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Normal POV~

"Akefia, where are we going?" Bakura asked, rubbing his eyes because he had just woken up. The two were currently walking somewhere, in the middle of the night.

"I'm sorry for waking you up early, Bakura, but I had to take you with me. I couldn't risk leaving you alone." Akefia said, taking the youth's pale hand.

"Is something going on?" Bakura asked again, Akefia nodded.

"Yes, I felt something was lurking around. I couldn't help but to try and see what it is." Akefia said, looking forward.

"Don't you think Marik will know in the morning? I mean, he is a seer." Bakura suggested.

"Possibly, but we still don't know how his seer powers work. It is unusual for someone as old as Marik to just figure out they had some sort of power other than shadow magic." Akefia said, snapping his head to the side when he heard a voice.

"Aw, poor light, didn't he get enough sleep?" He heard, instantly he hid Bakura behind him and took out his daggers.

"Who lurks there in the shadows?" Akefia demanded, pointing his dagger to the dark place.

"I am just a friendly messenger, who wants nothing but to help you all out of here," The voice said again, it sounded like it belonged to a woman, or it could be a man.

"I don't trust messengers," Akefia began, narrowing his eyes. "especially friendly ones..."

"You can trust me, but you can't trust the person who sent me here," They said again.

"More reasons to not trust whomever you are," Akefia said.

"Look, I'm going to tell you this, listen very carefully. Tell your Pharaoh as well: You, the seer, the priest, and the Pharaoh, belong here. You have lived here, you lived this before. You four belong here. But, those precious lights don't," They said, Bakura shivered when something gently touched his chin.

"They will begin disappearing, what doesn't belong here needs to be taken out, or otherwise the future would change if they don't disappear. Defeat the mighty beast, that now has that damned crystal in his grasp. And let me tell you, the only way to defeat it, is by taking that crystal from his heart. Then, you all will go home. The lights will be safe if they haven't disappeared, everything in time will be alright." They said, walking into slight view. Both could make out a woman.

"Who has sent you here? And who are you?" Akefia asked cautiously, acting seriously. Who dares to joke about this.

"My name is Xlanda, messenger of the unknown, I can not let out that information," Xlanda said, crossing her arms. Her bracelet glowed and she frowned.

"I wish I could tell you more, but my time is up, I need to head back. That seer, Marik was his name, will know more than I do later on." Xlanda said, Akefia was about to stop her, but before he could, she was gone. Akefia turned quickly when Bakura let out a terrified scream. His hands were outstretched.

They were faded.


"Yami! Calm down! I'm trying to see what's wrong!" Atem exclaimed, it was harsh, but soft at the same time. Yami bit his lip to stop more tears from falling, but it failed.

"I'm sorry, I just don't want to experience this again." Yami hiccupped, drying his tears with his palm.

"Experience what? Just please let me see." Atem said, slightly begging him with his eyes. Yami has been crying crazy and running around in complete fear all morning. Crying somethings like, "Not again!", "Make it stop!", "I'm done for!", or "I'm scared!". He just wants to see what's wrong with his beloved.

After Atem managed to calm Yami down a bit, he sat him on the bed, stroking his hair until the tears stopped flowing from his stunning eyes. Atem leaned down and said soothing words in Yami's ear, thinking this will hopefully calm him down. It took a few minutes, maybe like ten, maybe twenty... Or thirty minutes for Yami to calm down completely, but Atem was okay with that. If it took this much time for his loved one to calm down, then he would wait, hours even.

"Now, Yami. With no tears, I don't like seeing you cry, tell me what's going on." Atem asked, Yami gulped slightly and stood.

"Remember when I was consumed by darkness?" Atem frowned and nodded.

Yami let go of the sheets covering his legs, he was barefoot.

They were faded.


Marik was calming a terrified Malik. He dreamt about the future, he saw Malik, Yami, Bakura, and Seto fading, it was a terrifying sight, and when he figured out it was actually happening. He flipped. Malik was still crying.

"It's okay, It's okay, everything will turn out to fine. Nothing bad will happen, I promise." Marik said, rubbing his back.

"I trust you, Marik, I'm just scared, I didn't know it would feel like this. Now I know what Yami felt like." Malik said, tugging his tunic.

"It won't be for long, I hope," Marik said. The vision that he saw in his dream, they were all almost gone, he just hopes they won't be entirely gone. He can't live without Malik, what will he do without this boy who was made by the goddess of innocence herself? Nothing.

Carefully, he looked at Malik's torso.

It was faded.


"I'm not freaking out, Seth! I'm totally fine!" Seto yelled, trying to not show his emotions.

"Then stop yelling," Seth said calmly, he gently sat Seto down onto the chair. Once he was on the chair, Seto let some of his tears flow.

"It's alright, don't admit it. But at least let me help you, you're distressed." Seth said, sitting next to him. Seto nodded slowly.

"Now, show me where you are fading," Seth said once again, Seto undid his tunic slightly and pulled it down to show his shoulders.

They were faded.


"Guys, we have to talk. Now."

To Be Continued~


Why hello there, how was your day? Mine was awesome, really awesome. Was the chapter good? And I'm sorry I did this to the poor, precious, pure, lights. I'm so sorry. Questions for today- Who do you think sent Xlanda? Why didn't they know of this until now? Does Anzu have something to do with this? Owen? Do you think they're still alive? Next chapter, "Distressed lights". Oh no, don't come after me.

See you in the next chapter?

Saiyan Duelist

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