Chapter 66

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"I can't wait till all this is over. Hopefully everything goes right, then, I'll finally be one of you" I said as Emmett and I cuddled on the couch. He chuckled as he placed his hand on my stomach. "I can't wait to meet this little guy here" He said and I giggled. "Whose to say it's going to be a boy?" I questioned playfully. "Trust me. I know it's a boy" He replied and I rolled my eyes.

I turned and saw Carlisle and Esme walking over to Emmett and I. "We didn't mean to interrupt anything" Esme said and I shook my head. "It's fine. You didn't" I replied giving her a smile. "Emmett, we need you to come hunting with us tonight. Bella and Malory could deliver any day now and Carlisle needs to be at his strongest to help them" Esme explained.

"You won't be able to get past the wolves without them killing you" I spoke up. "We know. Jacob's going to help us out. He's going to distract them while we quickly hunt" Carlisle replied and I nodded. "I'm in" Emmett said as he climbed off the bed. "Ok. Be ready because we're leaving" Carlisle said before he and Esme left our room.

"Please be careful" I begged and Emmett gave me a reassuring smile. "I will be" He said before kissing my forehead and walking off. I laid down on the couch letting out a sigh before closing my eyes trying to get some sleep.


"Malory, can you please help me convince Bella to find another boys name. Something a little more elegant" Rosalie said as she turned to me. I heard someone walk up the stairs and turned to see Jacob. Rosalie and Alice helped Bella and I stand up. "Hey. Are you ok?" Bella said as she rubbed her stomach.

"Yeah. It's not like I'm the one carrying a demon" Jacob replied sarcastically and I smiled. "This is pretty important girls. Why don't you tell Jacob what you've decided" Rosalie said. "What now?" Jacob said confused. "Rose is trying to talk Bella and Malory out of their baby names" Edward said. "She hates them" Bella said.

"Well then I'm on your side no matter what you pick" Jake replied. "They're not that bad" I said as I turned to Rosalie who rolled her eyes. "If it's a boy, EJ. Edward Jacob" Bella replied. Really? EJ? She couldn't have come up with something better or nicer for a boy? I thought to myself. "Mal?" Alice said and I smiled. "If mine is a boy, Jonah" I said and she smiled.

"Ok fine. That one's not awful. Why don't you tell him the girls name. Mal, you first" Rosalie said happily. "If it's a girl, Avery-Grace" I said and Jake smiled. "I like it" He said and I smiled before turning to Bella. "I was playing around with our moms names. Renee and Esme. And I was thinking...Renesmee" Bella said as she looked at Jacob. "Renesmee?" Jacob questioned as he thought about it and Edward chuckled behind him.

"Too weird?" Bella asked. "Ummm..." Jake said speechless. "No that's not too weird. It's beautiful and it's unique which certainly fits the situation. I like Renesmee" Edward replied and I gave a small smile. "Me too. It has a nice ring to it" I said as I looked to Bella who smiled. "He likes it" Bella said as Rose went to hand her the styrofoam cup.

Bella went to grab the cup when she knocked it from Rosalie's hand. She went to bend down to grab it when a sickening crack rang through the room. I gasped as she bent in an awkward angle before falling to the ground, Edward rushing over and grabbing her head before it hit the ground. "Bella!" I cried as Alice held me up.

Edward picked her up and rushed her to Carlisle's surgery. "Malory calm down ok?! Don't stress yourself out" Alice said as she stood in front of me and I nodded taking some deep breaths as she sat me down. "Alice!" I heard Edward call. "I'll be right back" Alice said and I nodded before she disappeared.

After a few minutes I saw Alice shoving Rosalie out of the surgery room. "Rose?!" I said and I heard her growling as Alice held her by her throat. They walked outside and I heard the commotion and screaming coming from Carlisle's office. I winced as I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. Another shooting pain came through me and I gasped.

"Ahhh!" I cried out. "Malory?! Are you ok?" Alice asked as she walked over to me. "I don't know. I keep feeling these sharp cramp like pains" I said and worry crossed Alice's face. I heard a babies cry and looked towards Carlisle's surgery. "Jacob take the baby" I heard Edward say out of desperation.

Rosalie entered the office and returned a few seconds later holding a baby wrapped in a blue towel. "Rosalie! I think Malory may be having contractions" Alice said and Rosalie's eyes widened. "What?!" She exclaimed in shock. I felt another pain come over me and I groaned as I held my stomach. "ALICE! JASPER! DAMON!" I heard Edward yell.

"Rosalie! Help Malory!" Alice said before she disappeared from my sight. "Here, lie down Mal" Rosa said and I nodded lying back on the couch. "Carlisle should be back soon and he will be able to help you ok? Just try taking some deep breaths" Rose instructed and I nodded taking deep breaths. A worse pain shot through me and I let out a scream of pain as tears welled in my eyes.

"Breathe Malory! Breathing will help slow down the contractions!" Rose said as she grabbed my hand. I heard the doors open and looked to see Carlisle instantly at my side. "Lets get Mal to my surgery. I have another bed waiting for her" He said. Emmett helped me sit up and as he did I felt a pop. "My water just broke" I said shakily.

"We need to get her there now!" Carlisle said and Emmett picked me up before rushing me to Carlisle's surgery where I saw Bella's body. "Bella?!" I said shakily as I looked at her. Everything was happening so fast. Carlisle had pulled my pants off, before injecting a needle into my leg. "Ok Malory, when your next contraction comes I need you to push" He said and I nodded.

After a few seconds I felt a contraction and cried out as I pushed as I hard as I could. "Keep pushing! Keep pushing!" Carlisle instructed. I screamed out in pain as I felt the baby fighting to get out. "I think something's wrong!" I cried. "The umbilical cord is wrapped around the babies neck! Malory I need you to give me one strong push!" Carlisle said.

I gave one last as strong as I could push and I heard the cry of my baby. "It's a girl" Carlisle said as he handed her to me. I looked into her eyes as I felt myself become dizzy. "Esme, come take the baby. Malory is haemorrhaging badly. Emmett, she needs to be turned now before her heart stops!" Carlisle exclaimed and Emmett came to my side.

"I love you so much Malory" He whispered before sinking his teeth into my neck and everything went black.

Third person P.O.V

As the days passed, Emmett stayed by his wife's side listening. He listened to her heart beat get slower and slower as the hours passed. He watched as her skin began to become slightly paler, her features changing and becoming more defined. And then he heard the last beat of her heart before it completely stopped...silencing filling the room.

Emptiness // Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now