Chapter 50

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"So Edward is staying with Bella?" I said as Emmett and I drove to the clearing where we were meeting Jasper, Edward, Bella, Embry and Jacob. Emmett nodded and I sighed. "Why can't you stay with me? It's not fair" I whined as I leaned my head against the window. I felt Emmett place his hand on my thigh and I rested mine on top of his.

"I know baby. I want to be with you too but I can't. I'm the strongest and biggest person in my family. They'll need me" Emmett replied and I nodded. We soon arrived and climbed out of his jeep. Emmett and I walked hand in hand to everyone else. "You're not fighting? Did you pull a muscle or something?" Jacob said sarcastically as he and Embry approached Bella, Edward, Jasper and I.

"He's doing it for me ok?" Bella said. "What about you muscles? You staying out of the action too?" Jacob said as he looked to Emmett. "No. I'm fighting" Emmett spat as he glared at Jacob. "Whatever. Just tell us the plan" Jake said. "This field will give us an advantage in the battle. We need to lure the newborns with the girls scent. But it needs to end here" Jasper explained.

"Edward, Malory and I are going to a campsite. Even if Emmett and Edward carry us, they'll still pick up on our scents" said Bella from beside Edward. "Your stench however, is revolting" Edward spat. "Dude, you really don't wanna go comparing stinks" Jacob said and I rolled my eyes.

"Jesus Christ, will you two ever stop being so childish with one another?" I snapped as I crossed my arms. "What he means is that yours and Embry's scent will mask ours if you carry us" Bella said. "Done" Jacob said and Embry nodded. "This is not a good idea" Edward complained. "Edward, they won't want to get anywhere near their...odour" Jasper said as he looked to Jacob.

"Ok let's just try it" I said before walking over to Embry who effortlessly picked me up bridal style and I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Eau de wolf coming up" Jacob said as he held Bella. "Run" Emmett snapped before Jacob and Embry disappeared into the woods going different ways.

"Jacob is so childish sometimes" I said shaking my head and Embry let out a chuckle. "Not so much childish but stubborn" Embry replied and I nodded. "Very true and Edward is so argumentative and instigative with him" I said and Embry let out another chuckle. "Jacob has always been stubborn. Even when we were young" said Embry as we continued to walk.

"Do you think he loves Bella?" I questioned and Embry purse his lips. "I think he's infatuated with her but she's not his soulmate like he believes she is" Embry replied and I nodded. "How do you know?" I asked out of curiosity. "Because he would've imprinted on Bella" said Embry and I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion.

"Imprinted? What's imprinted?" I said. "Imprinting is...I guess when a wolf find their soulmate. Like a blind man seeing the sun for the first time. When a wolf imprints on a girl, he instantly becomes bound to her for the rest of their lives. A sort of gravitational pull towards her. Wherever she goes, he goes. Everything else in his life becomes secondary to her. She is all that matters to him. He will be anything she needs, a brother, a best friend, a shoulder to cry on, a lover. Anything" Embry explained.

"Wow. You seem to know a lot about it. Have you imprinted on someone?" I asked and Embry gave a small chuckle as he shook his head. "No. Sam imprinted on Emily and since we can hear each other's thoughts, we all got a glance of what it was like" Embry replied and I nodded. "Has anyone else imprinted?" I said and Embry nodded.

"Jared imprinted on a girl named Kim from school, Paul imprinted on Rachel Black, Jacob's older sister and Quill imprinted on Emily's 5 year old niece Claire" Embry replied and my eyes widened. "He imprinted on a kid?!" I said in shock. "Yeah but he's not in love with Claire like some pedophile. Right now they're like brother and sister but as she gets older it will develop into a best friend like relationship then a romantic one when she's old enough. Like I said an imprinter will be anything his imprintee will need. And in Claire's case, that's a brother" Embry explained and I nodded.

Emptiness // Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now