Chapter 19 - New Moon

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"1,2,3" I heard someone whisper before "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!". I opened my eyes and saw Craig, Danielle and Jess standing in my room holding presents. I smiled as I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Danielle sat beside me and hugged me. "Happy birthday Malory!" She said as she rubbed my back. "Thank you Danielle" I said as we pulled away.

"Happy birthday Mal" Craig said as he gave me a brief hug. "Thanks Craig" I said smiling at him. "Happy Birthday" Jess said before handing me a present. I unwrapped it to reveal a jacket and a new pair of black jeans. "Wow thanks Jess" I said hugging her. "This is from Craig and I" Danielle said before handing me a small box.

I opened it to reveal a pair of diamond earrings. "Oh my God they're beautiful!" I exclaimed before hugging Danielle and Craig tightly. "Thank you guys so much" I said as I smiled at them. "No problem honey. Now get dressed and come downstairs, I'll make you some pancakes" Danielle said as she pat my leg and I nodded.

After they had left my room I changed into some jeans, a top, the jacket and jeans Jess had given me. I threw my hair into a ponytail before putting the earrings in. I made my way downstairs where I saw a fresh batch of pancakes waiting for me on the dining table. Everyone sat down and we began digging in. "These are so good" I said after swallowing a mouthful.

After breakfast Danielle took our dishes away and I walked into the kitchen. "Here let me help" I offered as I rolled up my sleeves. "No, no, no! It's your birthday Malory. You don't lift a finger" Danielle said and I sighed with a smile as I shook my head. "Ok" I said before exiting the kitchen. There was a knock at the door and Craig walked over answering it.

"Hello Emmett. Come in" Craig said stepping aside and my smile widened as I saw Emmett. I ran over and wrapped my arms around his neck as I hugged him. "Happy birthday babe" He said after I pulled away and leaned down pressing his lips to mine. "Thank you baby" I said as we pulled away. "Mr and Mrs Stanley, is it alright if I take Malory to my house? My family would like to wish her a happy birthday" Emmett said as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Yeah absolutely. Go have fun" Danielle said from the kitchen and I smiled before walking out of the house with Emmett. We walked over to his jeep and climbed in before he started the car and pulled out of the driveway. We began the drive to his house and I held his hand over the console. "Nice earrings" Emmett pointed out and I smiled.

"Thanks. Danielle and Craig got them for me" I replied and he nodded. "They look beautiful on you" Emmett said before kissing my hand and I smiled again. We soon arrived at the Cullen's house and I climbed out of his car before walking hand in hand with Emmett to the front door. He opened it before I entered the house.

Emmett and I walked up the stairs to the living room where I saw the entire Cullen family and Bella waiting for me. "Happy birthday Malory!" Alice exclaimed happily as she ran over to me embracing me in a tight hug. "Thanks Alice" I said hugging her back. We pulled away and she dragged me over to her family.

"Happy birthday Malory" Jasper said nodding to me and I thanked him. "Happy birthday" Bella said as she hugged me before handing me a small gift. I unwrapped it and saw it was a Paramore CD. "Thank you Bella" I said hugging her. "Happy birthday Malory" Edward said and I smiled at him. "Thanks Edward" I replied before turning to Carlisle and Esme.

Esme pulled me into a warm tight hug as she rubbed my back. "Happy birthday" She said before pulling away. "Happy birthday Malory" Carlisle said. "This one is from both of us" She said before handing me a box. I unwrapped it to reveal a silver charm bracelet. "Oh my God it's beautiful. Thank you so much!" I said before hugging her once more.

I then turned to Rosalie and Damon. "Happy birthday Malory" Rosalie said with a small smile before Damon handed me a box. I unwrapped it to reveal a pair of heeled Louboutin boots. "Get out!" I said before hugging her. "Thank you so much" I said before pulling away. "This one is from Jasper and I" Alice said before handing me a small box.

I opened it to reveal a silver necklace. "Thank you Alice" I said hugging her before turning to the family. "Thank you guys so much for my presents. They're amazing" I said. "Well that's not all your presents" Carlisle said with a smirk. "What?" I said confused and Alice handed me a black sleeping mask. "Put this on" She said and I did as she said placing the black mask over my eyes.

"Should I be scared?" I said as I felt Emmett pick me up. "No Malory" Esme laughed and I felt Emmett walking down the stairs. I heard him exit the front door and walk a few feet before I was put down. "Ok you can take off your mask!" Alice said and I pulled it off to see a brand new black Jeep sitting in front of me with a big red bow on the front.

I gasped as I covered my mouth and turned to Emmett who had a huge smile on his face as he held the keys. "Happy birthday baby" He said. "I-Is that mine?!" I exclaimed in shock and everyone laughed as Emmett nodded. "BABY!" I screamed before leaping in his arms wrapping my legs around his waist as I pressed my lips to his.

After a few seconds we pulled away and Emmett handed me the keys. I ran to the drivers side and climbed in before starting it up, the engine roaring to life. I turned the car off and walked back over to everyone. "Thank you guys so much for this" I said looking over at Esme and Carlisle. "Its our pleasure Malory" Carlisle replied and I smiled before turning to Emmett.

"Thank you babe" I said and he smiled as he wrapped his arm around my waist.


Later that day after I had left the Cullen's I decided to go for a drive. I drove to First beach and parked my car before climbing out and walked up to the cliffs. After a while I made it to the top and sat down a few feet away from the edge. I took in a deep breath before looking out at the horizon.

"Hey mom. I don't know if you can hear me. I really missed you today. Finally reached the big one eight. First birthday without you. I can't believe it's been almost 8 months already. Time really has flown. I don't cry as much anymore which in a way is a relief because now when I think about you, I don't get upset, I just remember the happy times we had. Today's been amazing. Danielle and Craig got me these really beautiful earrings, Jess got me a cute jacket and some nice jeans. The Cullen's got me amazing gifts too. Emmett bought me freaking car. Not a second hand one either. A brand new jeep. I was so shocked when I saw it. I couldn't believe it. First car I've ever owned. Feeling pretty independent. I really miss you mom. I wish I could just have one more moment with you. Just so I can be in your arms one last time. I would give anything for that. I guess I should go back now so I don't keep Danielle waiting. I love you mom" I said before rising from my spot and heading back down to my car.

I climbed in before driving back home. After a few minutes I made it back and parked before climbing out. I walked into the house and saw Craig, Danielle and Jess standing at the table with a cake. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Malory, happy birthday to you. Hip hip, hooray, hip hip, hooray!" They sang and I smiled before leaning over and blowing out my candles.

Danielle handed me a knife and I cut the first slice of cake. "Woohoo!" She cheered before cutting everyone else a slice. "How was your day?" Danielle asked. "Good. Really good" I said as I ate my cake. After finished I decided to head to bed. "I'm gonna head to bed" I said rising from my seat. "Oh ok" Danielle said.

"Thank you so much for today" I said hugging them all before making my way upstairs to my room. I changed into my pyjamas and let my hair down before walking over to my window. I unlocked it and crawled into bed. I felt a rush of wind and turned to see Emmett walking over to my bed. He climbed in next to me and I snuggled into him.

"Thank you so much for today Emmett. It was perfect" I said as he rubbed my back gently. "No problem babe" He replied. "I love you" I said looking up at him and he smiled. "I love you more" He replied before leaning down and pecking my lips.

Emptiness // Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now