you get that horrible face from?" Yami asked, screaming at a bite on his neck.

"You never talk back to me like that, darling, or else you're getting a punishment," Owen said, allowing Anzu and Atem to have their 'friendly' chat.

"See, Pharaoh, we've known each other for our whole childhood lives, we knew each other. How could you choose him instead of me?" Anzu asked him, tracing his face.

"I chose him because I actually felt something for him. Unlike you. You were just trying to seduce me for my body, not me, myself, or I, Anzu. Just get over me, and find someone else to love." Atem responded, feeling Anzu sit on his lap.

"It's just not right, Atem. See, what if you want to have kids one day? You need a mother, and a father, Yami can't give you that." Anzu said, taking hold of Atem's length. Atem bit his lip.

"I don't care, I'll still love Yami. Kids or not." Atem said, hearing Yami scream.

"Yami!" Atem shouted, kicking to get out of the chains.

"You refused an offer, Yami got a punishment," Anzu said, stroking Atem.

"Stop." Atem commanded, but Anzu didn't.

"Ahh~ Atem!~" Yami cried out, feeling something hit his prostate. Owen growled, desperate for Yami to cry out his name.

'Keep crying out my name, don't let someone else's name come out of you' Atem thought, feeling something engulf him. Was that a mouth? Or was that a-

"Anzu, get off!" Atem ordered, gritting his teeth when Anzu moved.

"Not a chance. Have you forgotten if you refuse, one of you will get a punishment?"

After an hour of 'touching' the two lovers, it was finally time to end the game.

"O-Owen, stop, I'm going-g to c-come!" Yami yelled, feeling another hit to his prostate made him scream out Atem's name.

"Go ahead, dear," Owen said in his ear, Yami couldn't resist anymore, he came.

"He's finished," Owen said, telling Anzu the code.

"Game end."

"You got lucky, Atem. I would've done more things to you." Anzu said, removing the chains and blindfold off.

"I did get lucky, I didn't want to be raped by you much longer." Atem responded, watching a tired Yami being carried by Owen.

"Food and water will be provided every afternoon. This will happen every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday." Anzu said, carrying the shards to the highest shelf in the stone room.

"And don't expect your other friends to come and save you guys, they won't be able to locate you guys without your magic," Owen said, softly kissing Yami's forehead before throwing him next to Atem. The two then left the room. Atem rubbed Yami's forehead to get that dirty stain off it.

"Atem...?" Yami asked, not lifting his head.

"What is it, beloved?"

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" Atem asked, caressing Yami's small bare back.

"For enjoying what Owen did to me, I'm a bad lover," Yami said, shame coated his voice.

"You're not a bad lover, Yami. You didn't ask to be raped by someone, you didn't enjoy it by him. It was from what you've already experienced that made you enjoy it." Atem said, laying him on top of him to warm the tired body up.

"He'll go to hell for raping you, Yami. When I get my magic back I'll make sure that happens, right now I feel like a weakling." Atem said, cuddling the younger boy close.

"You don't look weak to me..." Yami said, later closing his eyes and falling asleep from tiredness. Atem sighed.

"I just hope the others find us, I need to make something to reach that shard..."

To Be Continued~


Hello. I'm triggered by my own chapter. I'm not going to yell, even though I'm mad. I'm mad because of what Owen and Anzu did, maybe I should just- SHUT UP TONY! THEY DON'T BELONG TOGETHER, YOU DUMB MOTHERFUCKER! Anyway, back to what I was saying, maybe I should make another plot twist. A good one. What do you guys say? I'm sorry if I sound grumpy, it's just that- I'M NOT ON MY MAN PERIOD TONY! Sorry, I'm so sorry for yelling, next chapter, "And she will too!". You guys know what I mean by this chapter, don't you?

See you in the next chapter?

Saiyan Duelis

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