Chapter 15

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I leaned my head on the window as I watched the scenery pass. We were currently driving through the middle of nowhere on the way to Arizona. Bella was fast asleep beside me. I don't understand how she can sleep; here I am riddled with anxiety from being away from Emmett and fear because there is a crazed sadistic vampire trying to kill me.

"I can feel your worry and fear Malory" Jasper said breaking the silence as he looked at me through the rear view mirror and I sighed. "Sorry. I know it can be difficult for you, I'm just worried about Emmett and being away from him" I said. "You don't have to worry about him. He'll be able to take care of himself" Jasper said trying to reassure me.

"You look tired, you should rest. We still have a while" Alice spoke up. "I can't. I'm just so worried" I said slightly shaking my head. I saw Jasper smirk before a huge wave of calmness came over me, my anxiety and worry ceasing. I let out a yawn and closed my eyes as I drifted off.


"Malory? Malory" Someone said as they softly shook me. I opened my eyes and turned to see Alice at my door which was now open. I stretched as I looked around and saw that we were at the hotel. I climbed out of the car and grabbed my stuff before we walked into the hotel. Jasper and Alice went to the front desk whilst Bella and I sat on a bench.

"You ok?" Bella asked and I nodded. "Yeah just missing Emmett" I said and she nodded. "I know how you feel" Bella said. Jasper and Alice walked over to us and I arose from my seat. We all walked to the elevator and entered it. Alice pressed the 5th floor and the doors closed. "So how long are we going to be here for?" I said.

"Until James is killed" Jasper said and I nodded. The elevator doors opened after we reached our floor and we all exited. Bella and I followed Alice as she walked down the hall to our room and once she had found it she placed the key card in unlocking it. We entered and I walked straight to the bedroom.

I walked to the windows and closed all the blinds darkening the room and before crawling into the bed and getting under the covers after kicking my shoes off. I got comfortable before closing my eyes drifting into a dreamless sleep.


The next morning I awoke and entered the small ensuite shutting the door behind me, locking it. I stared myself in the mirror and saw my hair was in a messy ponytail, my face was slightly pale and I had dark circles under my eyes. I sighed and grabbed out my shampoo and conditioner before turning on the shower. I began to undress as the small bathroom steamed up.

I entered the shower and sat down on the ground letting the hot water cover me. I covered my face with my hands as I let out a sob. In a matter of hours my life had changed drastically. I went from playing a fun game of baseball to panic stricken because my life was now in danger. After a few moments I had composed myself and stood up from the ground before quickly washing my hair.

After a while I climbed out and wrapped the towel around me. I brushed my wet hair and quickly got dressed into a white three quarter sleeve blouse, jeans and my converse. I exited the bathroom and out of the bedroom to the living room where Alice, Jasper and Bella were. Bella was sat on a couch deep in thought and Alice and Jasper were talking lowly.

Alice let out a gasp as her eye became clouded. "What is it? What do you see?" Jasper said as he wrapped his arm around Alice as she remained silent for a few moments. "The tracker, he just changed course" Alice said and I bit my bottom lip out of anxiousness. "Where will it take him Alice?" Jasper said as he grabbed some paper and a pencil handing it to Alice.

"Mirrors, a room full of mirrors" Alice said as she began to sketch. Her drawing started to look like a...ballet studio. "Edward said the visions weren't always certain" Bella said from beside me. "She sees the course people are on while they're on it. If they change their minds, the vision changes" Jasper explained.

"Ok so the course the trackers on now is gonna lead him to a...ballet studio?" I said as I looked at the drawing. "You've been here?" Alice said confused. "Uh y-yeah I think so. For 2 years mom and I lived here for her job and I took lessons there for a couple of months when I was kid. It had an arch just like that" I said confused.

"Hey, I used to dance there too" Bella said as she looked at the drawing. Bella's phone suddenly rang and she walked off as she answered it. "Why would he go to a ballet studio?" I said confused. I heard my phone ring from the bedroom and I walked off to answer it. I picked it up and saw it was Emmett calling.

"Emmett" I breathed after pressing answer. "We've lost the tracker. He figured out we were trying to lure him off and disappeared" Emmett said. "Yeah Alice just had a vision that he changed his course. So what's going to happen now?" I replied as I sat on the bed. "Well the woman, Victoria is still in the area so Rosalie, Esme and Damon are going to stay in forks and guard Bella's dad and your family" Emmett said.

"What about Bella and I?" I said. "I'm going to come pick you up and then you and I are going somewhere alone until this is all over and James is dead" Emmett replied. "I'm so sorry for putting you in danger Malory" Emmett said. "Hey, it's not your fault. Don't feel bad ok? You couldn't help it and you didn't know it was going to happen" I said running my fingers through my hair.

"We'll be there soon ok?" Emmett said. "Ok. I love you" I said as I rose from the bed. "Love you too baby" Emmett replied before I hung up the phone. I began packing when my phone rang again. Not recognising the number I cautiously answered.


Emptiness // Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now