Chapter 26

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I watched in amazement as Jacob knew what parts to grab, which tools were needed. "How long have you been into mechanics Jacob?" I asked and he chuckled. "Since forever. I used to come out here and watch my dad fix his car or put things together all the time before his accident. Sometimes he would strip things down and teach me how to put them back together. Taught me how to replace a battery in a car, fix a flat tire, all the ins and outs of the car engine. Attempted to build my first bike when I was 10 but it completely fell apart the moment I got on it" Jacob said and I giggled.

"I've always had an interest for hands on things. I want to own my own mechanic shop one day" Jacob continued and I nodded. Bella got up from beside me and walked over to the radio turning it off. "That song's good. You don't like it?" Jacob asked briefly looking up from the stripped bike. "Umm I don't really like music anymore, kind of" Bella said awkwardly.

"Ok. No more music" Jacob said. "So I was thinking if we're going to be doing this everyday and hopefully we will, we have to like fit some homework in there somewhere. I don't want Billy thinking we're a bad influence on you" Bella said. "You guys influence me? Please" Jacob said playfully. "Are you...We're older than you, so that makes us the influencers and you the influencee" I said and Jacob laughed.

"No, no, no. My size and knowledge base actually makes me older than both of you because of your general paleness and lack of know-how" Jacob said. "Hey! I can't help my genetic paleness" I said laughing. "I convinced you to build two metal death machines. Don't you think that makes you young and naive?" Bella said.

"Ohhh burn Jacob" I said and he playfully rolled his eyes at me. "Ok so where do we stand?" Jacob said as he turned to us. "We're 35 and you might be 32" Bella said before a knock sounded at the door. "Come on" Jake said. "Yo, Jake you in there?" A guy said and Bella instantly reached for her bag, me doing the same.

"No it's ok, it's just my boys" Jake said to us before looking at the two guys who walked in. "Hey Jake" The one with the long hair said as Jake approached them. "Hey guys, this is Bella and Malory. Girls that's Quil and Embry" Jake said. "Hey" I said giving a small wave. "I'm Quil Ateara" Quil said flirtatiously as he and Embry stared at Bella and I.

"So the bike building story's true" Quil said and a confused expression crossed my face. "Oh, yeah, yeah I taught him everything he knows" Bella said playfully. "What about the part where one of you is his girlfriend" Quil said and I my eyes widened in disbelief. "Uh, we're friends you know" Bella said awkwardly and I nodded as I bit my bottom lip.

"Ohh burn" Embry said as he and Quil chuckled. "Actually remember, I said they're girls and friends" Jacob said awkwardly. "Embry do you remember him making that distinction?" Quil said turning to Embry. "Nope" Embry replied. "So you guys have girlfriends? That's awesome" I said sarcastically causing Jacob to laugh.

"Yeah right. Quil's actually taking his cousin to prom" Jacob said causing Embry and I laugh. "Yeah it's still a riot" Quil replied causing Jacob to snicker. "You want funny Black? I'll give you funny" Quil said before running at Jacob, the two of them beginning to wrestle as Embry walked over to Bella and I. "I got five bucks on Quil" He said and I chuckled. "You're on" Bella said.

As the weeks went on, I began to feel somewhat normal again. Spending time with Jake and Bella was really great. It distracted me from the pain of Emmett's absence and it was good. I could feel the gaping hole in my chest beginning to heal. I was able to smile and laugh again and it felt amazing to be able to do that.

Everything is...ok I guess. But no matter how much time I spend with Bella and Jake, I still have the nightmares. Though they're not as frequent as before, they're still there. They still haunt me.


I gasped as I was in the ballet studio and saw Emmett standing in front of me, Victoria behind him. "End her" She whispered in his ear and Emmett began approaching me causing be to step backwards into a pillar. "Emmett no!" I cried before he lunged on me causing me to scream.

*End of dream*

"Mal!" Someone said as they stroked my head and I opened my eyes, panting, to see Danielle leaning over me. "I'm sorry" I said as I rubbed my face. "No you don't have to apologise. It's not your fault" She said as I sat up. "You've been doing good lately. Much better" She said as she placed her hand on my thigh.

"Hanging out with Bella and Jake has helped take my mind off things I guess" I replied sheepishly and she gave me a small smile. "See? I told you that would happen" She said and I nodded. "Get some rest" She said patting my leg before leaving my room closing my door quietly behind her.

Emptiness // Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now