Chapter 25

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"It's impossible to get you off my mind, I think about 100 thoughts and you are 99" - One Day by Tate McRae

I sighed as I sat by my window and heard a soft knock on my door. "Come in" I said not taking my eyes off the window. "Mal?" I heard Danielle said gently and I turned to see her walking over. She sat on my bed across from me as I sat on my window cill couch. "Oh hey. Everything alright?" I said giving her a small smile.

She sighed as she shook her head. "I'm really worried about you and your health Malory. You never leave the house anymore, you hardly talk to anyone, never see your friends and these night terrors that your constantly having. You're also losing a lot of weight too. It's not healthy or normal. I thought that maybe it was a phase and it would pass but it's been nearly 3 months now. I think you need some help. Professional help. Maybe a councillor at school or psychiatrist I don't know" Danielle said.

"I know and I'm sorry. I don't mean to worry you" I said as I turned my whole body towards her. "I was thinking last night and this all started after...Emmett and his family left town" Danielle said and I sucked in a sharp breath at the sound of his name. "You really loved him didn't you?" Danielle said and I bit my bottom lip as the tears instantly built in my eyes.

I wiped one as it fell from my eye with my sleeve. "Oh honey" Danielle said as she placed her hand on my thigh and I sniffed as the tears continued to fall. "I've never met anyone like Emmett before and for a long time I had this huge gaping hole in my chest after my mom had died and as soon as I met Emmett, everything felt...normal and that was something I hadn't felt in a long time" I whimpered as the tears continued to fall.

"Oh Malory, it's gonna be ok. It will get better eventually, you just gotta give it time and getting out of the house will help get your mind off things. Why not hang out with Jess at the mall or see Angela or something?" Danielle said and I nodded as I wiped the tears. "Thanks Danielle" I said leaning over and hugging her.

"No problem" She whispered as she rubbed my back. After we pulled away she left my room and I grabbed my phone before calling Bella. After 3 rings she picked up. "Hello?" She said. "Hey Bella, it's me Malory. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today?" I said as I looked at my nails. "I'm actually about to go visit my friend Jacob" Bella said.

"Jacob as in Jacob Black?" I said. "Uh yeah. How do you know him?" Bella said, confusion lacing her voice. "I ran into him the other day in La Push. He's really nice. Mind if I tag along? I need to get out of this house" I said. "Yeah sure. I'll come pick you up" Bella said. "Ok. How long you gonna be?" I said as I stood up.

"10 minutes?" Bella replied. "Ok. I'll see you then " I said before we hung up. I walked to the bathroom and quickly rinsed my face before walking back into my room and changing into a army green sweater, some skinny jeans and my black combat boots. I threw my hair into a messy bun before grabbing my bag.

I heard a honk and saw Bella's truck waiting out the front. I exited my room and walked downstairs. "I'm just going to hang out with Bella" I said to Danielle as she sat in the living room with her laptop. "Ok. Have fun" She said and I smiled before exiting the house closing the door behind me. I walked over to Bella's truck and climbed in the passenger side before buckling my seatbelt.

"Hey. I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever" Bella said and I chuckled. "I know" I replied as she started to drive off. "How have you been?" Bella asked as we drove and I sighed. "Depressed as hell" I answered honestly. "I know how you feel" Bella said and I nodded. "Have you been having like nightmares at all?" Bella asked awkwardly.

"Yep. Every night I wake up screaming or crying" I said. "I'm the same. My dad suggested I move to Florida with my mom" Bella said. "Danielle said I need professional help" I said. "What are yours about?" Bella asked and I sighed. "Emmett, Victoria and James. Every dream Emmett is dead in front of me and I'm killed by Victoria. What about you?" I said turning to her.

"Mine are about that night in the forest when Edward left me" Bella said and I nodded. "So what's under the tarp?" I said looking behind me. "Uh some dirt bikes I saved from the junkyard. Jacob's like into mechanics and I was hoping he could fix them" Bella said and I scrunched my face in confusion.

"Since when were you into like dirt bikes and stuff?" I said and she bit her bottom lip before answering. "The other night when I hung out with Jess I sort of climbed on the back of some random guys motorbike and as he was driving I saw...Edward but it was like in my head? Like he was a hallucination or ghost or something" Bella said.

"So you want to fix these bikes in order to see Edward again?" I said and she sighed. "I know it sounds crazy" Bella said and I chuckled. "It sounds nuts but I know that if I had seen Emmett, I would be doing the same thing" I said and she gave me a small smile. After a while we arrived at a small red house. Bella stopped her truck turning it off.

As we climbed out I saw Jacob running from the shed over to us, a bright smile on his face. "Bella!" He called before stopping in front of Bella and I. "Where the hell have you been loca?" Jacob said as he picked Bella up hugging her. Bella laughed as he put her down and he turned to me. "Hey Malory" He said giving me a big friendly hug catching me by surprise.

"Hey" I said as we pulled away. "I , uh, brought you something" Bella said before opening the tailgate of her truck. "Ok" Jacob said from beside me. "It's a little crazy" Bella said as she pulled off the black tarp revealing two run down dirt bikes. "Wow. Scrap metal. You shouldn't have" Jacob said sarcastically and I giggled.

"I saved it from the junkyard" Bella replied before clearing her throat. "I think they'll probably cost more to fix than they're worth. But then I thought if I had a mechanic friend to help me out then...""Ah, me, being the mechanic-type friend?" Jacob asked. "That's right" Bella replied. "Since when are you into motorcycles?" Jacob said and I gave a chuckle. "That's what I said" I chimed in.

"Since now" Bella said and Jacob sighed. "I get it if you think that this is really stupid and reckless""Yeah I mean, it's completely stupid and reckless" Jacob said cutting Bella off. "When do we start?" Jacob said after a few seconds and Bella's face brightened. " Please" Bella said and Jacob chuckled.

"Alright" Jacob said before stepping past Bella. "Oj, wait, be careful. Those things are actually really heavy so..." Bella trailed before Jacob effortlessly lifted the bike from the truck causing Bella to laugh awkwardly. "Jake, you're like, buff. How did that happen? You're like 16, I don't get it" Bella said from beside me causing Jacob to laugh.

"Age is just a number baby. What are you, like 40 now?" Jacob replied causing me to giggle. "Feels like it sometimes" Bella said as we followed Jacob, who was rolling the bike, towards the shed.

Emptiness // Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now