Helping the powerful

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Normal POV~

"NOW!" Yami yelled, everyone, obliged and punched that surface. Surprisingly, it cracked a bit.

"Again!" Yami shouted. Everyone let out another scream and punched the crack.

The bubble know had a hole on it.

Who knew they could break it? But, right now they couldn't worry about that right now. They had to save their lovers!

"Atem! Let him go!" Yami yelled, his slim figure slipped out of that hole and he was now running towards them.

"...Yami don't..." Atem whispered, turning his head to face him. The monster smirked and let got of Seto, Marik, and Akefia. His smirk widened as he saw them gasping for air. Method of torture: chocking them. Panicked, the other three young ones ran to their gasping lovers.

"Now listen up, you freaky monster! You better let him go!" Yami shouted, punching the monster's chest. The monster had a bored expression as this human's attacks did nothing. It yawned and loosened his hold on Atem's neck, but Atem still couldn't go, he gasped for the slight air he caught.

"Why aren't you-"

"Gahhh!" It screamed, interrupting Yami from his sentence. The monster then grabbed Yami by his foot as he gasped in shock.

"Yu seem tasty ooking!" The monster beamed, bringing Yami's head close to his face and licking his cheek. Yami froze and didn't move, was this monster planning on eating him? Seeing Yami's eyes of fear, Atem began trying to free himself.

"Me eat voy irst! He tasty!" The monster said in delight, dropping Atem to the floor. Atem glared at him as he panted.

"Wait! I'm not tasty! I probably taste horrible to you!" Yami exclaimed, trying to not be eaten as he was being brought down to the monster's mouth.

"Yami!" Atem yelled, still panting. He threw a blast to the monster, the blast accidentally entered the monster's mouth. The monster gagged and dropped Yami. Akefia and Marik took their chance and blasted the monster with their new most powerful spell. Atem joined in a second later. Yami made sure to move away from the monster, so the spells wouldn't hurt him. Malik and Seto hugged him.

"I almost thought I was going to be eaten," Yami said, a sudden swing of sadness came to him.

"I'm still going to die aren't I!?" Yami cried, why did he say that? The monster screamed as it, unexpectedly, exploded. Wait a minute... how did that happen.

"That's all? That's what it needed?" Seth questioned, raising an eyebrow. He saw the crystal on the floor.

"Maybe because we did it at the same time," Atem said, standing up and grabbing the crystal.

"And here I thought we were going to have a harder time, let's go home now," Atem noticed. He then walked to an upset Yami.

"It's alright, we're going home." Atem reassured him, Yami nodded.

"Please? I don't want to disappear anymore." Yami said. For some odd reason, maybe because of the monster, the little ones began fading faster. They were halfway faded, almost gone.

"You won't, all of you won't. Now let's head home." Marik said, wrapping an arm around Malik. Them eight began walking, but something they didn't expect to happen happened.

The monster was rebuilding itself.

"Look!" Bakura yelled, turning around. Everyone did and saw the horrific scene, the rock monster was bigger than before. Still with its immense power.

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