Chapter 1 - Twilight

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Malory Rowe played by Bridget Satterlee

I handed the taxi driver his money before he drove away leaving me in front of the house that belonged to the only family I had left

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I handed the taxi driver his money before he drove away leaving me in front of the house that belonged to the only family I had left. My moms cousin. I walked up to the front door and knocked. After a few moments the door opened revealing a woman with curly brunette hair, a black dress and a blazer with pearls around her neck.

"You must be Malory, I'm Danielle, I was your moms cousin" She said and I smiled. "Come in" She said stepping aside and I walked into the two story house. The walls were painted a navy blue with countless family photos and paintings hanging on them."My daughter Jessica is at school and my husband Craig is at work. You'll get to meet them when they get home" She said.

"Follow me I'll show you to your room" She said and I lugged my bags up the stairs to a room at the end of the hallway. She opened the door revealing my room.

"I hope you like it" She said and I placed my suitcase on my bed

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"I hope you like it" She said and I placed my suitcase on my bed. "It's nice. Thanks" I said giving her a smile. "I have already enrolled you at the local high school so you start tomorrow" She said and I nodded. "Ok" I replied. "Ok so I'll just be downstairs call me if you need me" She said before exiting the room.

I sighed as I sat on the bed looking around the room. I miss my old room. My old house I thought to myself. I stood up and unzipped my suitcase before beginning to unpack. After 20 minutes I finished putting away my clothes and shoes. I grabbed my backpack and placed it on my bed opening it. I grabbed out my photos of my mom and I before sitting back on the bed.

I looked at the first one and smiled. It was a photo of my mom and I when I was 7. We were smiling at the camera as she had her arms wrapped around me from behind. I looked at the next photo and it was another one of my mom and when I was about 3. It was a professional photoshoot my mom had done and she was smiling at the camera with me in her lap.

The last one was of me when I was 15. My mom and I stood side by side with her arms wrapped around my shoulders as we smiled at the camera. I placed the photos on my bedside table before bending down grabbing one last thing. I grabbed my mom's ashes that were in a marble earn that had a gold floral design above and below her engraved name.

I grasped the the silver heart locket around my neck that also had some of my moms ashes in it. I let out a shaky breath trying not to cry. I zipped up my now empty suitcase before sliding it under my bed. I laid back onto the bed after kicking off my shoes and climbed under the covers before closing my eyes falling into a slumber.


Jessica's P.O.V

"Hey mom" I said as I hung my scarf on the coat rack. "Hey sweetie" She said from the kitchen. I placed my bag down before walking into the kitchen where my mom was drinking a glass of wine and reading a magazine. "How was school?" She said. "It was good. How was your day?" I said. "Good. Malory came today. She's in her room" Mom said.

"Oh really?" I said and mom nodded. "Yep. You should go say hi" Mom said and I nodded before walking upstairs to her room. I knocked on the door before turning the handle opening it. I saw she was sitting o her bed reading. She turned to me and I got a good look at her. Omg she is stunning... I thought to myself.

"Umm hey I'm Jessica" I said with a smile and a small smile came to her face. "Hey it's nice to meet you, I'm Malory" She said. "My room is just down the hall if you need anything" I said scratching my head. "Thanks" She said and I nodded before closing the door. I walked into my room and walked in front of my mirror.

I looked at my appearance pushing my hair out of my face. Surely I'm prettier than her I thought to myself as I turned to the side. My phone rang and I grabbed it from my jean pocket. I saw it was Angela and closed my door and I pressed answer. "Hey Ange" I said as I climbed onto my bed. "Hey Jess. Has Malory arrived yet? " She asked.

"Yeah. She came earlier today" I sighed. "What is she like? " She asked. "She's pretty boring to be honest. Like she's really dull and she isn't very pretty I mean her hair is full of split ends and she has bad skin" I said. "See I told you there was nothing to worry about " Angela said and I sighed. "Is she coming here or did your mom enrol her in another school? " Angela continued.

"I don't know I didn't ask. I hope she doesn't" I said twirling my hair in my hand. "Jess come on you can't just judge this girl right off the bat when you don't even know her " Angela said. "I know I know. Anyways I'm going to go I have math homework I need to do" I said. "Ok. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye " Angela said before I hung up the phone.

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