Chapter 37

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I awoke to my phone ringing in the middle of the night. I groaned as I reached over picking it up to see it was Bella. "Hello?" I said sleepily into the phone. "Hey. I'm about to head over to the Cullen's. Edward is still against me becoming one of them so I figured I would go to the Cullen's and have them vote. Do you wanna come?" said Bella.

"Vote? Like to say yes if they want you to become a vampire and no if they don't?" I said confused. "Yeah. What has Emmett said on it?" Bella asked. "We haven't really spoken about it that much but he's for me becoming a vampire" I replied and I heard Bella let out a sigh. "I wish Edward could be like that. Ok see you in 20?" Bella said.

"Yep. Bye" I said before hanging up. "Looks like we're going to your place" I said as I turned to Emmett who nodded. "Ok. Let's go" He said as he stood up and we left my room walking out of the house to his car. I climbed into the passenger seat and he started it up. "You are for me becoming one of you right? Because if you're like Edward and you want me to live a normal human life I'm gonna whoop your ass" I said playfully and Emmett gave a laugh.

"Yes I am for you becoming one of us. To live with you forever is all I want" Emmett said as he kissed my hand and I smiled. After a few moments the familiar mansion appeared in view and I smiled. Emmett parked his Jeep and we climbed out, walking hand in hand into the house. We walked down the stairs to the living room where I saw everyone was gathered.

I smiled as I walked right over to Esme who had her arms wide open. I walked into them giving her a tight hug as the tears filled my eyes. "I've missed you so much!" I said as she rubbed my back. "Oh I know. I've missed you too" She said as we pulled away and she wiped my tears. I smiled before walking back over to Emmett who wrapped his arms around my waist as I rested mine on his chest.

"You all know what Malory and I want. And we know how much we're asking for. The only thing that I can think of for it to be fair is to just vote" Bella said and I nodded. "You don't know what your talking about" Edward muttered from the stairs. "Shut up" Bella said as she turned looking at him. I bit my bottom lip as I tried not to laugh.

"Alice" Bella said. "I already consider you girls my sisters. Yes" said Alice as she walked forward giving Bella a hug before giving me a tight one too. "Thanks Alice" I said as she walked away. "I vote yes. It would be nice to not want to kill you both all the time" Jasper said and I smiled. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry to both of you for how I've acted. And I'm really grateful that you were both brave enough to go and save my brothers. But this isn't a life I would've chosen for myself. And I wish that there had been someone to vote no for me so, no" Rosalie said and I nodded as I looked to the ground.

"I vote hell yeah. You're both gonna make some badass newborns. Especially you Malory" Damon said I giggled slightly. "Thanks Damon" I said and he nodded at me. "I already consider you girls as apart of the family. Yes" Esme said and I gave her a big smile. Carlisle sighed as he walked forward looking up at Edward.

"Why are you doing this to me? You know what this means" said Edward bitterly. "You and Emmett both have chosen not to live without Malory and Bella which leaves me no choice. I won't lose my sons" Carlisle replied solemnly. "Emmett, do you really want Malory to live this life? For her to never be normal again?" Edward said, trying to persuade Emmett to side with him.

"Edward, you made me leave her once. Living without Malory, was the worst time in my entire life. I would rather burn in hell for eternity than live without her. So I vote yes. To be with her for eternity is all I want" Emmett said and I wrapped my arms around him. After the gathering was over, everyone went their own way.

"Can I stay the night?" I asked as I looked up at Emmett who smirked. "Of course you can babe" He said as he kissed my forehead and I smiled. We walked up the stairs to his room and he closed the door behind us. I fell onto the bed he had bought for me and sighed as I relaxed into the sheets. Emmett fell beside me and I rolled onto my side.

"My mom always told me, you know you've met your soulmate when you know you can't live without them and I now know that I can never be without you. I love you so much" I said gently as I stroked his face. "I love you more" said Emmett before he pressed his lips to mine.

Emptiness // Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now