Chapter 28

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"I did see something in the woods" Angela said from beside me. "Totally. Baby I believe you" Eric said as he held her hand and I sighed as I pushed my food around on my plate. "No he doesn't he's just trying to get lucky" Jess said causing Eric to laugh. "No, ok. It was jet black and huge. On all fours it was still taller than a person. A bear maybe?" Angela said.

"Or an alien. You're lucky you didn't get probed" Mike said stupidly from my other side and I rolled my eyes. "Well I saw it" Angela said as Bella walked over. "You know you're not the only one. Um, my dads been getting reports at the station. Like fiver hikers have been killed by some bear but they can't find the bear" Bella said as she sat down.

"Hmm" Angela said as she turned to Eric who gave a nervous laugh. "Last time you clowns ever doubt my girlfriend" He said as he looked at everyone and I rolled my eyes. I turned and saw Mike looking at me clearing his throat. "So um Malory you're back" He said and I gave an awkward smile as I nodded.

"Yeah I guess I am" I replied. "Alright well thats-welcome" Mike stammered. " listen, you know, now that, you know you're talking and uh eating again which you know gotta get that protein in there" Mike said as he playfully poked me in the ribs. "Um I was just wondering if you wanted to go see a movie with me" He said catching me by surprise.

"Oh um...ok" I said blinking a few times and I watched as his face lit up. "Cool, umm let me see, we could check out um Love spelled backwards is Love. You know, it's a dumb title but it's a romantic comedy. I mean its supposed to be" Mike said and I sucked in a sharp breath. "Can it please not be a romance movie? I'm not really up for the whole romance thing just yet" I said and he nodded.

"Uh yeah, yeah sure. Any movie you wanna see?" Mike said awkwardly as he scratched the back of his head. "Umm what about Face Punch?" I said remembering the dumb trailer I saw on TV the other day. "I-I mean that's an action movie" Mike stammered. "Yeah. It looked uh pretty good" I said. "Ok" Mike said with a smile.

"We should get a bunch of people to come with us" I said and I watched as his smile dropped slightly. "Hey guys, wanna see Face Punch tomorrow night?" I said turning to the group. "Face Punch? Yeah! Mike, hey, we were supposed to watch that. Remember the trailers like boom punch faces" Eric said. "Yeah" Mike trailed.

"Movie night with Malory" Jess sang and I gave a small smile.


The next night I grabbed my jacket from my bed and slipped it on before checking my appearance. I walked out of my room and down the hall to Jess's room where I knocked on hr door. "Hey are you sure you don't wanna come?" I said and she nodded. "Yeah I uh don't really feel well" She said before giving a cough.

"Ok" I said before shutting her door. I heard a beep and left the house to see Bella's truck where she and Jacob were waiting. I would drive my car but it was getting serviced today and I get it tomorrow. "Hey guys" I said as I climbed into her car before she started to drive off. "Hey. Where's Jess?" Bella asked and I gave a laugh. "She's 'sick'" I said using quotation motions.

"So in other words she bailed?" Bella said and I nodded. "Totally bailed" I replied and Bella chuckled. We made it to town and all climbed out of Bella's truck to see Mike standing alone. "I'll go get out tickets" Bella said before walking off leaving Jacob, Mike and I. "So, Face Punch, huh? You like action movies?" Jacob said trying to make conversation.

"Not really" Mike replied and Jacob chuckled. "I heard it sucks. Bad" Jacob replied and I smiled. "You know, are you even old enough to see this movie? I mean you know without like adult supervision" Mike said and I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. "Right yeah. Well she's buying my ticket for me" Jacob replied. "Buying it, ok" Mike replied awkwardly as Bella walked back over to us.

"Jessica bailed and Angela got the stomach flu so Eric's taking care of her. It's just us four" Bella said. "Great" Jacob said with a smile. "Great" Mike said bluntly. We waled into the theatre and found some seats. I sat beside Mike who was next to Bella. As the movie went on I noticed Mike had his hand on the arm rest slightly open as if he was wanting to hold me.

I cleared my throat awkwardly and tried paying attention to the crappy movie. As it got to a violently gory scene I watched as Mike shifted uncomfortably. "Ok, I think I'm gonna throw up" Mike said before running out of the theatre. I sighed as I grabbed my stuff before following after him. As I exited I saw him run into the mens bathroom.

"What a marshmallow" Jacob said as we walked past the bathroom. "You should hold out for someone with a stronger stomach. Someone who laughs at the gore that makes weaker men vomit" Jacob said to Bella and I, and I sighed. "Yeah I'll keep my eye open for that" Bella replied as we walked over to some stairs.

Emmett would've laughed at that movie. He would've found the fake gore hilarious I thought to myself as I sat down. "What, I can't hold your hand?" Jacob said as he turned to Bella. I realised I had completely zoned out the last few seconds. "No, of course you can. I just think it means something a little different to you so..." Bella trailed.

"Ok well tell me something. You like me right?" Jacob asked Bella and she nodded. "And you think I'm sort of beautiful?" Jacob said. "Jake, please don't do this" Bella said lowly. I sighed and stood up. "Mal, where are you going?" Bella said and I turned to them. "I just can't deal with this like whatever is going on between the two of you right now. The flirting, the hand holding I just-I can't" I said as the tears built in my eyes.

"Mal" Bella said standing up and I shook my head. "I'm just gonna walk home. Clear my head" I said before exiting the theatre. I walked onto the cold street and wiped my tear as I walked. I miss him to much I thought to myself as I bit my bottom lip to stop the tears from falling. After about 15 minutes of walking a car pulled up next to me.

I turned and recognised Mike in the drivers seat. "Need a ride?" He said after winding his window down. "Uh no I'm all good" I said. "Malory, it's about to start pouring down. I'm not gonna let you walk home in the rain and get sick" Mike argued and I sighed before climbing into his car. I buckled my seatbelt and he began to drive off.

"That Jacob guy is such a freak. Threatened to put me in a hospital" Mike said as he shook his head. "Mmm" I responded. Mike began to ramble on about his turbulent on again off again relationship with Jess and I pretended to pay attention. "You know and she just was so clingy and needy" Mike said. "Yeah" I said and he turned to me.

"You ok?" He said and I nodded. "Yeah just, thinking" I said and he nodded. I miss driving with Emmett. He would always drive like a lunatic but it was so much fun. Especially when we would go on dirt tracks in the forest. Then there's Mike, driving Ms Daisy. You need to get over him! I thought to myself.

We pulled up to my street and Mike stopped the car outside my house. "Well uh tonight" Mike said. "Yeah. Than-" I was cut off by Mike pressing his lips to mine. No surprise, I didn't feel anything. He was sloppy, Emmett was lustful. I pushed Mike away with a shocked expression on my face. "Mike what are you doing?" I said. "I-I'm sorry" He stuttered sitting back in his seat.

"Mike, I like you ok? But only as a friend and even if I liked you more than a friend, it couldn't go there because you're Jess's ex boyfriend and it would be wrong. Thanks for dropping me off" I said before climbing out of his car and walking to the front door. I walked into the house and straight up to my room. Tonight was one of the weirdest nights of my life.

Alice's P.O.V

I flipped through the page of my magazine when I felt myself slip into a vision.

Malory was standing at the edge of a cliff looking out at the ocean, tears falling from here eyes. "I'm sorry mom" She said before she was suddenly falling, a bloodcurdling scream coming from her before everything went black.

I came out of my vision and gasped. "Alice, what happened?" Rosalie said as from the chair across from her, a look of concern on her face. "I just had a vision...of Malory. She was falling" I said still shaken up from what I had seen.

Emptiness // Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now