Chapter 75

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"Ok baby are you ready?" I said as I entered Avery's room where she was slipping her coat on. "Yep" She said happily and I smiled. "Ok, lets go say bye to your dad and then we can go to Embry's house" I said and she nodded. We walked to the living room where Emmett was sitting on the couch talking with Damon. "Bye dad" Avery said as she hugged him.

"Bye princess, have fun. I'll see you after" Emmett said as he hugged her. "Have fun kiddo" Damon said as we left and I smiled. We climbed into the Range Rover and I began the drive to La Push. "You excited to see Embry and the pack?" I asked Avery as I looked at her through the rear view mirror.

"Yeah, they said they're going to take me down to the beach to play soccer" Avery said and I smiled. I pulled into Emily's driveway and Embry ran out of the house, a big smile on her face. "Embry!" Avery exclaimed as she ran into his arms and he picked her up effortlessly, spinning her around before putting her down.

"Emily asked me if a special person could help her with decorating the Christmas tree" Embry said and Avery's smile grew. "ME! ME! ME!" She said and I giggled. "Ok Avery, I have to go but I'll be back in a while ok?" I said and she nodded running over and giving me a hug. "Have fun" I said kissing her cheek before she and Embry entered the house.

I climbed back into my car and began the three hour drive to Seattle. My phone began to ring and I hit the answer button on my steering wheel. "Hello?" I said. "Hey it's me" I heard Bella say on the other line. "Hey Bells" I said as I rested my head on my hand as my elbow was pushed against my window. "You on your way to Seattle?" She asked.

"Yeah I've left La Push" I replied. "Ok. I've just left my dads. Mal, are you nervous?" Bella asked and I sighed. "A little" I replied. "Me too. Anway, I'll let you go. I'll see you in a few hours" Bella said. I said goodbye before hanging up. After a while I arrived in Seattle. I parked my car and pulled down the sunshade revealing the mirror.

I grabbed my contacts from my purse and slipped them in blinking a few times. I climbed out of my car and saw Bella arrive. I walked over to her car as she climbed out locking it. "Ready?" I asked and she nodded before we both entered the building heading for the restaurant. As we walked in we approach the waiter at the front desk.

"We're meeting Mr Jenks" I said. "Right this way" The man said before leading us to a curtained part of the restaurant. He opened the curtain and we walked in. "Mrs Cullen and...Mrs Cullen, I'm so happy you called" J said as he shook our hands. He motioned to the two chairs and pulled mine out before I sat down and he pushed me in.

Bella sat beside me and we turned to J. "I always meet my private clients here. It's more comfortable then the office" J said. "And it's more public" Bella replied and he chuckled. "So what type of work do you do J?" I questioned as I looked at him. "Oh you know, this and that. It's always different, which keeps it interesting" He replied and I gave nod.

"Have you known Alice and Jasper long?" Bella asked. "I've been working with them for than 20 years. And my late partner knew Jasper 15 years before that. He is uh unusually well preserved" J said as he looked to Bella. "Yes he is" She replied. "I trust that Mr Jasper is enjoying his vacation?" J questioned. "He didn't tell you were he was going did her?" I asked.

"No, no, no he uh just mentioned he was leaving when he came by to place his order" J replied. "I assume that his order is ready?" Bella asked. "Of course. I've never been late with a delivery" J replied before sliding two envelopes across the table. One to Bella and one to me. I looked around before opening it revealing two fake passports and two fake birth certificates.

I opened the passports and saw images of Avery and Embry. Confusion filled me. Emmett and I aren't travelling with Avery and Embry? I thought to myself. "There a problem?" J asked after noticing my reaction. "No. My husband and I thought we'd all be travelling together" I said. "Jasper said only four were travelling. His instructions were very clear" J replied.

"It was my mistake, obviously that's not going to happen" I said as I put everything back in the envelope. After our meeting with J I headed back to La Push to pick up Avery. As I was driving I pulled off to the side of the road before beginning to dry sob. I felt as though I was crying but the tears never fell. I covered my mouth as I continued to sob.

My worst nightmare was coming true. Avery was going to be without me and I didn't know how long for. After I collected myself I pulled back onto the road and after a while arrived back La Push. Emily walked with Avery out of the house and she ran to me wrapping me in a hug. "Mom look at the pretty shell Embry found for me" Avery said as she held out a shell and I smiled.

"It's beautiful" I said before placing her in the car. We drove back to Forks and I walked with Avery into the Cullen's house where I saw Emmett talking to Garett. Avery ran over to him and he bent down picking her up as he spun her around. She giggled and showed him her shell. I disappeared off to my house where I went into our room.

I walked into the closet and grabbed a backpack along with an emergency stack of cash. I walked to the office and shut the door before grabbing my stationary beginning to write a letter.

My darling Avery,

Leaving you has been one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make. I thought we'd have forever together but unfortunately that isn't possible anymore. I made promise to you; that I would always protect you and keep you safe and this is me keeping that promise. I have sent you away with Embry to keep you safe and away from harm. I know and trust that he will protect and look after you just like your father and I would. In this bag, I have supplied you with everything you need to keep you stable. I have given you $1,000 in cash and a credit card linked to my account.

You are one of the best things that has ever happened to me and no words can describe the love I have for you Avery-Grace. I will love you till the end of time and beyond. I know that we will be together again one day and be a family once more. I love you so much.


Mom x

I folded her letter and placed it in the backpack along with the money and everything else they needed.

Emptiness // Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now