Chapter 38 - Eclipse

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I let out a content sigh as I stared up at the stars that shined bright in the night sky

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I let out a content sigh as I stared up at the stars that shined bright in the night sky. Emmett and I were currently lying on the windshield of his car looking up at the stars in the field where they play baseball. I snuggled into Emmett more as his arm was across my chest. "They're so beautiful aren't they?" I said, breaking the comfortable silence.

"Not as beautiful as you" said Emmett and I giggled as I turned looking at him. "You're so cheesy" I giggled and he smiled. "Well it's true. Nothing compares to your beauty my love" He said in a funny accent and I laughed. After my giggles died down and turned back to the sky. "I can't wait till I'm one of you. The things you and I could do together" I said.

"What? Have sex nonstop 24/7?" He said and I scoffed as I looked at him. "Not just that" I replied and he laughed. "I mean, we could do anything. Roam the earth with nothing stopping us" I said and he hummed in response. "Just you and me forever" I said as I looked at him. "You and me forever" He replied before leaning down pressing my lips to his; pulling away after a few moments.

"Mal, did you ever want kids?" said Emmett out of nowhere catching me off guard. "Uh I don't know. To be honest I never really thought about it. It sort of frightened me" I replied. "Why? Was it the whole giving birth thing or...""No not so much the giving birth thing but, I saw how hard it was for my mom you know. The sleepless nights when I was sick, the hard hours she worked to give me everything. Just the stress. I just don't think I could handle it" I replied honestly.

"I think you'd be an amazing mother" Emmett replied and I smiled. I let out a sigh and Emmett gently rubbed my arm. "What's wrong?" Emmett asked. "I'm not looking forward to this week" I replied glumly. "Why?" said Emmett. "Wednesday marks...1 year since my mom passed" I replied. "Oh crap babe!" Emmett said as he held me to him tighter.

"I miss her so much. I think about her everyday. What I'd give to have her here" I said as I continued looking up at the stars. "What was she like?" asked Emmett as he gently traced circles on my hip. "The most generous, selfless, caring, loving, funny, brave and strongest woman I've ever met. She would've given the shirt off her back to anyone who needed it. She worked long hours but no matter what, she made it to every assembly, every dance recital, e of very award ceremony. No matter what, she was always there. Every Friday night was out 90's movie flick night. I would come home from school and find her sitting on the couch in her pyjamas, her hair in a messy bun, a glass of wine in her hand, pizza rolls waiting on a plate and a can of soda waiting for me. We would fall asleep together most of the time on the couch and in the morning she'd either make French toast or pancakes. When she was in the hospital, I'd always try and bring her pancakes or French toast. I'd always try to make her comfortable and a little at home like things were normal. It was just me and her against the world" I replied as the tears fell from my eyes, my hand clasping the locket around my neck that held my moms ashes.

"It bothers me so much whenever Bella ignores a call from her mom or complains about her. What I would give to have one last phone call to my mom. One last time to hear her voice. One last time to hear her say I love you. She was my best friend and when she died, my world crumbled. I've always had a love for stars. My mom used to say that when people passed away, they turned into stars, watching over their loved ones when they sleep, protecting them. So sometimes when I really miss her, I talk to the brightest star in the sky because I like to think that's my mom right there watching over me" I continued.

"You mom would be so proud of you babe. I know it" Emmett replied and I gave a small smile. "I hope so" I whispered.

Emptiness // Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now