Chapter 70

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(Avery, in the image above played by Kristina Pimenova)

As the weeks passed, everything fell into place. Except for the fact that Jacob being the dumb moron he is nearly blew our entire secret to Bella's dad but other then that everything was working out perfect. There was no more war between the wolves and the Volturi seemed to accept Bella and I's new status, but they'd want proof eventually. There was just one enemy. Time. Avery and Renesmee were growing extremely fast. At this point, Avery was about 8 years old. We all began to worry about how long we would have with them. But it meant that every moment I spent with her was more special.

"You ready to go catch snow flakes with Nessie and aunt Bella?" I said to Avery as I got her dressed and she nodded excitedly. I zipped up her boot before she jumped off her bed. "Lets go say bye to daddy and then we'll leave" I said as I picked her up and she nodded. I walked to my bedroom where I saw Emmett watching the TV.

"Daddy!" Avery exclaimed as I placed her on the bed. "Hey baby girl!" Emmett said as she leapt into his arms sitting her on his lap. "Don't you look beautiful" He said as he looked down at her and she smiled. "We're going to catch snowflakes with Nessie and Aunty Bella!" Avery exclaimed happily. "Really? Make sure you catch a big one and then show it me to after ok?" Emmett said and Avery nodded.

"Come on sweetie, they'll be waiting for us" I said and she jumped off our bed. "I'll see you after" I said quickly pecking Emmett's lips. "I'll be over at Carlisle's" Emmett replied and I nodded. Aver and I left our home and saw Bella, Renesmee, Jacob and Embry waiting for r us. "Nessie!" Avery squealed before running over to her cousin hugging her tightly.

"Hey" I said as I walked over to Bella. "Should we go?" Bella said as she looked at the girls and they nodded. "Mommy, can I ride on Embry?" Avery asked and I nodded before lifting her onto his back. We ran into the woods and came to a clearing. Avery climbed off Embry's back before she and Nessie ran into the snow.

I watched as they leapt into the air before landing gently on the ground. "Mommy, mommy! Look at my pretty snowflake!" Avery said as she ran over. I squatted down as she showed me and I smiled. "Wow Avery, it's so pretty. Why don't you get another?" I said and she nodded before running off.

"Edward thinks we might find answers in Brazil. They're are tribes there that might know something" Bella said to me as we watched the girls running around laughing together. The girls leapt into the air again and I smiled. I felt someone watching us and looked up at the cliffs to see someone standing there.

Avery ran to me hiding behind my leg and I wrapped my arm around her. "Who is that?" Renesmee asked as she held onto Jacob as he and Embry let out a growl. "I think that's our cousin from Denali" I said recognising her to be Irina. "Irina!" Bella called out. I watched as Irina disappeared from the cliff and Bella disappeared after her.

I lifted the girls on Embry and Jacob. A few moments later Bella came back with a confused expression on her face. "Did she say anything?" I questioned. "No. I just missed her. She dove into the water" Bella replied. "Lets go" I said and she nodded before we ran off towards the Cullen's house.

Once we arrived, I grabbed Avery before walking into the house, Bella and Renesmee following. I placed Avery down and she ran right over to Emmett. "You ok hon?" Emmett asked as he saw me and I nodded. "Yeah, we just ran into Irina in the woods" I said and Carlisle turned to me. "Irina?" He questioned confused and I nodded.

"Yeah. I went to go and talk to her but she left before I could say anything" Bella replied. "I'll give the Denali's a call" Carlisle said as he grabbed the house phone. Renesmee and Avery began playing around with each other and I walked over to Emmett. He wrapped his arms around me as I laid my head on his chest.

I looked up and pressed my lips to his before pulling away. "I love you" I said gently and he smiled. "I love you too" He replied before pecking my lips once more. Carlisle hung up the phone and we all turned to him. "Tanya convinced Irina to come reconcile with us" Carlisle said breaking the silence. "It looks like she changed her mind" Edward said from the piano.

"Seeing Jacob and Embry must've been too much for her" Esme said from beside Carlisle. "Wish I could've just spoken to her" Bella said as Emmett and I stood beside her. "She's family. She'll come round" Carlisle said and I bit my bottom lip. Renesmee and Avery walked over to the piano and sat beside Edward. Edward turned to the girls before pressing two keys.

With big smiles on their faces, Renesmee and Avery played the next keys. Edward continued to play the song and I watched as Avery's eyes lit up. Emmett walked behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling my back into his chest.

Emptiness // Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now