Chapter 67 - Breaking Dawn pt 2

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I felt my senses awaken. I could hear the birds outside chirping, the wind lightly blowing through the trees ruffling the leaves. I snapped my eyes open and sat up as I looked around. I could see the dust particles floating around in the air, every paint stroke of the art in Carlisle's surgery. I turned to my right and saw Emmett standing a few feet away, a smile on his face as he watched me.

I climbed off the bed walking over to him and ran my hands up his chest as he wrapped his arms around my waist, one hand caressing my cheek. "You look so beautiful" He said and I smiled as I leaned into his touch not feeling the coldness. "We're the same temperature" I said as I grabbed his hand and he smiled.

He leaned down pressing his lips to mine and I eagerly kissed back, an overwhelming love and lust for him coming over me. I pushed Emmett against the window and he chuckled as we pulled away. "You're gonna have to be delicate with me since you're a lot stronger than I am right now" Emmett said and I smirked as I ran my hand through his hair.

"Go look at yourself" He said pointing to the mirror and I walked over standing in front of it. I looked so...beautiful. My features on my face were more defined. My eyelashes were so long it looked as though I was wearing false eyelashes, my lips were now a beautiful pink rose colour, my cheek bones were more defined and my eyes, were crimson red.

The sun broke through the trees shining through the window onto my right hand and I lifted it up as I saw my skin glisten like diamonds. A smile instantly came to my face and Emmett walked behind me. "Avery!" I said as the realisation and excitement filled me. "She's so beautiful" Emmett said with a big smile.

"Where is she?" I said as I looked around. "Woah babe, hold on, you need to get your thirst under control first" He said and I instantly felt the burning sensation in the back of my throat grow stronger. "Lets go hunt" He said eagerly.

We sprinted out of the surgery to the woods and I looked to Emmett before sprinting ahead leaping from tree to tree flying through the air effortlessly. I landed on the ground beside Emmett as he laughed. Everything was so clear now. I could hear every sound, see every dew drop, smell every scent. it was different but amazing.

We ran to a clearing and Emmett stopped me. "Close your eyes" Emmett said and I closed my eyes. "What do you hear?" He said gently and I listened for every sound. The birds chirping in the trees, the squirrels running through the branches and then, I heard the sound of a bear. I opened my eyes and sniffed where the scent was coming from before Emmett and I ran in the direction.

I hid behind a thick tree trunk and watched as the bear walked through the forest. I turned to Emmett who gave me a nod with a smirk on his face and I ran forward tackling it. The bear tried fighting back but before it could do anything I sunk my teeth into its neck beginning to drink the blood, my thirst instantly clenched.

"I can't believe you took down a fully grown bear on your very first hunt. My wife is a badass" Emmett said wrapping his arm around my waist as we walked back to the house and I giggled. As we approached a new scent filled my nose and I turned to see Bella and Edward walking out of the woods. "Bella?" I said as we walked over and she turned to me, her eyes blood red like me.

"Malory?" Bella questioned as I stopped in front of her with Emmett. "You're ok!" I said as I wrapped her in a tight hug. We pulled away and she looked at me. "You're a vampire?" Bella asked and I nodded. "Yeah. I got turned the night of Renesmee's birth like you" I replied and she nodded. "You're still here" Bella said and I turned to see Jake and...Embry approaching us.

"So are you guys. I didn't expect you two to seem Except for the creepy eyes" Jake said as he walked over. "Embry? What are you doing here?" I said confused. "Uh came to see Jake" He said. "I would keep my distance for now" Bella said as she held her hand out stopping them from getting closer.

"It's safer for the babies to see how you do with us first" Jacob said and I looked at him skeptically as Emmett held my hand in his. "Since when do you care about Renesmee and Avery?" Bella said skeptically as she looked at Jacob. "Alright. Take a whiff" Jake said and I looked to Bella before we stepped forward.

I sniffed the air and nearly gagged at the smell. "Oh my God!" I exclaimed as I covered my nose walking back to Emmett who laughed. "Well I can see what everybody's been talking about Jesus! Guys you really stink" I said in disgust and everyone laughed. Emmett wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me over to him kissing my forehead.

"You guys...really look great together" Embry said. "Want to come meet your daughters?" Edward said to Bella and she turned to me. "Yes!" I exclaimed before we walked into the house.

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