Doomed? Or possible?

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Normal POV~

The six arrived at the village of Kul Elna, Akefia's home village. They walked to the places where the millennium items could've been made in, no sources at first.

"Where is that damn place?" Atem asked impatiently, still carrying Yami over his shoulder. He refused to give him to someone else to carry him when asked, he wanted to carry Yami all the way even if he was tired.

"I'm not sure, Pharaoh, but I have a feeling that we're close," Akefia said, walking to another torn down building. The torn wall was titled, Our Death Place, in blood. As they entered, Egyptian writing was engraved in the walls, they saw that the ritual objects were still there, not touched for thousands of years, scrolls and pages laid on the floor, covered in dust.

"This must be it, everything proves that the millennium items were made in this place," Atem said, walking over to the pages.

"Ah, these are the pages of how to make the items," Atem noticed, placing them back down, however.

"They were torn from a Millennium Spellbook, I'm not sure what we need will be found there," Marik said, picking up the scrolls and inspecting them, as well as Akefia. Bakura and Malik wandered around looking at the walls, trying to read them by looking at the symbols, but failing.

"Nothing here..." Marik said

"I found nothing as well, but they are useful spells..." Akefia said, letting go a page.

"Nothing related to what I'm looking for, I guess we need to read the walls. Lucky that we know how to read Egyptian." Atem said, walking up to the walls and reading them.

"Hey guys, check this out," Bakura said suddenly, both him and Malik staring at the big writing.

"If this is bigger than it must be important," Atem said, reading the tiny words under the big writing.

"The way to get in the Dark Realm. No other place than the Shadow Realm is nicknamed 'Dark realm', then this must be it." Atem concluded, reading the top after.

"A language that takes forty years to learn...

...Will be the language you'll need to do the ritual...

...Bring the energies of three items to do this as well...

...Only a few words are what you'll need...

...But also a strong emotion that'll help...

...Master all of these before getting in this realm...

...For if you fail, you'll be doomed..." Atem said, not surprised at how hard it sounded.

"Forty years! We don't have forty years to save Yami! We need to right now!" Malik exclaimed as Bakura nodded seriously.

"Yes I know, Malik. But we don't know what language, it has to be an old language the Egyptians used to talk, it should be Egyptian. Though we can't jump into conclusions just yet about that. The items we have that already. A few words we don't and that strong emotion."

"It should be Egyptian, Pharaoh, It does take forty years to learn it. If you're a mere mortal that is." Akefia said, Atem nodded.

"Let's keep that in mind, now, what are the few words that will need to be said?" Atem thought, watching as light from the sun crept in the torn building.

"Hmm, It's now morning," Atem said, wondering how long they took in here. The young ones suddenly yawned, feeling tired.

"Oh, right. I forgot that you guys get tired without sleeping a day. Do you want to sleep? Or do you want to stay awake?" Atem asked the two, who nodded.

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