Chapter 52

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I awoke the next morning and felt ill with the thought of the battle that was going to occur tomorrow. I changed in some black jeans, my snow boots, a long sleeve white t shirt, a red plaid shirt, a black scarf and grabbed my parka before walking over to Emmett's mirror. I grabbed my beanie and ran a quick brush through my hair. I heard the door open and turned to see Emmett.

"Morning" He said as he kissed my temple. "Morning" I mumbled as I slipped my beanie. "What's wrong?" Emmett said as he wrapped his arms around my waist, looking at me in the mirror. "I'm just worried about tomorrow and I have so much anxiety because I'm going to be away from you" I said and Emmett sighed before wrapping me in a hug.

I breathed in his scent as I rested my head on his chest as we held each other for a few moments. "Everything will be ok I promise. And after all this is over, things will go back to normal ok?" Emmett said and I nodded. I leaned up pressing my lips to his before he grabbed my stuff effortlessly as we left.

I took my backpack from Emmett slipping it over my back before I jumped on his back. He sprinted through the woods and within an instant we were in the clearing where Edward and Bella were. "Hey" I said as we made it to them. "Hey" Bella replied. "Malory, the plan is, you and Bella walk back through the woods and make your scent known anyway you can. Touch any tree, rock, bark. Anything. It's your scent that will lead the army here" Edward explained and I nodded.

"Let's go" I said before Bella and I began to walk into the brush. I began brushing my hands along the trees as we walked. "You're not wearing your ring" I said noticing Bella's naked left finger. "Uh yeah I didn't want anything to happen to it" Bella said and I stopped as I looked at her. "Or you didn't want Jacob to see it" I replied and Bella suppressed a sigh.

"I just didn't want to upset him" Bella said as she touched a fern. "He's going to find out anyways Bella" I said. "I know. I'll tell him after. That way he'll have a clear head for the battle" Bella replied and I nodded. Because I was too busy touching trees, I didn't see the log buried under the leaves and tripped falling to the ground.

"Ahhh!" I said as I pulled my left hand up to see a decent cut on my middle finger. I looked at the ground and saw a broken piece of glass poking through the debris and sighed. "Are you ok?" Bella said as she helped me up and I nodded. "Yeah. Just tripped" I said as I looked at my finger, the blood dripping to the ground.

"When this is over, remind me to get Carlisle to give me a tetanus shot" I joked and Bella smiled. "We should head back and get that treated" Bella said. "Hold on a second" I said before walking over to a tree and wiping my finger across the exposed bark. "Good thinking" Bella said and I smirked. As we slowly walked back I made sure to touch every leave, twig and branch with my bloody finger.

"Emmett, could you grab the first aid kit in my bag?" I asked as we walked over. "What happened?" Emmett said as he grabbed my finger. "I tripped and cut my finger on a piece of old glass" I replied as he continued looking at it. "Let me clean it" Emmett said as he grabbed the first aid kit. "Don't make yourself uncomfortable" I said and he smiled as he shook his head.

"Mal, your blood doesn't bother me anymore" Emmett said as he grabbed an alcohol wipe and gently wiped the blood. "Since when?" I said confused. "Well, since I watched you nearly bleed out in front of me in the ballet studio and when I spent 24 hours thinking you were dead" Emmett replied and I bit my bottom lip.

He grabbed a bandaid and carefully wrapped my finger before giving it a kiss and I giggled. "Feel better?" Emmett said and I laughed. "Much better" I replied before kissing his cheek. "Whose head is unclear?" I heard Jacob say and turned to see him and Embry walking over to us. "Nobody's I hope" Bella said as she stopped her quiet conversation with Edward.

"Alice says there's a storm coming" Edward said. "Yeah I can feel it. We should get going" Jacob replied as he looked around. "I'll see you in a couple of hours" Edward said to Bella and I turned to Emmett. "Everything will be alright" Emmett said as he gave me one last hug and I nodded. "Here" Emmett said as he slipped off his black jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders.

"I already have my parka" I said as I smiled. "I know. Just hug this and it'll be as if I'm there with you" He replied and I smiled before pressing my lips to his. We pulled away and I walked over to Embry. He picked me up swiftly and began to run into the woods. I watched as Emmett became smaller and smaller till I couldn't see him anymore.

After a about 3 - 4 hours we arrived at the campsite with Bella and Jacob in toe. Embry gently placed me down and I thanked him before making a bee line to the tent. I unzipped it and walked in placing my stuff down.


I grunted slight as my body violently shivered. The wind blew the tent as I pulled my sleeping bag tighter around me. I was currently wearing a pair of sweatpants, two pairs of socks, my top, my scarf, my beanie Emmett's jacket and my parka yet I was still freezing cold. I had given Bella my plaid shirt and gloves trying to keep her warm.

Each time a breeze came, it went right through me. Bella was shivering beside me as we lay close together trying to keep each other warm. "I should have chosen a site lower down" Edward said as he looked at the both of us. "No it's fine. We're ok" Bella said. Speak for yourself I thought. "What can I do?" Edward asked desperately.

I heard the tent zip open and turned to see Jacob and Embry walking in. "I can't sleep with all that teeth chattering going on" Jacob said as they zipped the tent back up. "Forget it" Edward said as he glared at both Jake and Embry. "They may need their toes one day. And lets face it, I am hotter than you" Jake said smugly as he turned to Edward.

I rolled my eyes at his pathetic behaviour as I continued shiver. They went to walk over to us when Edward grabbed Jacob's arm. "Get your hand off me!" Jacob seethed. "Keep your hands off them" Edward spat back. "Jesus Christ will you guys stop already?! I can't take it anymore! All you guys do is argue like a children! I don't know about you Edward, but I don't think Emmett would be too happy to hear that I froze to death in my sleep!" I snapped as I glared at them all.

Edward gave a small nod and Embry walked over to me. He climbed into my sleeping bag and I gasped as I felt how warm he was. "God Mal you're freezing!" He said as he held me to his chest. "Try and relax. Here take off you coat, you'll warm up quicker" Embry said and I nodded before slipping off my parka leaving me in Emmett's black Nike jacket from earlier.

"Try and rest" Embry said and I laid my head on my pillow as I felt his warmth travel through my body causing me to become sleepy.

Emptiness // Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now